Revision: marking homework for Peace and Conflict h/w sheet. Make sure you mark your sheet in a different colour and bring it in to the next lesson. Your.

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1 Revision: marking homework for Peace and Conflict h/w sheet. Make sure you mark your sheet in a different colour and bring it in to the next lesson. Your next h/w will be to complete a homework sheet on crime and punishment and then mark it.

2 3.1 The United Nations and world peace. What is the United Nations? (key word) An international body set up to promote world peace. How does the UN security council try to stop threats to world peace? Sanctions – restricting trade Allowing use of force – by member states. Sending a UN peacekeeping force. The UN runs the International Criminal Court in the Hague – prosecuting anyone accused of war crimes.

3 3.1 The United Nations and world peace. What does the UN peacekeeping force do? Helps to make peace agreements work – by diplomacy and stabilising the conflict situation. Try to prevent the outbreak of fighting. Try to bring about stable government (based on democracy and economic development). How was the UN involved in the conflict in Syria? They put forward a six point plan; help get discussions between the government and the rebels by appointing a spokesperson for each side; 2. to try to stop all fighting; 3. if fighting continues to have a 2 hour pause each day to allow innocent civilians to leave conflict areas and to look after casualties; 4. get the release of all political prisoners and if not allow them visitors and ensure their health is good; 5. to allow journalists free access without being attacked so they can tell the world what is going on; 6. to allow the people to demonstrate peacefully and join groups that are against the government

4 Did the six point plan work? No, the UN had to withdraw from Syria in the summer of 2012 as the situation was too dangerous. How is the UN helping the Syrians at the moment? They are providing refugee camps and through the different UN agencies they are providing shelter, medicine, food and in some cases education for the children of the refugees.

5 3.2 How religious organisations try to promote world peace. How do religious organisations work for world peace? Organising; meetings to show the horrors of war and encourage people to vote for political parties that are working for peace. protests to change public opinion and therefore government policies. And attend inter-faith conferences to help religions work together for world peace. Also working for economic justice and worldwide acceptance of human rights to remove the causes of war.

6 3.2 How religious organisations try to promote world peace. Name two Christian, one Muslim, one Jewish and one Hindu organisations working for world peace. Christian... Pax Christi International Christian... Christian Peacemaker Teams Jewish... The Jewish Peace Fellowship Muslim... The Muslim Peace Fellowship Hindu... Mahatma Gandhi Centre for Global Nonviolence.

7 3.3 How wars occur Give four reasons why wars occur. 1.Religion 2.Nationalism and ethnicity 3.Economics 4.Ideological and political differences Make sure you remember these four reasons!!

8 3.3 How wars occur Explain how these four reasons cause wars occur. 1.Religion – If followers of a religion are badly treated in one country another may try to intervene (Serbia invaded Kosovo because they thought the Orthodox Christians were being badly treated by the Muslim majority) Kashmir – Majority Muslims under Hindu control (India). The Muslims of Kashmir would like to be ruled by Pakistan. Pakistan and Afghanistan - Different Muslim groups (Sunni and Shia) in are fighting each other about political control and their different beliefs. 2.Nationalism and ethnicity – belief that separate ethnic groups should have their own countries - Such as the Tamils in Sri Lanka; ethnic Albanians in Kosovo; and The Basque Separatist Movement in Spain - Eta. 3.Economics – The economic crisis in Zimbabwe has led to massive migration of refugees looking for food and work. This has caused problems from the South Africans. Some people believe that Iraq was invaded because the West wanted access to its oil reserves. 4.Ideological and political differences – Wars can occur because of ideals (different ideas about how society should be run) or politics. The Cold War between the USSR and The West was a war about ideology, a fight between Capitalism and Communism. This is the cause of tension between North Korea and South Korea. In the Congo two different political groups are fighting each other for power. It is not easy to explain this conflict as the reasons are also about ethnicity and economics as well as political power. This was has the largest death toll since World War Two.

