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Drought was an issue in many parts of the United Kingdom after a very dry winter. There was warning of drought occurring from the early months of 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Drought was an issue in many parts of the United Kingdom after a very dry winter. There was warning of drought occurring from the early months of 2006."— Presentation transcript:


2 Drought was an issue in many parts of the United Kingdom after a very dry winter. There was warning of drought occurring from the early months of 2006. Following the dry winter, with extreme temperatures occurring in the country and little rain, increasing strain was put on water supplies, and hose-pipe bans were issued in many counties. The Environment Agency claimed that the UK may have had the most severe drought in 100 years.


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19  These are marked in 3 levels.  Level 1 and 2 same as the 4 markers (Basic/Clear)  Level 3 – Detailed  Knowledge of accurate info, appropriately used at correct scale  Well organised, supported by relevant examples  Links and inter-relationships are clearly shown  Clear and fluent expression of ideas in a logical form  Specialist terms are widely used  A perfect answer is not needed to get full marks  Don’t be scared by 8/9 markers. They are just like 6 markers, only requiring a few extra comments but in no greater depth

20  Say something  Example  Explain (If an explain question)  Expand  Explink (Try to link e.g. cause and effect)

21  As with the 4 markers, linking is the key to accessing the top marks.  This is due to…  This leads to…  This is because of….  The 2 things combine to cause….  This causes…..  This affects the economy because…

22  If it asks for effects of an Earthquake…..  Short Term/Long Term or Physical/Human  If it asks for reasons for growth of tourism…..  Social/Economic/Political etc

23  There are many reasons for the growth of tourism. One is that people now have more money as wages have increased. The cost of flying has also gone down thanks to budget airlines like Ryanair. People now get more holidays from work so are able to go on holiday….  There are many reasons for the growth of tourism. One economic reason is that people now have more money as wages have increased. The cost of flying is another economic factor. This has gone down thanks to budget airlines like Ryanair. There are also a number of social factors. People now get more holidays from work so are able to go on holiday….

24  Discuss issues raised in preparing for and dealing with the impacts of extreme weather (8 marks)  Discuss the issues?  Say what the actions/impacts were and comment on them (evaluate them)

25  E.G Extreme Heatwave, Extreme Rainfall, Extreme Snowfall  Say Something – One impact was that many roads were blocked with snow and ice  Example – Such as in Yorkshire and the North East (Jan 2013)  Expand – Major roads such as the M1 ground to a halt  Explink – This casued a huge finaincial loss to business as veichles were stuck for up to 10 hours.  Explink – Many people were critical of the local authorities for not gritting the roads properly in preparation for the predicted snowfall as the Met office had given an amber warning.

26  You can talk about more than one type of weather  Must include specific details to get into Level 3 (dates, figures, places etc)  Must include links  Must comment on the effectiveness of planning and the impacts (possibly linking the 2)

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