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Rights for all the right to life freedom from torture and degrading treatment freedom from slavery and forced labour the right to liberty and the right.

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Presentation on theme: "Rights for all the right to life freedom from torture and degrading treatment freedom from slavery and forced labour the right to liberty and the right."— Presentation transcript:


2 Rights for all the right to life freedom from torture and degrading treatment freedom from slavery and forced labour the right to liberty and the right to a fair trial the right not to be punished for something that wasn't a crime when you did it the right to respect for private and family life freedom of thought, conscience and religion, and freedom to manifest your beliefs freedom of expression freedom of assembly and association the right to marry and to start a family the right not to be discriminated against in respect of these rights and freedoms the right to peaceful enjoyment of your property the right to an education the right to participate in free elections the right not to be subjected to the death penalty

3 Rights for children too the right to life, survival and development the right to have their views respected, and to have their best interests considered at all times the right to a name and nationality, freedom of expression, and access to information concerning them the right to live in a family environment or alternative care, and to have contact with both parents wherever possible health and welfare rights, including rights for disabled children, the right to health and health care, and social security the right to education, leisure, culture and the arts special protection for refugee children, children in the juvenile justice system, children deprived of their liberty and children suffering economic, sexual or other forms of exploitation

4 When might rights be lost? Loss of freedom. (Prison) Article 29 states: Everyone has duties to the community. Laws limiting personal freedom shall be restricted to guaranteeing human rights in society. Unable to vote. (If 18+ and in prison).

5 Put statements under right heading No, does not have the right

6 The conditions of Paul’s ASBO state that he is not allowed to go into his town centre between the hours of 7pm and 7am. Paul feels this encroaches on his human right to freedom of movement in his own country. Does he have this right to freedom of movement?

7 A Local Authority or the Police apply to the magistrates court for an ASBO. If courts agree this can place legal restrictions on an individual’s time and movements. If Paul fails to comply and is in breach of his ASBO he could have up to 5 years in prison.

8 21 year old Liam wants to holiday with his wife in Florida this summer; however, due to a conviction for drug taking when he was 18, the USA has refused him entrance into the country. Paul feels he is being persecuted for making a mistake in his youth and has the right to holiday wherever he feels like. Does he have this right?

9 Liam was convicted under the drugs and substance Misuse Act of 1971. Many countries have laws restricting entrance to convicted offenders. They are within their legal rights to do this.

10 Rhodri has been fined and given a short prison sentence for shouting racist remarks at a football match. He claims that he has the right to freedom of expression and freedom of thought and that the fine was unfair and he wants compensation. Does he have the right to say anything he likes?

11 The Public Order Act of 1986 states that if your words or actions cause harassment, alarm or distress to someone then you can be guilty of an offence. Inciting racial hatred is also an offence.

12 Ioan is a 4 year old boy living with his mum. His mum leaves him alone in the evening to work in a local pub. The neighbour has complained to the social services that she sees the child out on the streets with older children until late at night. Social services have come to visit Ioan’s mum. Ioan’s mum says that she has the right to her privacy and refuses to let them in or speak to them. Does Ioan’s mum have the right to her privacy ?

13 The Social Services can apply for a child safety order through the courts, this can result in the child being removed if she fails to cooperate. In severe circumstances when a child’s immediate safety is in question the police can use a police protection order to take the child into protected custody. The Social services are informed immediately and investigation commences.

14 Natalie has been excluded from school for 10 days for assaulting another pupil. She has done this once before and regularly disrupts her lessons. Because of her school record she has now been permanently excluded from this school. Natalie’s mum says that the school shouldn’t be denying her daughter the right to an education, and is appealing to the LA to over-ride this decision. Does her mother have a right to insist her daughter stay in this school?

15 By law all pupils up to 16 are entitled to free education. A school has the right to enforce the county’s policy for exclusion and can exclude a pupil for up to 10 consecutive days, however, the pupil must be allowed to return to the school unless the pupil has been permanently excluded. The Local Authority still has a duty to offer excluded pupils an education at either another school, a Pupil Referral Unit or home school. Natalie’s mum does not have the right to insist her daughter attend the school she has been permanently excluded from.

16 5 pupils from a local secondary school often play football in the street and on the lawns of some local residents. This results in balls sometimes hitting cars. They ignore requests to play in another area saying that they have the right to freedom of movement in their community and to play wherever they like. Do they have this right?

17 Anti-social behaviour is any behaviour which may upset someone is wrong or against the law. The children do not have to carry out all parts of definition to behave in an anti-social way. Damage to cars by the ball could result to prosecution for criminal damage.

18 Yes, has the right

19 Shannon and Keith work for the same employer for the same length of time doing the same job. Shannon discovers that Keith is being paid £100 more a month than she is. When she challenges her boss he reveals that men have always traditionally been paid more than women in his company and if she doesn’t like it she can get another job. She is taking her boss to a tribunal as she says she has the rights to equal pay. Does Shannon have a right to equal pay?

