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Chapter 16 Study Guide The Postwar America Why did President Truman not to seek reelection in 1952? Felt 8 years as president was enough.

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2 Chapter 16 Study Guide The Postwar America

3 Why did President Truman not to seek reelection in 1952? Felt 8 years as president was enough

4 Which amendment prohibits a person from serving more than two four-year terms? Twenty-second Amendment.

5 What is the limit on the number of years a president can serve? 10-year

6 Who wins the 1952 election becoming our nation’s 34 th president? Eisenhower

7 What was Eisenhower’s campaign slogan? “Ike for President”


9 What was Eisenhower campaign promise regarding the Korean War ? Bring an end to the war.

10 What was Eisenhower’s criticism of the Democrats for their handling of the Korean War? American soldiers were dying by the thousands. American soldiers were dying by the thousands.

11 Who was vice-president under Eisenhower? Richard Nixon

12 How did Nixon’s “Checkers Speech” help the Eisenhower campaign? Put scandal behind more important issues

13 A strategy that involves countries getting to the verge of war without actually going to war is referred to as? Brinkmanship

14 What term was used during the Cold War to refer to the United States' willingness to use nuclear force to settle disputes? nuclear Massive retaliation Massive retaliation –pledge that the U.S. would use overwhelming force against the Soviet Union including ___________ weapons.

15 What agency was formed in 1947 to collect intelligence information and spy on foreign governments? C.I.A.

16 What was the Soviet counterpart to this agency? K.G.B.

17 Name the longtime Soviet leader who died in March 1953. He had been responsible for the deaths of millions of his own citizens, led the Soviet Union in its domination of Eastern Europe and the start of the Cold War. Josef Stalin

18 Who became the leader of the Soviet Union following the death of their longtime leader? Nikita Khrushchev

19 Name the military alliance established in 1955 of the Soviet-dominated countries of Europe. Warsaw Pact


21 What purpose did the Soviets have in establishing this alliance? solidify control over ________ Europe Eastern ?

22 Name two countries where the Soviets violently put down anti- communists protests PolandHungary

23 Name the incident involving an American high altitude reconnaissance aircraft that was shot down over Soviet Union airspace. This event was a major political embarrassment for the U.S and greatly damaged U.S. – Soviet relations. U-2 incident

24 A meeting of the heads of government is referred to as? Held a Summit

25 What name is used for the group of nations including Australia, Great Britain, France, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, and the United States that agreed to work together to resist Communist aggression? SEATO

26 The Middle East was another region troubled by Cold War tensions. These tensions were heightened by the conflict between what two groups of people? Jews and Arabs

27 This dispute reached a crisis point in 1948. Name the country that declared its independence following a UN resolution dividing Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab state. Israel

28 What was the response to this country’s declaration of independence by its Arab neighbors? Immediately attacked Israel

29 Name the diplomatic and military confrontation that took place late 1956 between Egypt on one side, and Britain, France and Israel on the other, with the United States, the Soviet Union and the United Nations playing major roles. The Suez Crisis

30 What 1957 policy declared the right of the United States to help, upon request, any nation in the Middle East trying to resist armed Communism? Eisenhower Doctrine

31 What nuclear weapon is hundreds of times more powerful than an atomic bomb and gets its power from the fusing together of certain atoms. Hydrogen bomb

32 Why did President Truman decide to develop the hydrogen bomb? Our country would defend itself against any possible aggressor

33 An international contest between countries seeking to develop more nuclear weapons is called? Arms Race

34 Guided missiles that could travel thousands of miles and strike targets accurately are called? ICBM’s

35 In 1954 U.S. Navy launches the first nuclear-powered submarine called? U.S.S. Nautilus

36 Name the first artificial satellite to orbit around the Earth launched in 1957 by the Soviets? Sputnik

37 What concerned Americans when the Soviets launched this satellite? the Soviets had surpassed American scientists in terms of technical skill and knowledge

38 What U.S. agency was formed to take charge of exploring outer space? National Aeronautics and Space Administration

39 What agency was created by the Truman administration to help educate and prepare the public for nuclear emergencies? Federal Civil Defense Administration

40 To help educate the public, the FCDA issued an educational film which featured a friendly turtle named Bert. The film is called?


42 What did the government install in communities across the country to warn of a nuclear attack and tested on a regular basis? Air-raid sirens

43 Name the treaty with the Soviet Union restricting nuclear testing. Limited Test Ban Treaty

44 List three ways the American people were regularly reminded of the threat of nuclear war. 1.Government warnings 2.Media coverage 3.Air raid siren testing

45 Give two ways the nuclear threat differed from the kinds of threats that the American people had faced in the past? 1.Military might be unable to protect people 2.Long lasting impact

46 What was one of the most popular TV programs of the 1950s? It helped shape the future of television. I Love Lucy

47 Who was the actress and star of this television comedy? Lucille Ball

48 Name two fields in which television had an immediate impact. 1.Politics 2.Advertisers

49 Name the magazine that helped people keep track of their favorite TV programs. T.V. Guide

50 As television’s popularity grew what was of special concern? Effects of violent content

51 What invention led to the improvement of all kinds of electronics, including radios, televisions and smaller more efficient computers? Transistors

52 Name the first computer available for commercial use in 1951. UNIVAC

53 What did scientists develop in 1958, which aided the advancement of computer technology in the years ahead? Integrated circuit

54 Give two reasons computers were not marketed to homes in the 1950s. 1. too big 2. too expensive for personal use.

55 Name the scientist who developed the polio vaccine in 1952. Jonas Salk

56 The sharp rise in birth rates after World War II is referred to as? baby boom

57 List three factors that contributed to the size of the baby-boom generation. 1.advances in medicine. 2.confidence in economic prosperity. 3.return of veterans to family life after the war.

58 Name the author of the book on child-rearing in the 1950s? Dr. Benjamin Spock

59 During the 1950s, what media outlet provided programming of special interest to African- Americans? radio stations

60 Name the two territories that entered the Union during Eisenhower's presidency as our 49th and 50th states? AlaskaHawaii

61 What aided America’s population shift from cities to suburbs in the 1950s? construction of inexpensive suburban homes

62 Name the famous New York suburban development where houses were built quickly in an assembly-line fashion. Levittown

63 The U.S. population was beginning a shift toward the warmer climates in United States called? ______ belt______ belt Sun

64 What the two New York baseball teams in the late 1950s moved to California?

65 Give the name for the network of high-speed roads built to make interstate travel faster and easier. Interstate highway system

66 Give three reasons there was an explosion in the number of privately owned cars from 1950 to 1960. 1.the growth of the suburbs. 2.the new interstate highway system. 3.the availability of cheap, plentiful fuel.

67 What popular music style represented the rebellion of young people in the 1950s? rock ‘n’ roll Disc jockeys played rock ‘n’ roll

68 Lucky Test

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