Research Impact Sarah Hall Research Impact Strategy and Policy Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Impact Sarah Hall Research Impact Strategy and Policy Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Impact Sarah Hall Research Impact Strategy and Policy Manager

2 Definitions “The demonstrable contribution that excellent research makes to society and the economy.’’ - RCUK ‘any effect on, change or benefit to the economy, society, culture, public policy or services, health, the environment or quality of life, beyond academia’ – REF

3 RCUK typology

4 What is impact? Economic and societal impacts embrace all the diverse ways in which research-related knowledge and skills benefit individuals, organisations and nations by: fostering global economic performance, specifically the economic competitiveness of the UK increasing effectiveness of public services and policy enhancing quality of life, health and creative output

5 Why think about impact? Funding – Both public funding streams for research now include impact – through RC grant applications and … The REF – impact counted for 20% of the overall assessment of excellence in REF2014 Personal reward – making a difference with your research can be personally fulfilling Draft proposals for promotion criteria reference contribution to impact

6 RC grants Impact summary – Who might benefit from your research? And how might they benefit? Pathways to Impact - Detail project-specific activities which will help develop potential economic and societal impact, answering the question: What will be done to ensure that potential beneficiaries have the opportunity to engage with this research? Provide a plan of action.

7 The REF For REF2014, Impact counted for 20% of our overall quality profile Assessed through a strategic impact statement and a series of impact case studies articulating and evidencing how UoL research has led to societal, economic and cultural impact 90 impact case studies submitted across the University 4 page narrative accounts with 5 sections, including evidence Next REF probably 2021 – now working towards next submission REF impact planning through impact coordinators and College Leads

8 Becoming REF-eligible Happens when you have: Funding in your own name (fellowship) or… A job contract which includes independent research, ie T&R contract, not an RA post Once triggered, the clock is running Early career, maternity, paternity, part-time working, career breaks would reduce the minimum number of outputs required

9 Considering your own work Who are the potential “users” of your research? E.g. the public in general, patients, health providers, industry, technology providers, policymakers, local government, national government, schools, teachers, HEIs, probation, police or other judicial stakeholders, environmentalists, children, pupils, etc, etc How might you communicate with them? E.g. Membership of advisory boards, NICE, open access, blogs, websites, collaborative or contract research, CPD training, social media, stakeholder conferences and networks, All Party Parliamentary Groups, public engagement events How will you evidence the impact of your research? E.g. Return on social investment studies, guidelines, policy citation, website hits, visitor numbers, evaluation reports, testimonial, user feedback, partnership agreements, sales figures


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