20 Yes Shannon has the right to equal pay. Under the 1975 Sex Discrimination Act it's unlawful for an employer to discriminate against you because of your gender. The 1970 Equal Pay Act makes it unlawful for employers to discriminate between men and women in terms of their pay and conditions where they are doing either: –the same or similar work –work rated as equivalent in a job evaluation study by the employer –work of equal value

21 Sometimes 8 year old Sophia is locked in the cupboard under the stairs when her Dad thinks she is naughty. She is left in there for as much as 3 hours at a time with no light. Her mum isn’t happy about this and tried to speak to him about how frightened it makes Sophia. Sophia’s mum says that this is cruel and that Sophia has the right to be safe from this sort of punishment. Does Sophia have a right to be safe?

22 The convention of human rights states that an individual has the right to freedom from torture and degrading treatment and the right to liberty. If this is brought to the attention of the police a number of child protection issues are raised together with the offence of False Imprisonment. A Police Protection Order can be sought here.

23 Tammy is 17 and Amir 18. They want to marry but Tammy’s parents say that they want the pair to wait another year or two. Tammy insists that she wants to get married, her parents refuse to give permission. They insist that she doesn’t have the right to get married without their permission. Does mum have the right to with hold permission ?

24 If a young person wishes to marry before 18 they can in law from 16 with parental permission, but not without.

25 A celebrity couple are continually hounded by the press, who even go through their rubbish bins. They want to protect their family life. An incident recently occurred where a photographer climbed their security wall to take photos of them playing with their children in the garden. They called the police because they felt their right to privacy had been invaded. The public want to know about their lives. Do the couple have a right to their privacy?

26 They have the basic human right to privacy in their personal life. The Public Order Act states that the press should not cause alarm, harassment and distress. This could lead to a photographer’s arrest. There is also a civil law that protects the house owner from trespass. There is an Harassment act to protect the couple if this intrusion persists.

27 James is 18 and has gone into his local Off Licence to buy a few cans of larger. He doesn’t look 21 and is asked to produce some ID. He has left this at home. The shop keeper draws his attention to a sign that states that anyone that looks under 21 will need to produce ID. James insists that he is 18 and therefore has the right to buy alcohol. Is he right? Is the shop keeper right?

28 By law you can legally purchase alcohol at 18. However, the shop keeper does have the right to refuse anyone. James would need to produce his ID as proof of his age, particularly if he looks young. Both the shop keeper and James are within their rights.

29 Roxanne is an 18 year old disabled girl who wants to study art at her local college. The college has written back to her to say that there is no disabled access to the art department and therefore they are unable to consider her application. She feels that she is being disadvantaged on the basis of her disability and feels the college should give all students equal rights to an education. Should all disabled people have the same right of access to this course?

30 The law states in the Disability discrimination act 1995 and 2005 that disabled people have equal rights to access an education. Colleges should provide wheelchair access to their buildings used for study. However, some very old buildings may not have appropriate access for all courses. Local authorities have to address this during a specified time frame where it is possible due to buildings architecture.

31 Pupils should have the right to wear whatever they like to school? Only men should have the right to join the armed forces. You should have the right to be financially supported by the government if you don’t want to work. You should have the right to steal if you are hungry. What do you think?

32 The government should have the right to make everyone donate blood in time of shortage. You should loose the rights to your organs when you die so more people can be helped to recover from illnesses requiring new organs Parents should have the right to stop their son/daughter from marrying someone they consider unsuitable. You should have the right to marry whoever you want to?

33 As a young person think.. of 5 easy choices you may need to make of 5 difficult choices you may need to make Why are some choices easier than others ?

34 Choices – easiest to hardest What to have for lunch What to buy my parent for their birthday What to wear to my mates party What subjects to take at college What kind of job to go for Reporting a concern for a class member who is being forced into a marriage. Reporting the physical abuse of a friend by their family Speaking up for someone else I see being bullied Sticking by a friend who is becoming increasingly racist Who to go out with

35 Your parent/s inform you that in 4 weeks you and the family are going to be moving to live in Bristol due to the fact one of your parents is starting a new job. You have no family and know no one in this city. No Choice!

36 ProsCons My feelings I can speak toMy options

37 Problem Scenarios 1.An old man in your street is being taunted by youths, afraid he has become a recluse in his home. 2.A neighbour regularly screams at and hits her child with anything that’s at hand. You have witnessed this in the garden on several occasions and regularly hear the child crying. 3.You notice some dreadful things written on face book about a girl you know from school. You know this girl well and all things written to be lies. She has stopped coming to school. 4.You know of a boy in your brothers class (Year 7) who regularly goes without food except for his free school meal, this is as a result of his dad’s addictions, he is looking very under nourished but says nothing as is afraid of his dad. 5.You know a girl called Fatima, she has become increasingly anxious and withdrawn, she tells you that she will be leaving school at the end of the year and has to marry a man she has never met. She is afraid for her life if she doesn’t cooperate.

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