The UC Project Management Institute is a Registered Provider with The American Institute of Architects Continuing Education Systems. Credit earned on completion.

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1 The UC Project Management Institute is a Registered Provider with The American Institute of Architects Continuing Education Systems. Credit earned on completion of this program will be reported to CES Records for AIA members. Certificates of Completion for non-AIA members are available upon request ( This program is registered with the AIA-CES for continuing professional education. As such, it does not include content that may be deemed or construed to be an approval or endorsement by the AIA of any material of construction or any method or manner of handling, using, distributing, or dealing in any material or product. Questions related to specific materials, methods and services will be addressed at the conclusion of this

2 Social Work in a Sustainable World Dr. Nancy L. Mary California State University, San Bernardino Presented at the 7 th annual UC/CSU/CCC Sustainability Conference July 31-August 3, 2008 Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo From the book, Social Work in a Sustainable World, Lyceum Books Inc.

3 Today: Congruence of sustainability and social work Opportunities for sustainable social work practice Importance of social equity Implications for new model of social work

4 Global Social Welfare Problems are Interconnected (World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987)

5 Mission of the Social Work Profession Helping individuals, families, groups, agencies, neighborhoods, communities, and larger society increase the capacity of social functioning and improve social conditions favorable to this goal. Code of Ethics includes social justice, empowerment, worth of every individual “Micro” AND “macro” practice Need more practice at the top of the waterfall!!

6 Definition of sustainability (Thomas Prugh and Eric Assadourian, Worldwatch Institute, 2003) Respect the limits of the natural environment Enhance the value of lives of all living species; biodiversity Equity, fairness, economic and social justice Citizen participation in decision making

7 Practice Venues for BSW and MSW Students Social work course in form of service learning Nine month fieldwork internship Post degree practice in their chosen specialization e.g. child welfare, aging and adults, veterans, hospital social work, community based non profits, industrial social work, mental health

8 Community Development of Former Military Property

9 How does equity apply? Community based task force of broad constituency Goal: to find alternative uses of property to meet human needs (vs. military) Recommendations for multiple use of property i.e. housing homeless; school; job training; incubator for new technology in renewable energy

10 COPC (Community Outreach Partnership Centers - HUD funded) Block clubs Environmental cleanup and recycling Community gardens

11 How does equity apply? Low income neighborhoods Sites affected by environmental hazards e.g. toxic wasted dumps, substandard physical infrastructure Residents involved in decision making regarding solutions

12 Community development: work with interfaith councils to develop farmers markets

13 How does equity apply? Location within walking distances of poorer neighborhoods Location where mainstream supermarkets are not available Recruitment of vendors who assist at risk or vulnerable populations e.g. Homeboy Industries

14 Work with at-risk school kids or incarcerated youth Recycling Growing a garden

15 How does equity apply? Youth who never saw themselves as leaders take on leadership roles

16 Work with non profits in education on conservation, or micro enterprises senior centers counseling centers Community based organization (CBO) sewing cooperative

17 How does equity apply? Economic empowerment Individuals with low incomes access energy saving technology

18 Individuals, Families and Groups International Arena Organizations Neighborhoods, Communities States, Nations Interconnected, Interdisciplinary Practice Sustainable Social/Economic Environmental Development Partnership Strategies Long Range Planning and Prevention Citizen Empowerment A Model for Social Work in a Sustainable World Mission: To develop sustainable life enhancing systems

19 QUESTIONS? This concludes the American Institute of Architects Continuing Education Systems Program. Insert your company/campus/agency name or logoWebsite, Phone, etc.

20 For more info on social work and sustainability see me… Social Work in a Sustainable World Nancy L. Mary Lyceum Books Inc. Chicago Illinois

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