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Presentation on theme: " Digital Experience Management Improving Reputation Management Through Social Media Dan Hobin CEO G5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Experience Management Improving Reputation Management Through Social Media Dan Hobin CEO G5

2 Digital Experience Management Agenda Why Online Reputation Management Now 5 Steps to Improving Your Online Reputation Key Takeaways

3 Digital Experience Management The Information Age is Over Source: June 6, 2011, “Competitive Strategy In The Age Of The Customer” Forrester report

4 Digital Experience Management Welcome to the Age of the Customer Source: June 6, 2011, “Competitive Strategy In The Age Of The Customer” Forrester report

5 Digital Experience Management Welcome to the Age of the Customer Source: June 6, 2011, “Competitive Strategy In The Age Of The Customer” Forrester report Ford GE Boeing Age of Manufacturing Mass Manufacturing Wal-mart Toyota UPS Age of Distribution Global Connections Transportation Systems Microsoft Google Intuit Age of Information Information Flow Facebook Apple Zappos Age of The Customer Customer Experience Customer Advocates

6 Digital Experience Management Your Customer’s Voice is Louder than Ever Before

7 Digital Experience Management Zero Moment of Truth

8 Digital Experience Management FMOT First Moment of Truth: The 7 seconds after a shopper first encounters a store shelf. P&G

9 Digital Experience Management

10 Digital Experience Management

11 Digital Experience Management Google/Shopper Sciences Study 84% of Americans engage in ZMOT activities prior to purchase

12 Digital Experience Management Google/Shopper Sciences Study In 2011, the average shopper used 10.7 sources of information before buying

13 Digital Experience Management Stock PriceMkt CapP/E MSFT$ 30.90$ 260.43B11.43 GOOG$ 607.53$ 198.06B18.42 AAPL$ 562.69$ 525.97B13.71 FB$ 35.00$ 96.00B70.00

14 Digital Experience Management Friends Have More Credibility Than Brands *Nielsen’s Latest Global Trust in Advertising Survey 92% of respondents said they trusted Word-of-Mouth recommendations from their friends and family above all other forms of communication.

15 Digital Experience Management *Nielsen’s Latest Global Trust in Advertising Survey Online consumer reviews are the second-most trusted form of communication (cited by 70% of consumers, up 15% since 2007)

16 Digital Experience Management Google/Shopper Sciences Study 70% of Americans look at reviews before making a purchase.

17 Digital Experience Management

18 Digital Experience Management Zero Moment of Truth ??? Are you winning the

19 Digital Experience Management Winning the Zero Moment of Truth ??? Does someone in your organization have as their #1 objective

20 Digital Experience Management Improving Your Online Reputation

21 Digital Experience Management 5 Steps: 1 Set yourself up for success 2 Monitor the conversation 3 Engage and participate 4 Take ownership of your online reputation 5 Deliver amazing experiences

22 Digital Experience Management Claim, optimize, and maintain:

23 Digital Experience Management Monitor social media conversations

24 Digital Experience Management Don’t just hear - listen Look for (and record) trends in the conversation Identify areas where the resident or family member experience can be improved Create action plans based on what you find

25 Digital Experience Management Systematic and regular monitoring Regular response plan Approach and method for engagement Active participation in social media sites Create a strategy that includes:

26 Digital Experience Management You have to create amazing experiences at every digital touch point

27 Digital Experience Management DXM Goal: Turn Residents/Family Members into Advocates Source: June 6, 2011, “Competitive Strategy In The Age Of The Customer” Forrester report SEARCHERPROSPECTRESIDENTADVOCATE

28 Digital Experience Management Key Takeaways Assign someone to winning the ZMOT Claim, optimize, and maintain the review sites Listen and take action Develop a systematic approach Provide amazing experiences – create advocates Check out G5 Reputation Manager Jump In Now

29 Digital Experience Management Thank You

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