Mobile Applications for Primary Care Feb 2012

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1 Mobile Applications for Primary Care Feb 2012

2 Applications Productivity PubMed Pharmacy Reference/News Point of Care Pediatrics

3 Productivity Applications Feedly Dropbox Evernote Goodreader

4 Feedly-RSS reader Free, itunes and Android, highly rated Read all your favorite blogs and web sites in one place

5 Dropbox 2GB free, 50GB $9.99/mn or $99/yr, 100GB $19.99/mn or $199/yr Store your documents in the cloud, itunes and Android

6 Dropbox

7 Evernote Premium $5 per month or $45 per year, Free monthly 60MB Premium: Search within PDFs, Android and itunes Premium: Monthly upload allowance increased to 1GB

8 Evernote

9 Goodreader $4.99, itunes only “a swiss army knife of awesome” PDF reader on roids

10 PubMed searching apps PubMed Clip PubMed on Tap PubGet PubMed Mobile

11 PubMed Clip $2.99, good UI, itunes only Facebook, Twitter, Evernote integration Proxy link for full-text Tag articles and create personal library + Advanced search option

12 Library proxy

13 PubMed Clip Advanced search

14 PubMed on Tap $2.99, itunes

15 PubGet Not all PDFs work, itunes

16 PubMed Mobile Basic searches Limit to free articles Locate primary literature on your handheld Free itunes and Android


18 Pharmacy application Epocrates Lexi-Comp MedScape Micromedex Medical Letter Skyscape

19 Epocrates Premium version runs $99-199 yearly Itunes and Android Free version offer Pill ID feature

20 Epocrates Also offers Medication interactions check, but MedScape is more inclusive

21 Downsides to Epocrates Free version Medical Calculator lacks content compared to MedCalc Paid version includes disease monographs with treatment options, infectious diseases and IV compatiblity checker Bottom line: Pill ID function is unique and useful

22 Lexi-Comp Library subscribes to web version of Lexi-Comp (no mobile access) Includes Power medication reference, drug interaction checker, disease database Also includes: 5 minute clinical consult and Harrison’s Manual of Medicine, itunes and Android

23 Downside of Lexi-Comp mobile Expensive-several hundred $$ and not that much better than free version including MedScape 30 day free trial is available

24 MedScape Highly ranked mobile application Best: medication reference (drug interactions), procedure guide, and clinical reference. Over 7,000 medication and continuously updated As clinical reference does lack detail for specific illnesses A must have application! itunes and Android

25 Micromedex Straightforward user interface, not include references from desktop version Includes mechanism of action and clinical teaching section Explains how a given medication works, how to take medication, side effects or toxicity alerts Lacks strong drug interaction, itunes and Android, free

26 Medical Letter Free for limited access, itunes and Android Library offers web access Critical appraisals of New drugs Effectiveness, cost and toxicity and alternatives

27 Skyscape Can purchase Harrison’s Manual of Medicine, 5-minute Clinical Consult, Merck Manual, Journal Watch and Pocket Medicine Free version includes: Outlines in Clincal Medicine (OCM), RxDrugs, Archimedes. OCM provides disease monographs with ~800 entries Cumbersome user interface, itunes and Android Medical Calculator ok, but MedCalc is comprehensive and easier to use

28 Pharmacy conclusion Medication Reference: MedScape or Micromedex (better for trainees) Pill ID: Epocrates Drug Interaction Checker: MedScape (superior to Epocrates) Disease Monographs: among the free applications, MedScape (superior to Skyscape’s OCM) Medical Calculator: MedCalc (superior to Skyscape’s Archimedes 360 and Epocrates’ MedMath)

29 Reference / News applications NEJM Harvard Public Health MedPage Today Medscape Internal Medicine News

30 NEJM This Week Weekly audio summaries, itunes Videos of common procedures (paracentesis and lumbar puncture) Free

31 Harvard Public Health Videos Podcasts Breaking News Free itunes and Android

32 MedPage Today Designed University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Access to up-to-date news sorted by field Custom select favorite channels Audio and video-education on the go! Free itunes and Android

33 Medpage Today

34 Medscape Up to 30 drugs input for interactions Education and News section Free, itunes and Android

35 Internal Medicine News Independent bimonthly newspaper founded in 1968 Iphone and Itouch, No Android Free Options include: News, specialty focus, blogs, videos, Facebook Include study citations for further reading Stories can take time to load depending on connection No “most popular” listing yet


37 Point of care applications AHRQ ePSS Wikipanion Calculate by QxMD Medibabble OB (Pregnancy) Wheel by Quatertone Carb Counting with Lenny SafeDose Scutsheet-tracking patients Eponyms LabDx Med ExLabs UpToDate

38 AHRQ ePSS Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s electronic Preventive Services Selector designed by the US Department of Health and Human Services identifying what screening, counseling, and preventive services are appropriate for their patients. based on the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendations input a patient’s age and other demographic variables Free itunes and Android


40 Wikipanion / Wapedia for Android Free

41 Calculate by QxMD Challengers include: MedMath calculator, Epocrates, MedCalc and Archimedes from Skyscape. Free, itunes and Android Includes 150 medical calculators, robust search and great interface

42 Medibabble Language translation (Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin, Russian, and Haitian Creole) Includes guided tour ~2000 phrases Free, itunes

43 OB (Pregnancy) Wheel by Quatertone Track patients pregnancy dating in order Enter first day of last menstrual period-estimated date of conception, weeks gestational age, estimated due date Can track by patient Android marketplace

44 Perfect OB Wheel Inability to search by fetal length perfect replacement for traditional Obstetric dating wheels $1.99, itunes

45 Scutsheet-tracking patients $9.99, itunes Android, beta, free Track multiple patients Add events for each patients Calculate important parameters Does not offer ranges Does not screen for erroneous inputs No print or email feature just yet

46 Eponyms $1.99 in itunes, 1,700, 28 categories, Android, free Fully searchable from Andrew J. Yee (

47 LabDx 27 categories with ~200 laboratory tests Includes links to Downside: No pediatric values $9.99, itunes

48 Clinical Trials Google maps integration Email out functionality Free Itunes and Android

49 Merck Manual Professional Edition 3,000 page version The Medical Encyclopedia $34.99, itunes

50 UpToDate-The Gold Standard? Pricing $195/year (.53 cents per day) for trainee and $495/year ($1.36 per day) Peer-reviewed, phar-free, comprehensive, #1 most used resource 8,500 medical topics, 385,000 total references Good search function Slow to load topics

51 UpToDate


53 Pediatrics Pediatrics Medical App Safe Dose Carb counting with Lenny

54 Pediatrics Medical App Monthly peer-reviewed journal Text format available for all abstracts No easy way to search across multiple issues, keywords and abstract text for hits Can bookmark article for later access News and Views section for insight from editors on controversies and newest articles Low-resolution screen shots is minus Better than Pediatrics Digest


56 SafeDose $9.99, Dr. James Broselow (of the “Broselow Tape”) PediSafe medications, Android $4.99 Weight 3kg to 36kg, both trade and generic, search by drug or category also includes recently viewed function

57 Carb Counting with Lenny $1.99, food guide and carb games, customize food guide, itunes

58 Questions? Other mobile applications: MobileApps/

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