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C ONTINUING C ERTIFICATION R EQUIREMENTS FOR PMP S Kevin B. O’Brien, PMP VP Administration, Huron Valley Chapter, PMI.

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Presentation on theme: "C ONTINUING C ERTIFICATION R EQUIREMENTS FOR PMP S Kevin B. O’Brien, PMP VP Administration, Huron Valley Chapter, PMI."— Presentation transcript:

1 C ONTINUING C ERTIFICATION R EQUIREMENTS FOR PMP S Kevin B. O’Brien, PMP VP Administration, Huron Valley Chapter, PMI

2 C HANGING R ULES March 1, 2011 new rules in effect Still have a three-year cycle Still require 60 PDUs within the cycle Same fee for renewing But changes in some specifics If you record PDUs now, they will be under the new categories and restrictions regardless of when earned!

3 W HAT CHANGED Reducing the CCR categories from 18 to 6 Ensuring that one hour = one PDU Adding Web 2.0 learning opportunities Adding limits to some categories

4 PMP H ANDBOOK PMI web site /Certifications/pdc_pmphandbook.ashx Or just log in to the PMI site, go to Certification, and look for the PMP Handbook.

5 PMP H ANDBOOK TELLS THE STORY The PMP handbook has all of the information Go to the section called Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) Note that you need to view this in a browser. Letting PMPs actually download a copy would cause the collapse of Western Civilization. Or something.

6 A SSUMPTION There are 5 certifications that PMI offers PMP PgMP PMI-SP PMI-RMP CAPM This presentation will focus on PMP only. See the handbook for details if you have a different certification

7 T ERM OF C ERTIFICATION When you pass the exam, you are certified for three years You need to satisfy the requirements and apply for re-certification before the three years are up, i.e. before hitting the three year anniversary of passing your exam

8 R EQUIREMENTS FOR R ECERTIFICATION Earn and report the appropriate amount of professional development units (PDUs) during each three-year certification/CCR cycle Complete an Application for Certification Renewal Reaffirm PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct and PMI Certification Application/Renewal Agreement Submit payment of the renewal fee

9 PDU S This is where you need to plan ahead if you want to make this go smoothly You need to earn 60 PDUs in the three-year cycle Obviously, this averages to 20 PDUs per year So how to do it?

10 M AINTAIN G OOD R ECORDS The 4 th Edition of PMBOK emphasizes maintaining good documentation It should not be a surprise that this is a requirement within PMI as well All PDUs you record are subject to potential audit. The new PMP handbook specifies what records you must be able to produce if audited. So keeping good records is important

11 E XAMPLES OF R ECORDS Receipts for attending Chapter Meetings Certificates for completing approved training classes Notes about books read

12 P LAN FOR PDU S I would recommend planning ahead and making room for PDU-earning activities Use tools like calendars and To-Do lists I like Google Calendar and Remember the Milk, but there are many others out there. Start with the idea that you want to accumulate 20 PDUs per year. If you can do that, you are home free.

13 C HAPTER M EETINGS Monthly Chapter Meetings – Huron Valley Chapter generally has 9 per year (we skip July, August, and December) Each Chapter Meeting earns you 1.5 PDUs just for attending That adds up to 13.5 PDUs a year, so you’re more than two-thirds of the way to your goal

14 P ROFESSIONAL D EVELOPMENT D AY Last November 2010 we held our second Professional Development Day in conjunction with the Thumb Chapter Attending earned you 7 PDUs Combine that with Chapter Meetings and you already met your goal for the year!

15 N EW C ATEGORY S TRUCTURE There are six categories. But they are grouped into two groups of three Educational Giving Back To The Profession You can earn and apply any number of PDUs in the Educational group You may only apply 45 PDUs from the Giving Back To The Profession group

16 W HAT THIS MEANS Previously you could have earned all of your PDUs from various kinds of volunteer work, form being an active Project Manager, etc. This is no longer the case. PMI is now insisting that you earn a minimum of 15 PDUs from Educational activities.

17 E DUCATIONAL G ROUP Category A: Courses offered by PMI’s R.E.P.s or Chapters and Communities Category B: Continuing Education Category C: Self-Directed Learning Again, can apply any number of PDUs from this group.

