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Cambodia By; Meghan P, Olivia E, Hannah L. South East Asia Capital: Phnom Penh Less than half the size of California Independence from France in 1953:

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Presentation on theme: "Cambodia By; Meghan P, Olivia E, Hannah L. South East Asia Capital: Phnom Penh Less than half the size of California Independence from France in 1953:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cambodia By; Meghan P, Olivia E, Hannah L

2 South East Asia Capital: Phnom Penh Less than half the size of California Independence from France in 1953: colonial rule for almost 100 yrs. Before genocide: roughly 7 million people, mostly Buddhists After genocide: roughly 5 million people

3 Cause & Conflict  Khmer Rouge came to power because of regional instability  Gained support from western governments  Wanted a more extreme version of communism  The Khmer Rough sought to kill business owners and educated people  People who wore glasses and spoke another language were killed because it showed that they were an intellectual

4 S-21  Torture and interrogation center  Now it’s a memorial center for the genocide  They photographed all the prisoners as they arrived

5 People  Pol Pot (1925-1998):  1962- led the communist Khmer Rouge  Aimed to wipeout intellectuals, city residents, ethnic Vietnamese, civil servants, and religious leaders  Never faced trial for crimes  Family and himself part of middle class; Connected to royal Cambodian family  House arrest for murdering his friend  Received education in Paris  Became part of French Communist Party  He died from a heart attack in 1998

6 People (cont.)  King Kek Iew  Was the leader of S-21  Sentenced to 35 years in jail  He only serviced 19 years due to good behavior  He killed 2,000 little children  Nuon Chea  Architect of the Year Zero Plan and the agarian ideal  In prison for life  Kiehu Samphan  Head of state for the Khmer Rouge  Life in prison  Ieng Sary and Ieng Thirith  Both were ministers  Sary died before trial ended  Thirith was declared medically unfit to handle trial

7 Sides Torture Methods  Khmer Rough against business owners, educated people/intellectuals  The Khmer Rough was also against the Vietnamese  They used cheap, but affective, methods to kill and torture people  Suffocate with plastic bags, revive them, then repeat  Simulated drowning with boiling water  Apply leeches to peoples skin  Skin them alive  they clubbed people in the head to save bullets  They had killing fields  They had victims dig their own graves

8 Major Dates  1953: Declare independence from France  1970: Prime Minister Lon Nol overthrows Sihanouk and establishes Khmer Republic  1975: Pol Pot takes over and creates Khmer Rouge  Year Zero: all city residents are removed to work in the agricultural fields  Hundreds of thousands of educated people are starved, tortured, executed, and died from various diseases  1977: Fighting starts with Vietnam  1981: Khmer Rouge and Sihanouk are in exile  1989: Vietnamese troops surrender: Buddhism is re-established

9 End Results & Awareness  Today, the genocide ruins are still visible  Poor, but trying to become a tourist location and a friendly nation with others  April is Cambodian Awareness month and the anniversary of the genocide  Numerous books and films have been created about the genocide  Survival in the Killing Fields by Haing Ngor (book)  New Year Baby (film)

10 Works Cited  ved=0ahUKEwiToPzJotfKAhXMFj4KHSwtDk8Q_AUIBygB&biw=1366&bih=643#imgrc=VGei5XMn1fNRVM%3A (slide 1 pic) ved=0ahUKEwiToPzJotfKAhXMFj4KHSwtDk8Q_AUIBygB&biw=1366&bih=643#imgrc=VGei5XMn1fNRVM%3A  ved=0ahUKEwiToPzJotfKAhXMFj4KHSwtDk8Q_AUIBygB&biw=1366&bih=643#safe=strict&tbm=isch&q=pol+pot &imgrc=PT24XrjUMmgO3M%3A (slide 5 pic) ved=0ahUKEwiToPzJotfKAhXMFj4KHSwtDk8Q_AUIBygB&biw=1366&bih=643#safe=strict&tbm=isch&q=pol+pot &imgrc=PT24XrjUMmgO3M%3A  21&safe=strict&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi6q8bc_NvKAhUouYMKHZIgDo4Q_AUICCgC&biw= 988&bih=595#imgrc=gtua1IfmDBaS_M%3A (slide 4 pic) 21&safe=strict&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi6q8bc_NvKAhUouYMKHZIgDo4Q_AUICCgC&biw= 988&bih=595#imgrc=gtua1IfmDBaS_M%3A      cambodian-genocides cambodian-genocides  

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