9 3.4 The nature and importance of the theory of a just war. What are the 7 points of a just war (and the most recent 8 th condition)? 1.Just Cause 2.Legitimate authority – the United Nations. 3.It is being fought to bring back peace. (for the right reasons) 4.Last resort – all other methods have been tried and failed. 5.There is a reasonable chance of success 6.Civilians must not be targeted 7.Only the Minimum force needed for success should be used. 8.(War should end and normal relations resumed as soon as possible.)

10 3.5 Differences among Christians in their attitudes to war. There are two different attitudes towards war in Christianity. What are they? Christian pacifism and the idea that Christians can fight in a just war.

11 3.5 Differences among Christians in their attitudes to war. Christian pacifism What does pacifism mean? It means refusing to fight in wars. Name some Christian pacifist groups. The Roman Catholic group Pax Christi is the largest. The Quakers The Plymouth Brethren The Christadelphians Give two quotes from the Bible that can be used when writing about pacifism. ‘Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God’ Matthew 5:9 (New Testament) ‘I tell you do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.’ Matthew 5:39 (New Testament)

12 3.5 Differences among Christians in their attitudes to war. Christian pacifism Give six reasons why some Christians are pacifists. 1.Jesus said Christians should love their enemies and turn the other cheek. 2.The fifth of the 10 Commandments says ‘Do not kill’. 3.Jesus would not let Peter fight back when Jesus was being arrested. 4.Innocent civilians suffer in modern wars. 5.Peace can only come when all people refuse to fight. 6.Modern warfare affects so many innocent people because of weapons of mass destruction. This means that war can never be justified.

13 3.5 Differences among Christians in their attitudes to war. and the idea that Christians can fight in a just war. All Christians believe that they are called by God to bring peace to the world but many believe that this can only be done by being prepared to fight a just war. Give five reasons why they think this. 1.All the main Christian Churches believe this (Roman Catholic, Anglican, Methodist, Baptist, United Reform Church). 2.St Paul said that Christians should obey the laws of their government, so should fight for their country if asked. 3.Jesus did not condemn soldiers, he actually praised the faith of a Roman Centurion. 4.When Jesus said ‘Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s’ he meant it is acceptable for Christians to fight in a war ordered by the government. 5.If we need police to protect innocent people against criminals, we need armed forces to protect innocent states against criminal ones.

14 3.6 Islam and attitudes to war. Are there any pacifist groups in Islam? No, the Qur’an encourages all Muslims to ‘struggle in the way of Islam’. What is the difference between greater jihad and the lesser jihad? Greater Jihad is the struggle to make yourself a perfect Muslim and to make your society perfectly Muslim. Lesser jihad is to fight in a just war. Why would Muslims fight in a just war (4 reasons)? 1.The Qur’an says that Muslims must fight if attacked. 2.Muhammad fought in wars. 3.There are many Hadith from Muhammad saying Muslims should fight in just wars. 4.The Qur’an says that Muslims dying in a just war will go straight to heaven. However some Muslims fee that the nature of modern weapons means that not war can be a just war, and so they oppose wars.

15 3.7 Christian attitudes to bullying. What is bullying? Intimidating/frightening people weaker than yourself. What is respect? Treating a person or their feelings with consideration. Give examples of school bullying. Name-calling, pinching, kicking, hitting, taking possessions, ignoring people or leaving them out of games, sending abusive texts or e-mails. Abusing people because of their religion, ethnic origin, appearance, sexuality or disability. Give examples of work bullying. Managers and supervisors can humiliate or undermine a worker’s confidence through constant criticism. This type of bullying can lead to stress, nervous breakdown or even suicide.

