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SPECIALIST MIDWIFERY SERVICES Supporting vulnerable pregnant women with complex needs.

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Presentation on theme: "SPECIALIST MIDWIFERY SERVICES Supporting vulnerable pregnant women with complex needs."— Presentation transcript:


2 SPECIALIST MIDWIFERY SERVICES Supporting vulnerable pregnant women with complex needs

3 Main Principle To protect babies and Children at risk of significant harm

4 OVERVIEW OF THE SERVICE Communication with the wider multi-agency team/partnership working Escalation where appropriate Information Sharing Consistency Robust Multi agency Planning Reduce Poor outcomes medically & Socially

5 To increase engagement and continuity To provide a preventative strength based approach in the hopes of reducing fear and stigma Provide a consistent evidence based approach Strengthen the evidence to make informed decisions and birth plans Aims of the Service

6 Information Sharing Factual Shared with parents Not withheld Documented

7 Challenges Resistance to change and challenge Barriers to multi agency working Working within a timely manner Working within existing resources with increasing referral rates

8 Strengths Reducing risk and harm to babies High Standard Partnership working Increased engagement Timely birth planning Midwifery safe guarding lead

9 Future Developments Devon wide pre birth baby policy Perinatal mother and baby beds in locality Devon health visiting in partnership programme Multi agency guidance for all vulnerable groups Enhanced Training

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