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THE VIKINGS By William Sawford and Toby Williams.

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Presentation on theme: "THE VIKINGS By William Sawford and Toby Williams."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE VIKINGS By William Sawford and Toby Williams

2 INTRO HELLO. Welcome to our PowerPoint about VIKINGS! You will see loads of epic stuff like Weapons, and monks, and Toby fixing a ruler! And Viking villages! And RAIDS!!! I hope you enjoy! Enjoy or I will find you and Jeff and his minions will get you even if you lock your door.

3 PAGE SELECTION 4-------------------------------------------------------RAIDS 5-----------------------------------------------------MONKS 6-------------------------------------------------WEAPONS 7--------------------------------------------------VILLAGES 8---------------------------------------------------VALHALA

4 RAIDS!!! First, the juicy stuff. Raids were full of blood and gore, and dead monks. It was hard for Vikings to farm in their land so they invaded other places and took their stuff. Bar your windows, lock your doors, the Vikings are coming. home

5 MONKS The softies of the Viking age were also called monks. They thought that they would be protected by god, however, they still got raided, and their buildings got burnt, and Vikings became rich. home

6 WEAPONS Now we get to the even JUICIER bit! Vikings had trillions of weapons: A sword, a bow and arrow, a spear, a shield (which is totes defence) and a load of other stuff including a sling! A war hammer! A battle axe (William carried one with his shoelaces untied) and a load of other stuff that no one cares about! home

7 VILLAGES Villages were fairly big, they had thatched roofs and lots and lots of mead (honey wine) which was tasty and full of ALCHOLE. They had pens outside for keeping their pigs and chickens and Tobys in. Only one person could be inside it at a time as they were TINY! home


9 VALHALA Valhalla is Viking heaven which is just a huge mead hall where people (like Toby) would drink until they dropped. And tell their tales of how they died. Apparently, if a Viking died in battle, they would go to Valhalla. home


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