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Deloitte UK screen 4:3 (19.05 cm x 25.40 cm) © 2012 Drivers Jonas Deloitte. All rights reserved. Delivering Growth The NPPF and Localism in Practice Leonie.

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1 Deloitte UK screen 4:3 (19.05 cm x 25.40 cm) © 2012 Drivers Jonas Deloitte. All rights reserved. Delivering Growth The NPPF and Localism in Practice Leonie Oliva, Director Drivers Jonas Deloitte

2 Deloitte UK screen 4:3 (19.05 cm x 25.40 cm) © 2012 Drivers Jonas Deloitte. All rights reserved. White markers indicate position off Drawing Guides 7.40 cm 2.91 Inches 6.00 cm 2.36 Inches 8.00 cm 3.15 Inches  11.70 cm  4.61 inches 0.50 cm  0.2 inches   0.50 cm  0.2 inches 11.70 cm  4.61 inches  To view Drivers Jonas Deloitte drawing guides: 1.Right-click on slide and select ’Grid and Guides...’ 2.Check ’Display drawing guides on screen’ 3.Select ’OK’ 6.75 cm 2.66 Inches Localism Agenda “We’ve got to get rid of the centralised bureaucracy that wastes money and undermines moral……We need to create communities with oomph – neighbourhoods who are in charge of their own destiny, who feel if they club together and get involved they can shape the world around them.” (Prime Minister,19 July 2010)

3 Deloitte UK screen 4:3 (19.05 cm x 25.40 cm) © 2012 Drivers Jonas Deloitte. All rights reserved. Localism Agenda Community Empowerment – Rights to Bid and Build Abolition of Regional Strategies Neighbourhood Plans - part of development plan Must be conformity with “strategic elements” of the development plan Can promote more but not less growth Premise: empowered communities + fiscal incentives = support for growth Incentives for Growth CIL New Homes Bonus

4 Deloitte UK screen 4:3 (19.05 cm x 25.40 cm) © 2012 Drivers Jonas Deloitte. All rights reserved. National Planning Policy Framework At the heart of the NPPF is a “presumption in favour of sustainable development” - a golden thread running through both plan-making and decision-taking “Sustainable” means ensuring that better lives for ourselves don’t mean worse lives for future generations “Development” means growth So “sustainable development” is about positive growth – making economic, environmental and social progress for this and future generations Development that is sustainable should go ahead – without delay

5 Deloitte UK screen 4:3 (19.05 cm x 25.40 cm) © 2012 Drivers Jonas Deloitte. All rights reserved. Delivering Sustainable Development Means: “contributing to building a strong, responsive and competitive economy, by ensuring that sufficient land of the right type is available in the right places and at the right time to support growth and innovation; and by identifying and coordinating development requirements, including the provision of infrastructure.” “supporting strong, vibrant and healthy communities, by providing the supply of housing required to meet the needs of present and future generations; and by creating a high quality built environment, with accessible local services that reflect the community’s needs and supports its health and well-being” “contributing to protecting and enhancing our natural, built and historic environment; and as part of this helping to improve biodiversity, use natural resources prudently, minimise waste and pollution, and mitigate and adapt to climate change, including moving to a low-carbon economy” An economic role A social role An environmental role

6 Deloitte UK screen 4:3 (19.05 cm x 25.40 cm) © 2012 Drivers Jonas Deloitte. All rights reserved. NPPF and Sustainable Development Planning should be “genuinely plan-led, empowering local communities to shape their surroundings with succinct local and neighbourhood plans setting out a positive vision for the future of the area.” (para 17) “Significant weight” should be placed on the need to support economic growth through the planning system (para 19) Aim is to significantly boost the supply of housing (para 47) Green Belt - great importance (para 79)

