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I.Why Reproduce? A. To Pass Along DNA B. To Populate Species.

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Presentation on theme: "I.Why Reproduce? A. To Pass Along DNA B. To Populate Species."— Presentation transcript:


2 I.Why Reproduce? A. To Pass Along DNA B. To Populate Species

3 II. All Living Things Reproduce III. Two Reproduction Types A. Asexual – requires only one parent B. Sexual – requires both a male and female parent

4 IV. Asexual Reproduction A. Budding – growing of a smaller version of the organism off the parent B.Fission -adult organism splits in half.

5 C. Parthenogenesis – the developing of the egg without the addition of sperm from a male.

6 D.Fragmentation/Regeneration 1.Fragmentation - the body breaks into several pieces and then forms a whole new organism. (Coral) 2. Regeneration – organism repairs itself or damaged parts. (Lizards’ tails)

7 E. Advantages & Disadvantages of Asexual Reproduction 1. Advantage – only need one parent organism to reproduce; reproduction occurs quickly 2. Disadvantage – stifles genetic variation thus all bad traits are passed along.

8 V. Sexual Reproduction A.Formation of a new individual following the union of one gamete from one parent with the gamete from the other parent. 1. Male gamete – sperm 2. Female gamete - egg

9 B. Hermaphrodite –parent is both male and female. 1. Common in flowering plants, worms, and snails 2. When it occurs in animals, the animals are sterile.

10 C. Mouth Brooding – the fertilized eggs are incubated in the mouth (usually of the female)

11 D. Fertilization During Sexual Reproduction Occurs in Two Ways: 1. External Fertilization – parents release gametes into environment (SPAWNING) 2. Internal Fertilization – sperm is placed inside female’s body by the male

12 E. Advantages & Disadvantages of Sexual Reproduction 1. Advantage – recombination of genes through both parents DNA 2. Disadvantage – egg has to come in direct contact with the sperm

13 F. Advantages & Disadvantages of External Fertilization 1. Advantage – close contact by parents not needed; less energy spent 2. Many of the eggs and sperm do not survive.

14 G. Advantages & Disadvantages of Internal Fertilization 1. Advantage – only a few sperm and eggs are needed to be made. 2. High energy cost in finding a mate and mating

15 H. Sexual Selection 1. Definition – ability of individual to choose a mate. 2. Driven by competition 3. Females are choosy 4. Sexual Dimorphism (male and female markedly different)

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