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The Five Senses Jaclyn, Jessie, and Makayla. First Grade: The Five Senses Projects/Field Trips: Grocery Store, Exploring Nature, and Five Senses Poem.

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Presentation on theme: "The Five Senses Jaclyn, Jessie, and Makayla. First Grade: The Five Senses Projects/Field Trips: Grocery Store, Exploring Nature, and Five Senses Poem."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Five Senses Jaclyn, Jessie, and Makayla

2 First Grade: The Five Senses Projects/Field Trips: Grocery Store, Exploring Nature, and Five Senses Poem Vocabulary: Word Wall, Word Sort, Word Map Learning Standards: Science and Technology/Engineering—Life Science (Biology) Language Arts—Reading and Literature Centers: Center for each of the five senses (touch, taste, see, hear, smell) Texts: Books for Read-Aloud and Books For Centers, Five Senses Song Literacy Strategies and Skills: Web and Learning Log

3 Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks Science and Technology/Engineering Life Science (Biology), Grades PreK—2 Learning Standard: 6. Recognize that people and other animals interact with the environment through their senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. English Language Arts Reading and Literature Strand General Standard 15: Style and Language, Grades PreK—2 Learning Standard: 15.1 Identify the senses implied in words appealing to the senses in literature and spoken language.

4 Texts Read Aloud, Independent Reading, Buddy Reading

5 Text Set Songs: Feldman, D. J. (n.d.). Kiss Your Brain! Retrieved December 14, 2010, from Read-Aloud Books: Borten, H. (1970). Do you know what I know?. New York: Abelard- Schuman. Books At Centers: Smith, K. B., Crenson, V., & Storms, R. S. (1988). Smelling. Mahwah, N.J. : Troll Associates. Smith, K. B., Crenson, V., & Storms, R. S. (1988). Hearing. Mahwah, N.J. : Troll Associates. Smith, K. B., Crenson, V., & Storms, R. S. (1988). Touching. Mahwah, N.J. : Troll Associates. Smith, K. B., Crenson, V., & Storms, R. S. (1988). Tasting. Mahwah, N.J. : Troll Associates. Smith, K. B., Crenson, V., & Storms, R. S. (1988). Seeing. Mahwah, N.J. : Troll Associates.

6 The Five Senses Song (To the tune of “Bingo”) I have five senses that I use to help me learn each day. See, hear, smell, taste, touch. See, hear, smell, taste, touch, I use them every day. My five senses help me learn, They’re pathways to my brain. See, hear… They’re pathways to my brain. Now, let’s play a little game How many senses can you name? - - - - - Five senses you can name. (Hold up 5 fingers) (Point to eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and hold up hands.) (Point to eyes, ears, etc.) (Hold up fingers one by one as children name senses.)

7 Do You Know What I Know? By Helen Borten Use as a read-aloud to introduce the five senses to the class. “I find out a lot of things…” “I can…” Chorally read it as a class the second time it is read

8 Smelling Why is my nose important? What are the parts of my nose? How do I smell things? How many different scents can I smell? Why don’t I like some smells? Why do some smells make me think of other things? Why does my nose help me taste? Do some people have better sense of smell? How well can animals smell? How do insects smell? Why does pepper make me sneeze? How do I take care of my nose?

9 Hearing What is sound? What are the parts of my ear? How do I hear? Can I hear things when I’m asleep? Why do my ears “pop” on an airplane? Can everyone hear? How do deaf people communicate? How well can animals hear? How do instruments make music? What happens when I get an ear infection? How do I take care of my ears? What are the most important sounds I hear?

10 Touching How important is my sense of touch? How do I feel things? What is my skin made of? Which body parts feel things more easily? Why do I get goose bumps? What makes me shiver? How does my skin fit me? What are reflex actions? How do animals use their sense of touch? Why do some parts of my body feel pain more easily? What makes my skin itch? Why can’t I tickle myself?

11 Tasting How do I taste food? How do my eyes and nose help me taste? How many different flavors can I taste? What gives a food its flavor? Why do I like some foods better than others? Why does my mouth water when I see or smell certain foods? Why do I get thirsty? Why do hot peppers make my mouth burn? How do animals use their sense of taste? How do animals use their tongues? Does my sense of taste change as I grow older?

