Jeju, 13 – 16 May 2013Standards for Shared ICT Update of ARIB Activities on IMT Standardization Yoshihide ISHIDA Director, Land Mobile Communications Group,

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Presentation on theme: "Jeju, 13 – 16 May 2013Standards for Shared ICT Update of ARIB Activities on IMT Standardization Yoshihide ISHIDA Director, Land Mobile Communications Group,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeju, 13 – 16 May 2013Standards for Shared ICT Update of ARIB Activities on IMT Standardization Yoshihide ISHIDA Director, Land Mobile Communications Group, ARIB Document No: GSC17-PLEN-29r1 Source: ARIB Contact: Yoshihide ISHIDA GSC Session: PLEN Agenda Item: 6.1

2 GSC17-PLEN-29r1 Standards for Shared ICT GSC-17, Jeju / Korea 2 Highlight of Current Activities (1) Advanced Wireless Communications Study Committee (ADWICS) is conducting technical studies on advanced wireless communication systems in cooperation with other related international/domestic organizations and is contributing to international standardization activities ADWICS consists of the following five subcommittees –Mobile Partnership Subcommittee (3GPPs, oneM2M) –Standardization Subcommittee (ITU-R WP5D) –BWA Subcommittee (WiMAX, XGP, etc.) –MMAC Subcommittee (802.11, UWB, etc.) –Mobile Commerce Subcommittee

3 GSC17-PLEN-29r1 Standards for Shared ICT GSC-17, Jeju / Korea 3 Highlight of Current Activities (2) Standardization Subcommittee conducts technical studies on IMT and future IMT issues and promotes its standardization through contributions to ITU-R and other activities. ARIB provided updated specifications of IMT-2000 and IMT- Advanced to ITU as one of the global core specification (GCS) proponents ARIB updated ARIB Standards STD-T63/TR-12(CDMA DS), STD-T64/TR-13(CDMA MC) and STD-T94(OFDMA TDD WMAN) according to the progresses of technical fora. ARIB updated ARIB Standards STD-T104 (LTE-Advanced) and STD-T105 (WirelessMAN-Advanced) according the progresses of technical fora.

4 GSC17-PLEN-29r1 Standards for Shared ICT GSC-17, Jeju / Korea 4 Strategic Direction ARIB will contribute to achieve the goal of WRC-15 Agenda Item 1.1, i.e. “additional spectrum allocations to the mobile service on a primary basis and identification of additional frequency bands for IMT”. ARIB will continue to contribute to enhance ITU IMT- 2000 and IMT-Advanced Standards as one of GCS proponents ARIB will continue to update ARIB’s IMT-2000(STD- T63/TR-12, STD-T64/TR-13 and STD-T94) and IMT- Advanced Standards (STD-T104) based on the study results of the respective technical fora.

5 GSC17-PLEN-29r1 Standards for Shared ICT GSC-17, Jeju / Korea 5 Challenges For achieving the goal of WRC-15 Agenda Item 1.1, ARIB will exchange information and views and will coordinate with other PSOs and related groups through ITU-R WP5D/JTG, 3GPPs and other regional activities such as AWG, APG and CJK Standards meeting

6 GSC17-PLEN-29r1 Standards for Shared ICT GSC-17, Jeju / Korea 6 Next Steps / Actions ARIB will contribute to achieve the goal of WRC-15 Agenda Item 1.1, “additional spectrum allocations to the mobile service on a primary basis and identification of additional frequency bands for IMT”. To achieve the above goal, ARIB will contribute to - Study on spectrum requirements for IMT - Study on suitable frequency ranges for IMT To achieve the above goal, ARIB will exchange information and views and will coordinate with other PSOs and related groups through ITU-R WP5D/JTG, 3GPPs and other regional activities.

7 GSC17-PLEN-29r1 Standards for Shared ICT GSC-17, Jeju / Korea 7 Proposed Modification of Resolution GSC-16/1 Considering that WRC-15 will discuss spectrum matters on IMT under Agenda Items 1.1 and 1.2, Resolution GSC-16/1 (Continuing Cooperation on IMT Standardization) should be updated and modified as follows:  To update “ both Recognizing and Resolve part” as appropriate  To add issues on WRC-15 Agenda Items on IMT spectrum matters in “Resolves part”

8 GSC17-PLEN-29r1 Standards for Shared ICT GSC-17, Jeju / Korea 8 Supplementary Slides

9 GSC17-PLEN-29r1 Standards for Shared ICT GSC-17, Jeju / Korea 9 Overview of Advance Wireless Communications Study Committee (ADWICS) Responsibilities -To perform the technical studies on advanced wireless communication systems in cooperation and coordination with other related international/national organization -To contribute to international standardization activities Structure of the Study Committee (as of May 2013) -IMT Partnership Subcommittee was changed to Mobile Partnership Subcommittee because of additional covering of oneM2M -MMAC Subcommittee was added because of the merger of MMAC Forum

10 GSC17-PLEN-29r1 Standards for Shared ICT GSC-17, Jeju / Korea 10 Scope of Subcommittee Mobile Partnership Subcommittee –Operate 3GPPs and oneM2M as one of Organizational Partners –Prepare contribution to 3GPPs on national regulatory requirements aspects and downstream the specification developed by 3GPPs for ARIB Standards Standardization Subcommittee –Conduct technical studies on IMT and future IMT issues –Promote its standardization through contributions to ITU-R and other activities BWA Subcommittee –Produce national standards for WiMAX, XGP/AXGP and IEEE802.20 referring to relevant international standards MMAC Subcommittee –Produce national standards for IEEE802.11 reffering to international standards and study UWB Mobile Commerce Subcommittee –Conduct technical studies on Mobile Commerce

