Nixon Watergate Mr. Williams 10 th Grade U.S. History.

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Presentation on theme: "Nixon Watergate Mr. Williams 10 th Grade U.S. History."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nixon Watergate Mr. Williams 10 th Grade U.S. History

2 Who were the Silent Majority? What was Vietnamization? What were the Pentagon Papers? How did the Vietnam War come to an end?



5 Silent Majority “Middle America” who disapproved of the anti-war protestors and supported the Vietnam War This group would become what was known as the “New Right” who would be largely responsible for the conservative movement in the 1980s


7 “Peace with Honor” Pledged to pull troops out of war 1969: 540,000 troops 1972: 24,000 troops Vietnamization: Turning over more of the fighting in Vietnam to the South Vietnamese while gradually bringing troops home


9 Detente Nixon and his advisor Henry Kissinger developed this approach Called for a relaxation of tensions between the United States and the U.S.S.R. and China

10 “We must understand that détente is not a love fest. It is an understanding between nations that have opposite purposes, but which share common interests, including the avoidance of a nuclear war.”


12 SALT Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty SALT I: Reduced number of nuclear missile launchers, more importantly started serious discussions toward ending the Cold War Agreement also to increase trade and exchange of scientific information between the two countries


14 Nixon Visits China 1949 Communists led by Mao Zedong took over China Nixon began lifting trade and travel restrictions February 1972 Nixon attempts to “normalize” relations with the country with his visit




18 1972 Election Nixon able to beat George McGovern despite 18 year olds being able to vote due to the 26 th Amendment Silent Majority able to give Nixon the win as they were tired of the radicals who were protesting against the war


20 Ever since the Pentagon Papers were leaked, Nixon put into place the Plumbers to plug these leaks Committee to Re-elect the President Pulled off many “Dirty Tricks” for Nixon while in office Wire-Tap Devices in the Oval Office recorded every conversation


22 Watergate Scandal June 17, 1972 Five men broke into offices of the Democratic National Committee at the Watergate Office Complex in D.C. Installing or repairing advanced eavesdropping equipment Taking photographs of contents of filing cabinets






28 Nixon’s last days Three articles of impeachment Obstructing the Watergate investigation Misuse of power and violating his oath of office Failure to comply with House subpoenas


30 “Always give your best, never get discouraged, never get petty; always remember, others may hate you, but those who hate you don’t win unless you hate them, and then you destroy yourself.” -Richard Nixon August 8, 1974


32 Pardon of Nixon Granted pardon for any crime he may have committed while in the office of the President Why? Was he justified?

33 South Vietnam Falls 1975 North Vietnam launched New offensive in the South May 1, 1975, Saigon became Ho Chi Minh City Congress does not allow troops to be sent back into Vietnam Why?

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