NFM: Modular Template Measurement Framework: Modules, Interventions and Indicators LFA M&E Training February 2014 1.

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Presentation on theme: "NFM: Modular Template Measurement Framework: Modules, Interventions and Indicators LFA M&E Training February 2014 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 NFM: Modular Template Measurement Framework: Modules, Interventions and Indicators LFA M&E Training February 2014 1

2 NFM: Modular Template Measurement Framework It is a conceptual framework that links program goals and objectives to program areas (modules), interventions, related indicators and budgets. Describes the relationship between what is planned and what results are expected Includes a robust menu of modules, interventions including their scope, and a core set of indicators The scope provides guidance as to the types of activities to be completed under that intervention Forms basis for modular approach to grant making 2

3 NFM: Modular Template Modular Approach to grant making It runs throughout a grant's lifecycle, providing consistency at each stage –Concept note: funding request is defined by selecting a set of modules and related interventions aligned with national strategy –Grant making: each approved intervention is further defined with a set of detailed activities –Grant implementation: progress of each intervention is monitored through coverage/output indicators and financial tracking Program level Module Intervention Activity 3

4 NFM: Modular Template Objectives – addressing past limitations A single, common and well defined framework for grant making –Incorporates terminology already being used by countries and partners. –Replaces the former “Service Delivery Areas” (SDAs) with “interventions” that were applied inconsistently, presenting challenges for portfolio level analysis –Enables the flow of content from approved concept note into grant making stage 1 4

5 NFM: Modular Template Objectives – addressing past limitation s Bring together activities, funding, and indicators for performance assessment into one template –Includes modules, intervention and associated budget –Allows for comparison between funding and performance at the intervention level –Ensures tracking of key program elements with focus on coverage and impact –Minimizes the use of multiple separate grant documents (budgets, PSM plan, performance framework) which were developed & reviewed in parallel without clear links 2 5

6 NFM: Modular Template Example: HIV-Treatment Care & Support Quality assurance Procurement agent fee HIV Malaria TB Treatment care and support PMTCT Program management Pre-ART Care First-line ART – adults Treatment monitoring CD4 testing Training of health workers Baseline clinical assessment Procurement of ARVs M&E Counselling and Psych-social Support Treatment adherence Cost Inputs Product cost Transportation Storage HSS Activities (not standardized) InterventionsModulesDisease/HSS.... Impact/outcome indicators Coverage/output indicators Work-plan tracking measures 6

7 NFM: Modular Template Modules- HIV Treatment, Care and Support PMTCT TB/HIV Community Systems Strengthening Removing Legal Barriers to Access Health Information System and M&E Program Management Prevention programs for Key Populations- MSM, TG, Sex Workers, PWID Prevention programs for general population Prevention programs for other vulnerable populations Prevention programs for Adolescents and youth- in and out of school 7

8 NFM: Modular Template Modules- Tuberculosis TB Care and Prevention MDR-TB TB/HIV Community Systems Strengthening Removing Legal Barriers to Access Health Information System and M&E Program Management 8

9 NFM: Modular Template Modules- Malaria Vector ControlCase Management Specific Prevention Interventions Community Systems Strengthening Removing Legal Barriers to Access Health Information System and M&E Program Management 9

10 NFM: Modular Template Modules- HSS Procurement and supply management Health Information System and M&E Health and community workforce Removing Legal Barriers to Access Service delivery Program Management Policy and governance Healthcare financing 10 Financial management

11 TB and HIV joint applications: example 11 Prevention programs for general population Prevention programs for MSM and TGs Prevention programs for Sex Workers and their clients Treatment, care and support PMTCT TB Care and Prevention MDR-TB Approved component- HIV Approved modules New component- TB Requested modules Cross-cutting modules (HSS, CSS, M&E, program management, human rights) TB/HIV module To be included in joint concept note Opportunity for Reprogramming Update

12 NFM: Modular Template Measurement Framework: changes with the New Funding Model Focus on key components of national response and the resulting impacts Performance Based Funding- shift to progress in achieving high-quality service coverage, outcome and impact Includes a standardized menu of indicators, with guidance on analysis and data systems reflecting the updates from technical partners Reducing reporting burden for countries and strengthening M&E systems where required 12

13 NFM: Modular Template Measurement guidance- timelines Core list of indicators- by end of Nov 2013 Completed Reporting requirements and tables including operational guidance per indicator and related references- by end of February 2014 Indicator specific guidance for TB and Malaria sent to partners for review. HIV to be completed in February 2014 Measurement guidance including M&E for CSS, Human Rights, gender interventions and regional grants- by March 2014 13

14 NFM: Modular Template Core indicators Set of core indicators for HIV, TB, Malaria, HCSS identified Each set includes impact and outcome indicators, as well as coverage/output indicators Indicators are measured with data from :  routine reporting (most coverage/output indicators and some impact indicators);  Surveys and special studies (impact and outcome indicators);  Modelling (impact indicators) Focus on denominators to measure coverage Additional information required on geographical coverage, target populations, target assumptions, disaggregated results with baselines 14

15 NFM: Modular Template Impact and outcome indicators These indicators are reported at the national program level and should demonstrate progress of the overall national program (a total of all contributions from various domestic and international sources) When funding is requested for projects aimed at specific populations or a defined sub-national target area, some of these could be reported at project or sub-national level. Trends in the impact and outcome indicators will be used as inputs in the impact assessment every three years 15

16 NFM: Modular Template Coverage/Output indicators Measure success of the program in reaching people with services through the selected modules and interventions The denominator, the assumptions used to estimate population in need, and data sources, should be agreed upon during country dialogue Coverage/ output indicators will be used regularly for the performance rating of grants, every 6-12 months. These ratings will inform the annual funding decisions as well as allocation of funding every three years 16

17 NFM: Modular Template Key considerations Modules, interventions and indicators should be selected from the given list In exceptional cases, when the current lists do not accommodate the areas proposed by the applicants, additional modules, interventions and indicators could be added If baselines and denominators are not available, action plan should be agreed with the PR on collecting these with clear timeframes Results should be disaggregated as indicated Targets in the modular template should be linked to the programmatic gap analysis in the concept note 17

18 NFM: Modular Template Programmatic gap analysis and modular template The concept note requires programmatic gap analysis for three to six priority modules within the applicant’s funding request Programmatic gap table in the concept note provides a comprehensive picture of the key gaps which form the basis of the prioritization of the funding request Coverage levels for the priority modules selected should be consistent with the coverage targets in section D of the modular template 18

19 NFM: Modular Template Programmatic gap table- illustrative example Modular template- illustrative example 19

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