11 GSC17-PLEN-29r1 Standards for Shared ICT GSC-17, Jeju / Korea 11 Frequency bands used/planned for use for IMT in Japan Bands identified for IMT in RRUsed or planned for use Band assigned to operators Band planned for use 450-470 MHzN/A 698-960 MHz 718-748 / 773-803 MHz (for IMT) 815-845 / 860-890 MHz (for IMT) 900-915 / 945-960 MHz (for IMT) 60 MHz 30 MHz – 1 427.9-1 462.9 / 1 475.9-1 510.9 MHz (for IMT) 70 MHz 1 710-2 025 MHz 2 110-2 200 MHz 1 749.9-1 784.9 / 1 844.9-1 879.9 MHz (for IMT) 1 920-1 980 / 2 110-2 170 MHz (for IM T) 70 MHz 120 MHz 1 744.9-1 749.9 / 1 839.9-1 844.9 MHz (for IMT) 10 MHz 2 010-2 025 MHz (for IMT) 15 MHz 2 300-2 400 MHzN/A 2 500-2 690 MHz 2 545-2 575 MHz (for BWA) 2 595-2 625 MHz (for BWA) 2 625-2 655 MHz (for BWA) 30 MHz 30 MHz 3 400-3 600 MHz3 400-3 600 MHz (for IMT) 200 MHz – 3 600-4 200 MHz and 4 400-4 900 MHz (for IMT and other mobile applications) Around 1 100 MHz Total470 MHzAround 1 355 MHz

12 GSC17-PLEN-29r1 Standards for Shared ICT GSC-17, Jeju / Korea 12 Status of frequency bands planned for use for IMT in Japan 1 744.9-1 749.9/1 839.9-1 844.9MHz Technical legislation has already been set. 2 010-2 025MHz Technical legislation has already been set. 2 625-2 655MHz Technical legislation has already been set. 3 400-3 600MHz It is expected that ICC(Information and Communication Council) will issue report on technical requirement shortly. 3 600-4 200MHz ICC is discussing the technical requirement.

13 GSC17-PLEN-29r1 Standards for Shared ICT GSC-17, Jeju / Korea 13 Resolution GSC-16/01 on IMT Standardization (1) Recognizing: A)that Resolution ITU-R 56 describes a naming scheme for International Mobile Telecommunications whereby “IMT-Advanced” applies to those systems, system components, and related aspects that include new radio interface(s) that support the new capabilities of systems beyond IMT-2000; B)that Resolution ITU-R 57 outlines the essential criteria and principles that will be used in the process of developing the Recommendations and Reports for IMT-Advanced, including Recommendation(s) for the radio interface specification; C)that ITU-R Study Group 5 and ITU-T Study Group 13 are continuing studies on IMT (encompassing both IMT-2000 and IMT-Advanced); D)that ITU-R Study Group 5 has completed the evaluation of candidate technologies for IMT-Advanced; E)that core network(s) are increasingly becoming access technology agnostic; F)that IMT and other rapidly emerging wireless broadband access technologies will make high-speed wireless access services available where this was not previously possible, thereby enabling access to advanced telecommunication, computing and entertainment services and capabilities, not only for urban but also for rural and other low density environments ; G)that WRC-07 identified some additional spectrum for the implementation of IMT systems ; Continuing Cooperation on IMT Standardization

14 GSC17-PLEN-29r1 Standards for Shared ICT GSC-17, Jeju / Korea 14 Resolution GSC-16/01 on IMT Standardization (2) Recognizing: ; H)that WRC-12 may approve a new agenda item for WRC-15 to conduct studies for additional spectrum to be made available beyond 2016; I)that the UN Broadband Commission has identified broadband as a key infrastructure for developing economies ; J)that work on evolution of the radio technologies may converge to use similar techniques; and K)that there are related international, regional and national research activities in this area. Continuing Cooperation on IMT Standardization

15 GSC17-PLEN-29r1 Standards for Shared ICT GSC-17, Jeju / Korea 15 Resolution GSC-16/01 on IMT Standardization (3) Resolves: 1) to encourage 3GPP, 3GPP2, IEEE, Participating Standards Organizations (PSOs) and others to continue to work on enhancing the IMT standards as an essential part of future telecommunication, computing and entertainment standards; 2) to encourage use of IMT technologies for broadband services; 3) to encourage the harmonization of candidate proposals for the radio interface technologies for IMT and related networking standards; 4) to invite 3GPP, 3GPP2, PSOs and others to take care of the evolution of the current systems and the long-term evolution for such systems taking into account copyrights, working procedures, IPR aspects etc. and report to the next meeting for review; 5) to exchange information and views on any additional candidate radio interface technologies for IMT- Advanced among PSOs allowing for efficient, effective and timely development of the IMT- Advanced standard and to continue this exchange for the detailed specifications for IMT-Advanced; 6) to exchange information and views with goal of encouraging the adoption at WRC-12 of a new WRC-15 agenda item on IMT spectrum issues; 7) to exchange information and views on the analysis and assessment of global broadband wireless services and consumer demand for IMT in line with the ITU-R ongoing work on this topic ; 8) to encourage the Task Force under the GRSC to actively help in the exchange of information and views mentioned in 5) to 7), with the goal of consensus building; and 9) to review this Resolution at future GSC meetings as required. Continuing Cooperation on IMT Standardization

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