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20. Change and Continuity Standard: Examine change and continuity in the world since the 1960s. Essential Question: What change and continuity ensued in.

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Presentation on theme: "20. Change and Continuity Standard: Examine change and continuity in the world since the 1960s. Essential Question: What change and continuity ensued in."— Presentation transcript:

1 20. Change and Continuity Standard: Examine change and continuity in the world since the 1960s. Essential Question: What change and continuity ensued in the world since the 1960s?

2 Fall of the Berlin Wall Element: Analyze efforts in the pursuit of freedom; include anti-apartheid, Tiananmen Square, and the fall of the Berlin Wall.

3 Ronald Reagan: “Evil Empire” "Here's my strategy on the Cold War: We win, they lose." - Ronald Reagan

4 Activator Have you ever fiercely competed with someone even when you knew it was in your best interest not to? Why would someone or some country do it?

5 Fall of the Berlin Wall Description: separated East and West Germany since 1961 Reasons for Fall: 1989 - protesters demanded to be able to travel freely November 9 the wall came down, and Germany reunited

6 Let’s Summarize… What event symbolized the Cold War was coming to an end?

7 Soviet Collapse Element: Describe the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991 that produced independent countries; include Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and the Baltic States.

8 Spending Too Much Soviets waged an unsuccessful war in Afghanistan. (1980-1990) Mostly b/c of us The arms race had cost the USSR trillions and in 1987, they ended it USSR was on the verge of bankruptcy


10 The August Coup Hardliners demanded a return to the old ways and an end to democracy August 1991: they captured Gorbachev and ordered the military to fire on protesters in Moscow The military refused, and the army left Moscow

11 Let’s Summarize What two military situations had the USSR facing bankruptcy? What term was used to describe those who wished to end democracy? Why would the U.S. train “future terrorists?”

12 End of the Evil Empire Within months of the coup, all 15 republics had declared their independence. On Christmas of 1991, Gorbachev resigned and the Soviet Union ceased to exist.


14 Russia Under Yeltsin Boris Yeltsin served as president of Russia Issued “shock therapy”- instant shift to free market economy. Inflation rose by 800%, unemployment sky rocketed, and many were homeless.


16 Let’s Summarize… What Yeltsin economic policy opened up Russia to the free market? What were the effects of “shock therapy?” Which president of the U.S. is given credit for ending the Cold War?

17 Terrorism Element: Analyze terrorism as a form of warfare in the 20th century; include Shining Path, Red Brigade, Hamas, and Al Qaeda; and analyze the impact of terrorism on daily life; include travel, world energy supplies, and financial markets.

18 Activator Would you be willing to give up some of your civil rights in exchange for protection against terrorism?

19 What is terrorism? Terrorism is the use of force or threat to change policies. 14,000 terrorist attacks worldwide since 1960. Many modern terrorists are driven by a “religious calling.”

20 Terrorist Tactics Terrorists generally use bombs and bullets. Targets are chosen in order to gain attention and to scare.

21 Let’s Summarize… Using threats or force to attempt to change a policy is known as what? What motivates many modern terrorists? What kinds of places do terrorists target?

22 Attack on the United States On September 11, 2001, 19 terrorists hijacked four airplanes. Two crashed into the World Trade Center, one into the Pentagon, and another into an empty field in Pennsylvania.






28 The U.S. Response The group Al-Qaeda, led by Osama bin Laden organized the attack. The U.S. invaded Afghanistan in Oct. 2001. Bin Laden was killed in May 2011, but war continues.

29 Let’s Summarize… What is the name of the terrorist organization responsible for 9/11? Why did the U.S. invade Afghanistan? In what year did the war in Afghanistan end?

30 Antiterrorism Measures The Dept. of Homeland Security was est. in 2002 to fight terrorism. Their main job is to find “sleepers.” They generally detain Arabs and Muslims who look suspicious.

31 The Patriot Act (2002) This act allowed the government to take away suspected terrorists’ civil rights. Tap phones and e-mail, detain foreigners for 7 days, investigate bank accounts etc.

32 Patriot Act Controversy

33 But, have they forgotten?

34 Why it Matters… Do you think the Patriot Act is a positive good for America?

35 Industrial Revolution Industrial Revolution- 18th and 19th century movement in which people began producing goods by using machines. Led to urbanization- moving to the cities, child labor, and immigration.

36 Globalization Global Economy- All financial interactions between people, businesses, and governments that cross borders. Companies that operate in multiple countries are known as multinational companies. (Car,Gas, clothes)

37 Negative Effects of Globalization

38 Expanding Free Trade Since 1995, the World Trade Organization (WTO) ensured that trade is fair between nations. NAFTA- No tariffs (taxes) between Canada, U.S., and Mexico. Europe has a similar agreement (E.U.)

39 Opec Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries international organization established in Baghdad, Iraq headquartered in Vienna, Austria Controls price per barrel of petroleum

40 Political Problems Demand for resources causes political problems. The main source of energy for nations is oil. Countries’ economies are dependent on oil so prices and supply can cause tension.



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