18 C ATEGORY A Courses offered by PMI’s R.E.P.s or Chapters and Communities Chapter Meetings and the PDD fit in here Also offerings from Registered Education Providers (could be schools, corporate training departments, etc. but must be on PMI’s official list)

19 C ATEGORY A ( CONT.) Can also take a Publication Quiz by reading an article and answering 70% of questions correctly. See Development/e-learning/Pub-Quizzes-FAQ.aspx Development/e-learning/Pub-Quizzes-FAQ.aspx Quizzes cost $25

20 C ATEGORY A D OCUMENTATION Registration form, certificate or letter of attendance

21 C ATEGORY A: COP S Take a look at the PMI Communities of Practice Many offer one-hour (=one PDU) webinars These may be free, and very convenient

22 C ATEGORY B: C ONTINUING E DUCATION Academic courses Offerings from sources other than PMI R.E.P.s Can include Webinars from industry groups or companies if the topic is “related to project management, project risk, project scheduling, or program management”

23 C ATEGORY B: D OCUMENTATION For academic course, a transcript or grade report For other providers, a registration form or completion certificate, and a brochure or syllabus giving the content and the qualifications of the instructor

24 C ATEGORY C: S ELF -D IRECTED L EARNING Reading articles or books Watching videos or listening to podcasts Being coached or mentored Formal discussions with colleagues, clients, or consultants Limited to 30 PDUs per cycle

25 C ATEGORY C: D OCUMENTATION Evidence supporting your reported learning project, including notes from and dates of discussion or reading

26 P ODCASTS This is a new activity added You can listen in your car with the right equipment

27 P ODCAST PDU S See ontent&task=view&id=51&Itemid=33 ontent&task=view&id=51&Itemid=33 You can get one hour by adding two 30 minute podcasts together, but it must by on a single topic (i.e. risk management) Any knowledge area in the PMBOK guide is eligible

28 N OTE ON S ELF -D IRECTED L EARNING These are low-hanging fruit in getting PDUs These are things you should be doing anyway The part you have to add is taking notes and keeping records

29 G IVING B ACK T O T HE P ROFESSION G ROUP Category D: Creating New Project Management Knowledge Category E: Volunteer Service Category F: Working As A Professional In Project Management Again, all PDUs from this group cannot exceed 45 PDUs per cycle

30 C ATEGORY D: C REATING N EW P ROJECT M ANAGEMENT K NOWLEDGE Authoring books and articles Presenting Webinars and Podcasts Creating and developing course content Instructor for PM-related classes

31 C ATEGORY D: P RESENTING AND T EACHING Note that in presenting and teaching, both the preparation time and the actual presentation time count for PDUs So if you spend 5 hours preparing for a 1 hour class, you can claim 6 PDUs The same for presentations, such as at a Chapter meeting

32 C ATEGORY D: D OCUMENTATION Copies of publications, sample educational materials or course agendas

33 C ATEGORY E: V OLUNTEER S ERVICE Must be “volunteer, non-compensated project management, project risk, project scheduling, or program management services to non-employer or non-client customer groups”

34 C ATEGORY E: C HAPTER S ERVICE Includes volunteering as a committee member or officer for the chapter Must serve at least 3 months to claim PDUs

35 C ATEGORY E: C OACH OR M ENTOR Providing coaching or mentoring on PM topics For example, coaching a group of students on Project Management

36 C ATEGORY E: D OCUMENTATION If volunteer services: letter or certificate from the organization served acknowledging you for leading project tasks or participating as part of a project team If coaching or mentoring services: evidence supporting your coaching or mentoring arrangement, including notes from and dates of discussion or reading

37 C ATEGORY F: B EING A PM If you provide PM or Program Management services for at least 6 months out of 12 This is limited to the 5 PDUs per year, or 15 per cycle

38 C ATEGORY F: D OCUMENTATION Proof of employment (job description)

39 O LD TO N EW The PMP handbook contains a “crosswalk” from the old category structure to this new structure, but it is too long for a slideshow Note the heavy emphasis on maintaining documentation Some restrictions have changed

40 M AKE A PLAN ! We are all supposed to be good at this, right? So make a plan to acquire your PDUs in the way that best suits you Don’t wait until your certification is about to expire! Create a documentation file as part of your plan. You just may get audited!

41 E XAMPLE I work as Project Manager at least 6 months per year: 15 PDUs total for three years I attend Chapter Meetings each month as scheduled: 13.5 PDUs per year times 3 = 40.5 PDUs for three years I attend the Professional Development Day each year: 7 PDUs per day times 3 = 21 PDUs Total = 76.5 PDUs in three years!

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