12 Seeing How important are my eyes? What are the parts of my eye? How do I see? Why do I see colors? How well can animals see? What are tears? How can I take care of my eyes? What happens when I get my eyes examined? Who needs glasses? Can everyone see? What are optical illusions? How can I see more?

13 Vocabulary Word Wall, Word Sorts, Word Maps

14 Word Wall A B C D E F G HI bittercolordifferenteyesfeelhear bigcolddarkearsfruityhigh brightdryfishyhard hot J K L M N O PQR lightloudnoseodorquietrough loudlowrubbery ST U V W XYZ smellspicytouchwaxy sightshinytasteweak skinsmalltonguewet smoothsticky seeshiny saltystinky shapescreechy sweet soft size sound sour

15 Definition: Word Synonym:Antonym: Images: Word Map

16 Literacy Strategies and Skills Webs, Learning Logs

17 Literacy Strategies and Skills: Web Can be used as a brainstorming tool Brainstorm about each sense Words in web can be put on the word wall

18 Example Web Example Web Taste Flavor Sour Taste Buds See Tongue Smell Sweet Bitter

19 Literacy Strategies and Skills: Learning Log Students can reflect on each sense and write a journal entry each day “What I learned…”

20 Centers Each center will contain an activity and a writing application that applies to the five senses.

21 Center for Hearing Materials: Tape/CD player Headphones Sound tapes/CDs Objective: The students will listen to different sound tapes at this hearing center. The sound tapes will consist of different objects and animals. Once the students listen to the sound they’ll answer some questions in the journals. Was it a loud sound? Quiet? They will write in their journals what they heard. Lastly, they’ll guess what it was that made the sound.

22 Center for Tasting Materials: Taste swabs- some that are bitter, sweet, sour, etc. Objective: The students will go to the center where there will be different containers that have different kinds of taste swabs. On each taste swab there is a flavor that is either bitter, sweet, sour, etc. The children will taste the paper and then take note in their journals how its tasted and what different things that they have tried that have that same kind of taste. In this activity they will try to use as many word wall words as possible.

23 Center for Feeling Materials: Feely Box Different objects to put in feely box. Objective: In this center the students will get to feel around inside the Feely Box. There will be about 5 different objects placed in this box where students will just be able to feel around and try to identify what the objects are. In their journals they will take notes on different words that describe what they feel. They will then guess what is inside the box. Once they have finished writing, they can open the box to see if they were correct by their observations.

24 Center for Smelling Materials: Blindfold Different objects/food Objective: In this center the children will blindfold each other and test their sense of smell. One child will be the smeller while the other children chose the things that will be smelled. It will be a guessing game where the child that is the smeller will guess what the object is. When they are done smelling they will then do a word sort. They will sort smells into pleasing and displeasing smells.

25 Center for Seeing Materials: A fake camera Drawing paper Objective: Students will pretend they have a camera and look around the room. They will pretend to take pictures and then draw pictures of what they see. They will then have a chance to combine all their pictures and make their own scrapbook of pictures.

26 Field Trips and Projects Grocery Store, Outdoor Explorations, Poems, and Books

27 Field Trip: Grocery Store What do you hear, see, smell, taste, and touch at the grocery store? Taste testing (something from each food group) Describe smells and feelings in different areas (it’s cold in the freezer isle, it smells fishy by the seafood)

28 Exploring Nature What do you hear, see, smell, taste, and touch outdoors? Describe feeling of tree bark, grass, leaves, etc. Draw a picture of something outside

29 Project: 5 Senses Book Divide the class into four groups to create a book for each season. Describe sights, smells, sounds, feelings, and tastes that are associated with each. ◦“When I think of spring, I smell ______.” ◦“When I think of spring, I hear ______.” ◦Etc.

30 Project: Write a Poem What Am I? I am shiny and red I taste crisp and tart I smell yummy in a warm pie I am hard and smooth I make a “crunch” sound when you bite into me… What am I? Title: “What Am I?” Think of something (usually food) Describe it using adjectives Write a line for each sense: see, taste, smell, touch, hear See if others can guess what you are describing

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