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The role of Leadership in the church community The Church A Re-discovery of the Body of Christ.

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Presentation on theme: "The role of Leadership in the church community The Church A Re-discovery of the Body of Christ."— Presentation transcript:

1 The role of Leadership in the church community The Church A Re-discovery of the Body of Christ

2 Leadership Oswald Chambers God did not direct His call to Isaiah – Isaiah overheard God saying, “…who will go for Us?” The call of God is not just for a select few but for everyone. Whether I hear God’s call or not depends on the condition of my ears, and exactly what I hear depends upon my spiritual attitude. SDodson 2016 CBC

3 “A true and safe leader is likely to be one who has no desire to lead, but is forced into a position of leadership by the inward pressure of the Holy Spirit and the press of the external situation. Such were Moses and David and the Old Testament prophets. I think there was hardly a great leader from Paul to the present day but that was drafted by the Holy Spirit for the task, and commissioned by the Lord of the Church to fill a position he had little heart for. I believe it might be accepted as a fairly reliable rule of thumb that the man who is ambitious to lead is disqualified as a leader. The true leader will have no desire to lord it over God's heritage, but will be humble, gentle, self-sacrificing, and altogether as ready to follow as to lead, when the Spirit makes it clear that a wiser and more gifted man than himself has appeared.” Leadership A. W. Tozer SDodson 2016 CBC

4 The Role of Leadership 1.To provide form and structure for the community 2.To articulate a clear, simple, and relevant vision/mission for the community 3.To create pathways for the community to follow Jesus Christ and live out the Gospel 4.To maintain a greenhouse environment to nurture, grow and equip the community 5.To serve the community by following Jesus Christ SDodson 2016 CBC

5 The Role of those who follow 1.Be positioned to receive – Always! 2.Be humble, willing to lead and be led, willing to walk together to serve the community 3.Be faithful in the few things, grow where you are, excel in what you’ve been given to do 4.Be open to serve, learn, grow, and live out the Gospel together with the community 5.Be devoted to loving God and loving others SDodson 2016 CBC

6 10 Leadership Characteristics 1.Leaders are those who have already gone where others are going (Peter and Cornelius, Moses). 2.Leaders see where God is leading and follow. They see by faith and walk in confidence toward what is yet to come (Abraham, Joshua and Caleb). 3.Leaders are those willing to pay a price to open a pathway for others. They suffer paying a price to make a space for others to receive (Jesus, Joseph, Paul). 4.Leaders are those who call others to follow what God is doing, they call people around a unified purpose (Nehemiah). 5.Leaders are those who produce other leaders always working to replace themselves (Moses, Jesus, David, Elijah, Paul). SDodson 2016 CBC

7 10 Leadership Characteristics 6.Leaders are those who speak/lead into the reality that which God is speaking (John/Baptist, Joshua/Possession of land, Elisha 2 Kings 6). 7.Leaders are those who allow themselves to be equipped, to prepare themselves to lead before they ever have the opportunity to do so (David). 8.Leaders are those who position themselves to learn and receive from other leaders (Elisha, Jesus’ disciples). 9.Leaders are those who learn how to seek the Lord first in all things (Jehoshaphat 2 Chron.20, David, Esther). 10.Leaders are those who are divinely enabled, appointed, or “Anointed” to lead for specific times and seasons (Jesus (Luke 4:18), Solomon, Pentecost Acts 1:8). SDodson 2016 CBC

8 Preparation for Leadership & Serving Be devoted to Christ, to His Word, to follow the Holy Spirit Be obedient and walk in what you know, what God has already taught you Be faithful in the little things, lead where you are, lead those you influence Honor your leaders, defend others, guard their spiritual wellbeing Allow the Kingdom to flourish around you, build everything in your life with Jesus Christ at the center Keep serving, keep giving, be willing to be last Be consistent, walk in unity with the community Allow the Holy Spirit to shape you, mold you into the image of Jesus, develop you, and equip you for his service. Prepare, prepare, prepare. Learn, learn, learn. Serve, serve, serve. SDodson 2016 CBC

9 Community Organization CC - SL Community (CBC) Leaders Ministry Leaders Volunteers Ministry Partners Community Partners Guests Conceptual representation of church/community “Org chart” Organic flow of responsibility within the community based on roles and gifting All are important, all are necessary, all are connected to the community, all functioning in unity SDodson 2016 CBC

10 Community Organization SP and Elders provide umbrella of authority for the CBC community Pastors and ministry leaders (paid and volunteer) work in teams with eldership to lead ministry activities in the community Deacon team serves the community with helps ministries Office staff supports teams and church community Advisory team only needed in special circumstances SDodson 2016 CBC

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