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 Review › 4 types of tissues  Connective  Muscle  Epithelial  Neural.

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2  Review › 4 types of tissues  Connective  Muscle  Epithelial  Neural

3  Over 700 muscles  Functions › Produce movement › Maintain posture › Support soft tissues › Guard entrances and exits › Maintain body temperature


5  APPEARANCE  Striated: has a striped appearance due to the thickness of the protein fibers > Smooth: protein fibers (which are arranged the same in striated muscle) is not as thick so you cannot see the pattern the fibers make

6  Epimysium: › Surrounds entire muscle  Perimysium: › divides skeletal muscle into compartments  Fascicle: › Each compartment contains a bundle of muscle fibers


8  Endomysium › Surrounds each skeletal muscle fiber and ties adjacent muscle fibers together

9  Write down 3 facts and be prepared to discuss with class.

10  What is the term that surrounds entire muscle?  What is the term that divides the muscle into compartments?  What is a fascicle?  What is endomysium?

11  Plasma membrane = sarcolemma  Cytoplasm = sarcoplasm  Transverse tubules (T tubules) = passageways through mountains


13  Myofibrils: › Actin = thin filaments  Tin and thin › Myosin = thick filaments › rmFg rmFg  Sarcomeres = repeating functional units of myofilaments


15  Z lines = boundaries of each sarcomere  Tropomyosin and troponin = proteins that help actin and myosin bind and move  Cross Bridges = myosin head interacts with thin filaments during contraction › Like a person pulling on a rope 1 handed

16  With a partner, make index cards with definition on 1 side and term on other  1. Match them up  2. See who can match up fastest  3. Memory  Matching Quiz

17  Page 200-201  Skip !

18 INNERVATION > Voluntary: under conscious control (you had to learn to use these muscles) > Involuntary: work without you having to think about them Examples? LOCATION (review) › Cardiac- found in the heart › Skeletal- Muscles that attach to your bone (are responsible for your body movements) › Smooth: muscle found in most of your organs


20  Tension: muscle cells contract, they produce an active force › Grab your pencil, shake someone’s hand, pretend to kick a ball › Write down 2 of your own examples.  Resistance: opposes movement › Ex: lifting weights, wind, snow, friction › Write down 2 of your own examples.

21  Muscles can only contract (shorten and generate tension)  **Amount of tension produced is determined by 1) frequency of muscle fiber stimulation 2) number of muscle fibers activated

22  Botulism: consumption of foods with a bacterial toxin › Can lead to paralysis  Rigor Mortis › Stiff as a board upon death


24  Mother Russia › Heavy weights so they could split muscle fibers › False!  Eye  Leg: 2000 fibers

25  Plank Time  Tension increased by recruiting additional muscle fibers are until you wimp out!

26  Atrophy: muscle fibers become smaller and weaker › Name 5 people (preferably hot actors) who do not have atrophy!  Muscle Fatigue: exhaustion of energy reserves

27  Tetanus: 2 meanings › Disease with rusty nails (infection) › Immunization: tetanus booster › And sustained muscle contraction › C-v3Y C-v3Y

28  Use it or lose it!

29  Isotonic: tension rises and skeletal muscle’s length changes  Isometric: Muscle as a whole does not change  Lab

30  Muscles can only contract › So they have to be pulled back to normal by another muscle. › So every muscle has a partner that works opposite of it  Called antagonistic pairs  Example: So, when the bicep contracts, it pulls the tricep to relaxation

31  ATP  Aerobic Metabolism: 95% of ATP is through this process WITH OXYGEN  SMOOTH MACHINE  17 ATP at end  Examples?...

32  ANAEROBIC: ENGINE SPUTTERING: oz. of gas in car  1181528008/ 1181528008/  Glycolysis can proceed in the absence of oxygen so it can provide ATP when the availability of oxygen limits the rate of mitochondrial ATP production

33  What is the process where you have oxygen/energy stores?  Which process is where oxygen/energy stores limited?

34  Conditions within muscle are returned to normal pre-exertion levels › Energy reserves were consumed, heat is released, lactic acid is produced

35  What are 2 major factors that determine the performance capabilities of a particular skeletal muscle? › Types of muscle fibers › Physical conditioning or training

36  Fast Fibers: Reach peak twitch tension: large glycogen reserves, few mitochondria › White muscle  Example: chicken breasts  Slow Fibers: Extended periods of time › red  **Genetically Determined

37  Aerobic Endurance vs. Anaerobic Endurance  Examples:

38  Muscle cells are long and skinny  Thus, a muscle cell is called a muscle fiber › Sarcolemma – the cell membrane › Sarcoplasm- the cytoplasm  Remember: structure determines function

39  MYOFIBRIL: a chain of sarcomeres that all work together  MUSCLE FIBER: the muscle cell  FASCICLE: A bundle of muscle fibers held together by the endomysium  One muscle has hundreds of fascicles all bundled together by a membrane called the perimysium (so one muscle can hold many fascicles)  Epimysium/fascia: holds the entire muscle together

40  Found in heart only  Involuntary  Cells branch  Cells are arranged to look like really long fibers, but are actually smaller cells attached at the intercalated discs

41  Found in the digestive system, and other hollow organs (blood vessels, bladder, kidney, diaphragm, etc)  No striations (proteins are still there, just not thick enough to see pattern)  Involuntary  Peristalsis- always pulsing in order to push substances through tubes (or to breath)

42  The longest type of muscle fiber  Striated and voluntary  Are attached to bone in some way * direct/fleshy attachment: the muscle is fused to the bone + not common + where the muscle that cover the scalp * indirect attachments: uses a tendon to attach to bone

43  ORIGIN: end of muscle that attaches to the non-moving bone  INSERTION: end of muscle that attaches to the bone it moves  BODY: the meaty part of the muscle  Since the muscles rub against bone, many have a small BURSA sac below them. When the muscle flexes, it presses on the bursa and a oily fluid is released to reduce friction

44  Flexors and Extensors  Abductors and Adductors  Rotators  Supinators and Pronators  Dorsiflexors and Plantar Flexors  Antagonistic pairs- partners that work opposite of each others

45  The Stapedius: is a muscle in your ear!

46  Remember, muscles contract because nerves tell them to  Impulses are electrical currents running through a nerve cell (called a neuron)  Without Sodium and Potassium, your neurons cannot make electricity

47  Too much sodium and heart is weak and can’t pump it › Hello Fluid: Cankles!!!!!  Potassium is low... Heart troubles  Water pill: Take potassium

48  Muscles need Na and K to contract  Athletes  Diet

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