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The Kennedy Years How does America change during “Camelot”?

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2 The Kennedy Years How does America change during “Camelot”?

3 The Television Election 1960 election: VP Richard Nixon vs. Sen. John F. Kennedy First televised debate is held between the candidates Radio listeners think Nixon won TV viewers say Kennedy won Kennedy defeats Nixon in nation’s closest election Eisenhower warns US public of power of military-industrial complex

4 The Camelot Years First family captivate the nation, modern day Camelot (royalty) Kennedy surrounds himself bright-minded cabinet but relies most on his brother Bobby who is Attorney General Kennedy inauguration “ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for you country”

5 The New Frontier Domestically, JFK wants to stimulate stagnant economy Gets Congress to lower taxes + hike min. wage = low unemployment Peace Corps JFK starts volunteer program, young people sign up & travel to Asia, Africa, Lat. America to assist people Race to the Moon After Soviets beat US by putting first man into space, JFK challenges the nation saying we need to put a man on the moon by end of 60s

6 Bay of Pigs Invasion Communist Fidel Castro takes over Cuba, JFK okays an Eisenhower Admin planned invasion of Cuba (CIA trains Cuban exiles) Bay of Pigs invasion fails. JFK won’t use US military to help Cuba asks Soviets for defensive help JFK demands all missiles be removed. US begins to blockade Cuba However, JFK and Khrushchev cut a deal to avoid a nuclear war Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) Soviets offer nuclear missiles in Cuba, U2 spy planes photograph sites

7 Thirteen Days 1.What do Kennedy’s advisors tell him about Cuba and what are his options? 2.What does the military want to do about the missiles? Does JFK agree? 3.What is the quarantine of Cuba? 4.What issues does Def. Scy McNamara have with Admiral Anderson? 5.What deal has Khrushchev sent to Kennedy?

8 Describe people, object and actions taking place in the cartoon. Explain the symbols in the cartoon. Explain the message of the cartoon.

9 Flexible Response JFK dumps MAD policy in favor of Flexible Response Developed by JFK and Defense Scy McNamara, it says US will use different responses to communists threats (not just nuclear) Berlin Wall Khrushchev tells E. Germans to build Berlin Wall to stop defections JFK sees it as Soviets isolating W. Berlin, says we won’t let Communists knock us out of Berlin Showdown between two leaders leads to estb. of “Hot Line”

10 Kennedy & Civil Rights 1960: MLK & 33 others “sit-in” at Atlanta lunch counter, King gets 1 month hard labor, JFK asks Bobby to get judge to release MLK 1962: James Meredith wants to enroll at Ole Miss. Gov Ross Barnett refuses to let him register JFK sends in federal troops to allow Meredith into school 1963: JFK sends in federal troops to force Alabama Gov George Wallace to desegregate schools 1963: JFK gives speech urging Congress to pass Civil Rights Act

11 More “Advisors” in Vietnam Southern communists form National Liberation Front aka Vietcong North Vietnam begins aiding Vietcong creating a network of secret paths thru Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos called the Ho Chi Minh Trail Kennedy sends more military advisors to help Diem’s govt. Diem’s popularity is plummeting – VC steps up guerilla campaign Monks protest Diem’s govt, Americans can’t believe their eyes JFK authorizes CIA sponsored coup against Diem, Diem killed in Coup – Kennedy expressing doubts about US role in Vietnam

12 Tragedy in Dallas Nov 22 nd, 1963: JFK travels to Dallas, TX to campaign for reelection Gov. John Connolly, JFK & Jackie Kennedy ride in convertible After passing the Texas School Book Depository, shots ring out Police charge a man named Lee Harvey Oswald with the crime Oswald claims he is a “patsy”. Next AM Oswald is shot by a mafia member Jack Ruby Lots of questions about assassination – many say they heard shots from grassy knoll in front of motorcade (JFK head goes back & to left) Warren Commission concludes Oswald acted alone

13 1. Why did Garrison & his investagtors think it was impossible for Oswald to get off the shots? 2. What was the Warren Commission theory about the wounds? 3. What evidence does Garrison give that Oswald did not act alone?

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