7 Deloitte UK screen 4:3 (19.05 cm x 25.40 cm) © 2012 Drivers Jonas Deloitte. All rights reserved. White markers indicate position off Drawing Guides 7.40 cm 2.91 Inches 6.00 cm 2.36 Inches 8.00 cm 3.15 Inches  11.70 cm  4.61 inches 0.50 cm  0.2 inches   0.50 cm  0.2 inches 11.70 cm  4.61 inches  To view Drivers Jonas Deloitte drawing guides: 1.Right-click on slide and select ’Grid and Guides...’ 2.Check ’Display drawing guides on screen’ 3.Select ’OK’ 6.75 cm 2.66 Inches Adderbury, Oxfordshire, 65 Homes and Sports Pitch Appeal Dismissed by Inspector, June 2012 Therefore proposal does not constitute sustainable development Proposals not supported by community who want to deliver a Neighbourhood Plan - contrary to para 17 of NPPF For Against 3.1 yrs housing land supply weighs strongly in favour of appeal Higher than required level of affordable housing Location is sustainable - access to services and linkages to Banbury In countryside and contrary to policy Inspector not satisfied on good design Dismissed - benefits outweighed by harms For

8 Deloitte UK screen 4:3 (19.05 cm x 25.40 cm) © 2012 Drivers Jonas Deloitte. All rights reserved. White markers indicate position off Drawing Guides 7.40 cm 2.91 Inches 6.00 cm 2.36 Inches 8.00 cm 3.15 Inches  11.70 cm  4.61 inches 0.50 cm  0.2 inches   0.50 cm  0.2 inches 11.70 cm  4.61 inches  To view Drivers Jonas Deloitte drawing guides: 1.Right-click on slide and select ’Grid and Guides...’ 2.Check ’Display drawing guides on screen’ 3.Select ’OK’ 6.75 cm 2.66 Inches Winchester, Barton Farm, Cala Homes Appeal Allowed by SOS, October 2012 Lack of 5 yr housing land supply Substantial contribution to need for affordable housing In accordance with growth agenda – housing is an important economic driver and scheme will generate jobs Some adverse visual impacts Modest conflict with development plan No conflict with NPPF and presumption in favour of sustainable development lends further support For Against Increased congestion and pollution Allowed – benefits outweigh the harms and any modest conflict with development plan Perception of Localism Agenda being disregarded

9 Deloitte UK screen 4:3 (19.05 cm x 25.40 cm) © 2012 Drivers Jonas Deloitte. All rights reserved. White markers indicate position off Drawing Guides 7.40 cm 2.91 Inches 6.00 cm 2.36 Inches 8.00 cm 3.15 Inches  11.70 cm  4.61 inches 0.50 cm  0.2 inches   0.50 cm  0.2 inches 11.70 cm  4.61 inches  To view Drivers Jonas Deloitte drawing guides: 1.Right-click on slide and select ’Grid and Guides...’ 2.Check ’Display drawing guides on screen’ 3.Select ’OK’ 6.75 cm 2.66 Inches Cala Decision “….there would undoubtedly be a perception by many objectors that the process of local democracy has been sidestepped and that the Localism agenda of the Coalition Government has been disregarded bearing in mind the intention of the Government to revoke Regional Strategies. These are all matters that count against the appeal scheme.” (Inspector’s Report) Objectors argued that the release of the Barton Farm site would pre-judge consultations with the local community Localism is already happening in Winchester with the Blueprint Exercise

10 Deloitte UK screen 4:3 (19.05 cm x 25.40 cm) © 2012 Drivers Jonas Deloitte. All rights reserved. White markers indicate position off Drawing Guides 7.40 cm 2.91 Inches 6.00 cm 2.36 Inches 8.00 cm 3.15 Inches  11.70 cm  4.61 inches 0.50 cm  0.2 inches   0.50 cm  0.2 inches 11.70 cm  4.61 inches  To view Drivers Jonas Deloitte drawing guides: 1.Right-click on slide and select ’Grid and Guides...’ 2.Check ’Display drawing guides on screen’ 3.Select ’OK’ 6.75 cm 2.66 Inches Tewksbury, Gloucs. – 1,000 homes/employment 2 Appeals Allowed by SOS, July 2012 Lack of up to date plan to meet development needs adds weight Overall proposals represent sustainable development “Significant weight” given to need to secure economic growth and employment in NPPF Contrary to development plan as in countryside Loss of agricultural land “significant harm” Lack of 5 yr supply of housing land – most significant consideration ForAgainst Housing is itself a contributor to economic growth Concerns about democratic process….. Loss of countryside and some harm to landscape Allowed – benefits outweigh the harms.

