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MOCK ACTION RESEARCH PROPOSAL Seay Lynn Phillips EDU671:Fundamentals of Educational Research Instructor Susan Hughes February 06, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "MOCK ACTION RESEARCH PROPOSAL Seay Lynn Phillips EDU671:Fundamentals of Educational Research Instructor Susan Hughes February 06, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 MOCK ACTION RESEARCH PROPOSAL Seay Lynn Phillips EDU671:Fundamentals of Educational Research Instructor Susan Hughes February 06, 2014

2  Area of Focus The purpose of this study is to determine the educational and behavioral benefits of first grade teachers looping with their students for three years, from first to third grade. Many schools or whole districts are beginning to have their teachers loop with students for a number of years. One has to wonder exactly how beneficial this plan actually is.

3  Literature According to Liz Sidoti (2000) “It's really an extended partnership between the child, the parents and the teachers to make sure the child gets a solid education. It brings back an element I believe today's children are missing - family structure and stability - because it involves the parents". According to Rausmussen, K (1998) “With their extra time in the second year, Jones and her students pursued topics they were interested in. During a heritage unit, the class studied quilts. Their fascination with tessellation led them to an in-depth study of math, science, and the work of Dutch artist M.C. Escher. Using a computer, students created their own designs and made quilts out of paper”.

4  Defining the variables(considerations) What exercises do teachers feel they waste too much valuable time on each year? What subjects are students struggling with the most? What has not worked in the past? Possible outcomes for keeping teachers and students together longer? Will parents approve? What are the ethical concerns?

5  Research questions Are teachers able to save valuable teaching time by not having to reassess each student and get to know knew students every year? Will students benefit from having more time with one teacher? Will students, teachers and parents be able to form a better bond by being together longer?

6  Intervention/Innovation Students will start their first grade school year and continue with the same teacher until the end of third grade. Students, Teachers, and Parents will be given surveys and assessments prior to the start of their first grade year. Then another assessment between each year and at the end of the third year. I will also monitor students behavior and attitudes in the classroom and at home by way of survey.

7  Data Collection Data will be collected by way of: surveys assessments and behavior logs.

8  Considerations? Consent must be received from every parent before beginning any research. All information regarding a parents own student is readily available to them. No students information will be given to another parent. Every students identity is to remain confidential for the study.

9  Data Analysis and Interpretation HOPEFULLY….. Assessment results improve Attitude improvement Behavior improvement Family involvement improvement

10  Steps to Action Chart Steps to ACTION PLAN 1Collaborate with teachers and decide which teachers will participate in the study. 2We will then collaborate with parents and inform them of the study, gain consent, and form 3 first grade classrooms with the students. 3 I will survey each student, parent and teacher regarding their overall opinion of looping, what they hope to accomplish with the loop, reading scores and behavioral issues. 4Students will begin first grade. 5Students will be re-assessed, surveyed and behavioral issues will be evaluated and recorded once again. 6This process will be repeated at the beginning and end of each school year until the students finish third grade. 7Finally, data will be gathered from all surveys, assessments and behavioral records and a final collection of results posted.

11 References Rausmussen, K.(1998) Looping: Discovering the benefits of multiyear teaching. The Association for Supervision and Curriculum. Retreived from ucation- update/mar98/vol40/num02/Looping.aspx Sidoti, L. (2000, Jul 09). Looping: Teachers, students stay together 2 or 3 years to promote learning. The Charleston Gazette. Retrieved from accountid=32521

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