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Reviewing Enzymes. - All enzymes are proteins...proteins are also called “polypeptides”. - Enzymes are made up of amino acids (amino group + carboxyl.

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1 Reviewing Enzymes

2 - All enzymes are proteins...proteins are also called “polypeptides”. - Enzymes are made up of amino acids (amino group + carboxyl group (an organic acid) + “R” group”) - held together by “peptide bonds” (bond between C and N) - most enzymes end with “ase” - Enzymes are “Biochemical catalysts”..... they trigger or accelerate a chemical reaction without being chemically altered themselves.

3 Enzymes are very “specific”. Enzymes lower the amount of activation energy required to start a reaction.

4 An Enzyme Reaction includes an enzyme, a substrate, and products. A Substrate is the molecule(s) acted upon in an enzyme reaction. The Product(s) of a reaction are “What you make” as a result of a chemical reaction.

5 Coenzymes Organic molecules that aid in enzyme reactions. Many Vitamins are Coenzymes. The distinguishing feature of the vitamins is that they generally cannot be made by mammalian cells and, therefore, must be supplied in the diet.

6 Cofactors Non-protein molecules, or ions, which aid in enzyme reactions. Examples: Zinc, Iron and Copper.

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