11 Deloitte UK screen 4:3 (19.05 cm x 25.40 cm) © 2012 Drivers Jonas Deloitte. All rights reserved. White markers indicate position off Drawing Guides 7.40 cm 2.91 Inches 6.00 cm 2.36 Inches 8.00 cm 3.15 Inches  11.70 cm  4.61 inches 0.50 cm  0.2 inches   0.50 cm  0.2 inches 11.70 cm  4.61 inches  To view Drivers Jonas Deloitte drawing guides: 1.Right-click on slide and select ’Grid and Guides...’ 2.Check ’Display drawing guides on screen’ 3.Select ’OK’ 6.75 cm 2.66 Inches Tewksbury Decision “…changes to the planning system that give communities more say over the scale, location and timings of developments in their areas carry with them the responsibility to ensure that local plans are prepared expeditiously to make provisions for the future needs of their areas. He agrees that these proposals would not be premature” (SOS decision letter)

12 Deloitte UK screen 4:3 (19.05 cm x 25.40 cm) © 2012 Drivers Jonas Deloitte. All rights reserved. White markers indicate position off Drawing Guides 7.40 cm 2.91 Inches 6.00 cm 2.36 Inches 8.00 cm 3.15 Inches  11.70 cm  4.61 inches 0.50 cm  0.2 inches   0.50 cm  0.2 inches 11.70 cm  4.61 inches  To view Drivers Jonas Deloitte drawing guides: 1.Right-click on slide and select ’Grid and Guides...’ 2.Check ’Display drawing guides on screen’ 3.Select ’OK’ 6.75 cm 2.66 Inches More Planning Reforms 6 September: Statement on Housing and Growth: “We are clear that local people and local authorities must be at the heart of planning. The last Government tried top-down imposition of growth and unequivocally failed. …… The Localism Act has put the power to plan back in the hands of communities, but with this power comes responsibility: a responsibility to meet their needs for development and growth, and to deal quickly and effectively with proposals that will deliver homes, jobs and facilities. Today we are announcing a series of additional measures to drive the effective implementation of these reforms and remove unnecessary bureaucracy that can hinder sustainable growth.” On reducing planning delays……

13 Deloitte UK screen 4:3 (19.05 cm x 25.40 cm) © 2012 Drivers Jonas Deloitte. All rights reserved. White markers indicate position off Drawing Guides 7.40 cm 2.91 Inches 6.00 cm 2.36 Inches 8.00 cm 3.15 Inches  11.70 cm  4.61 inches 0.50 cm  0.2 inches   0.50 cm  0.2 inches 11.70 cm  4.61 inches  To view Drivers Jonas Deloitte drawing guides: 1.Right-click on slide and select ’Grid and Guides...’ 2.Check ’Display drawing guides on screen’ 3.Select ’OK’ 6.75 cm 2.66 Inches More Planning Reforms Applications decided by PINS if LPA has record of “consistently poor performance” Bring some commercial and business schemes in to NSIP regime Ability to appeal “unviable” S106s on affordable housing

14 Deloitte UK screen 4:3 (19.05 cm x 25.40 cm) © 2012 Drivers Jonas Deloitte. All rights reserved. White markers indicate position off Drawing Guides 7.40 cm 2.91 Inches 6.00 cm 2.36 Inches 8.00 cm 3.15 Inches  11.70 cm  4.61 inches 0.50 cm  0.2 inches   0.50 cm  0.2 inches 11.70 cm  4.61 inches  To view Drivers Jonas Deloitte drawing guides: 1.Right-click on slide and select ’Grid and Guides...’ 2.Check ’Display drawing guides on screen’ 3.Select ’OK’ 6.75 cm 2.66 Inches Keeping the Balance

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