16 3.7 Christian attitudes to bullying. Give six reasons why Christians are against bullying. 1.In Christianity using violence without a just cause is sinful. 2.People are a creation of God, made in God’s image. Bullying is mistreating God’s creation so it is wrong. 3.It is the duty of Christians to protect the weak and innocent (for example, the Parable of the Good Samaritan), bullying is the opposite of this. 4.Jesus taught that Christians should treat anyone in trouble as if they were Him (the parable of the Sheep and the Goats) ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25–40. 5.All Christians are taught that they should protect human rights. 6.Bullying has harmful effects on society, Christians are taught they should always try to make society better.

17 3.8 Islam and attitudes to bullying. Give six reasons why Muslims are against all forms of bullying. 1.Islamic society is based on respect between the members of society. Bullies have no respect for the people they bully and so do not understand Islamic society. 2.Muslims believe that using violence without a just cause is a sin. 3.Any Muslim who bullies a fellow Muslim is acting against the ummah (the world wide Islamic community). 4.It is the duty of all Muslims to protect the weak and innocent not to bully them! 5.Muhammad said ‘Every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim.’ No one should bully their brother and so Muslims should not bully anyone. 6.All the law schools teach that Muslims should defend human rights and bullying denies the victim’s human rights.

18 3.9 Religious conflicts within families. What are the four main ways in which religion can cause conflicts within families? 1.Children no longer want to take part in their parents’ religion. 2.Children wanting to marry a partner from a different faith. 3.Children becoming more religious than their parents. 4.Disagreements over moral issues.

19 3.9 Religious conflicts within families. Explain how each of these can cause conflict within a family. 1.Children no longer want to take part in their parents’ religion. Religions tell parents to bring their children up in the faith and to make sure they become full members of the faith when they are adults. Parents worry that without religion their children will become immoral (they will sin). If the children sin then the parents will worry about what will happen to them after death (beliefs in life after death). Children will think their parents are denying them their right to worship as they choose (to give up their religion). 2.Children wanting to marry a partner from a different faith. In a multi-faith society young people of different faiths fall in love and want to marry. If this happens; Often there can be no religious wedding ceremony. Which faith should the children of the marriage be brought up in? What will happen to the couple after death? Parents and families will feel betrayed.

20 3.9 Religious conflicts within families. Explain how each of these can cause conflict within a family. 3.Children becoming more religious than their parents. Parents may be upset if their child wants to take a low-paid job as a priest, imam, charity worker, or if the child joins a religious community and is not allowed to marry. If the child criticises the parents, for example if Roman Catholic parents use contraception; Muslim parents run an off-licence or Hindu parents eat beef. If the child tries to force the parents to be more religious. For example Baptist children saying their parents should read the Bible every day or Sikh children stopping their parents from drinking alcohol. 4.Disagreements over moral issues. Moral decisions can cause major arguments. For example: If a Roman Catholic or a Sikh decides to divorce and marry someone else. If a couple decide to live together rather than marrying. If a family member takes a job which is viewed as immoral. If a family member decides to have an abortion.

21 3.10 Christian teachings on forgiveness and reconciliation Give four reasons why Christians believe in forgiveness and reconciliation? 1.Jesus died on the cross to bring reconciliation and forgiveness. 2.Jesus said that if Christians do not forgive others, they will not be forgiven themselves. 3.St Paul said that Christians should try to live in peace with everyone. 4.All the Churches teach that Christians should use forgiveness and reconciliation to end conflicts. (The parables of the lost coin/sheep/son) When would forgiveness and reconciliation not apply? If the person has not truly repented (changed). Also if the conflict is about a moral or religious issue, that cannot be resolved.

22 3.11 Islam: Teachings on forgiveness and reconciliation. Give four reasons why Muslims should be forgiving and try to bring about reconciliation. 1.God is compassionate and merciful to sinners, so Muslims should also be forgiving. 2.How can Muslims ask for forgiveness on the Last Day of they are not prepared to forgive people? 3.The Qur’an says that Muslims should forgive those who offend them. 4.Muhammad said in many hadiths that Muslims should be forgiving. When would forgiveness and reconciliation not apply? However, Muslims should not forgive those who work against Islam.

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