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ORT Braude College – Software Engineering Department WristQue: A Personal Sensor Wirstband Brian D. Mayton, Nan Zhao, Matt Aldrich, Nicholas Gillian, and.

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Presentation on theme: "ORT Braude College – Software Engineering Department WristQue: A Personal Sensor Wirstband Brian D. Mayton, Nan Zhao, Matt Aldrich, Nicholas Gillian, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 ORT Braude College – Software Engineering Department WristQue: A Personal Sensor Wirstband Brian D. Mayton, Nan Zhao, Matt Aldrich, Nicholas Gillian, and Joseph A. Paradiso Student: Shimon Arzuan 037036209 Guy Peleg 200736684 Date: 07/05/2014

2 WristQue is wristband wearable device that serves as the user’s personal control interface to networked infrastructure. WristQue enables users to take control of devices around them by pointing to select and gesturing to control. It uniquely identifies and locates users to deliver personalized automatic control of the user’s environment

3 INTRODUCTION – Smart House Technology – Motivation – Definition SYSTEM DESCRIPTION – System Structure – Wristband Design – Network – Backend – Inertial/Orientation Sensing – Environmental Sensing APPLICATIONS – Personal Light switch – Pointing interface – Adaptive lighting – Personalized comfort control CONCLUSION

4 Home automation refers to the use of computer and information technology to control home appliances and features Systems can range from simple remote control through to complex computer/micro-controller

5 Home automation may include centralized control of : – lighting, – HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning), – household machines – security locks of gates and doors and other systems, Provide improved convenience, comfort, energy efficiency and security.

6 Network control is increasingly common in the devices that people interact with in their daily lives. Modern commercial buildings commonly have computerized lighting, heating, cooling, entertainment, and other infrastructure systems. Computerized control has been expanding into people’s homes as well.

7 Why Don’t using a Smartphones as a interface ? smartphones are generally kept in a pocket or bag which limits their ability to sense the user’s environment Performing control tasks on a smartphone requires exhausting operations.

8 Does overloading buttons with too many functions, or having too many buttons, can quickly make a user interface confusing? With location sensing, the buttons can be made context-sensitive. To allow the user to select and control many devices in the environment, WristQue implements a pointing-based interface.

9 WristQue - is a personal wearable sensing and control device in the form of a wristband. It aims to increase the usefulness of infrastructure systems in two ways : 1.Moving controls to the user’s wrist. 2.Uniquely identifies and locates users within the building.

10 System Structure Wristband Design Network Backend Inertial/Orientation Sensing Environmental Sensing

11 WristQue system consists of two parts: 1.WristQue wristband - contains the sensors, radio, microprocessor, and battery. 2.Supporting infrastructure. The electronics are in the top half (left), and the battery in the bottom (right).

12 The wristband is an attempt to put a wearable sensor node into a form that people might be willing to wear regularly. people are often attached to their particular watch, WristQue designed as neutral wristband. The wristband allows the sensing to be added alongside an existing watch.

13 The WristQue wristbands communicate with a server computer through an wireless network. The base stations are custom boards connected to a computer, they communicate to the WristQue server software. They can also act as repeaters that forward packets back to the server. Base station

14 The WristQue server software is a collection of programs implemented in the Willow Garage ROS (Robot Operating System). This allows rapid prototyping of new applications. Data from the sensors are stored in a MySQL database. The server is also responsible for bridging between the WristQue and the systems it controls.

15 The WristQue senses its motion and orientation through four sensors with 3- axis : 1.High-resolution Position. 2.High-bandwidth acceleration. 3.Angular rates. 4.Magentometer.

16 WristQue monitors the wearer’s environment. Prototype sensors : Applications in lighting and HVAC (Hot Ventilation Air Conditioning ) control.

17 Personal Light switch Pointing interface Adaptive lighting Personalized comfort control

18 The application uses two buttons on the WristQue to adjust the lighting zone nearest to the user: – Button to raise the lights. – Button to dims the lights. The application removes the need for the user to find the lighting control panel. WristQue knows which zone number to control, and figure out which one of many buttons actually adjusts that zone.

19 Pointing is a natural gesture that people use to indicate specific objects around them. The position and orientation of the WristQue device are used together to define a ray that extends along the user’s arm. As the user points, the system computes the intersection of the ray with the planes.

20 Lighting conditions change throughout the day as varying amounts of sunlight enters through windows and contributes to the overall lighting. Users also move around the space, and may wish for their lighting preferences to follow them. Building occupants should not be made to work under insufficient light. The WristQue provide the desired light output at the user’s location while minimizing power consumption.

21 HVAC control systems based on programmed thermostats that regulate temperature not at where people are actually using the space. WristQue performs the temperature, humidity, and location sensing required to implement the following system: System that sensing measures temperature and humidity at the wearer’s location, and learns the wearer’s preferences as the user indicates too hot, too cold, or neutral with the device’s interface.

22 We have presented WristQue, a new wearable sensor platform that senses the user’s location, wrist orientation, and environment. We show how WristQue can both improve automatic control of infrastructure systems and provide a more intuitive and readily accessible interface.


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