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Published byVernon Gibbs Modified over 9 years ago
20 February 2008 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft ALICE Status Report to LHCC February 2008 Collaboration News Project Status Production (TOF, TRD, PHOS, PMD) Installation Commissioning
20/2/2008 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft 2 Collaboration News New Institutes joining in 2007 LPSC Grenoble (associate -> full member) EMCAL (construction) California Polytechnic State Univ. (USA, NSF funded)EMCAL (software) Applying: Yonsei Univ., Pusan Univ.(Korea), PUCP (Peru) several additional US institutes (Houston, Tennessee, Purdue) Elections/Nominations CB chair: L. Riccati (Torino) reelected 1.1 2008 for 3 years Technical Coordination: L. Leistam (CERN) 5.4.2008 for 3 years Deputy TC: W. Riegler (CERN) from 5.4.2008 C. Fabjan retires in 2008, was TC since February 2001 Run Coordinator: P. Kuijer (NIKHEF) 1.1.2008 for 1 year Spokesperson elections will be held in July 2008 ALICE detector paper submitted to JINST 8 Feb. 2008
20/2/2008 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft 3 Funding News EMCAL calorimeter for jet physics France: project approved by CNRS in March 2007 (ca 1 M Euro) Italy: project continuation funded for 2008 (INFN Sept 2007) US: DOE CD2/3 review in December 2007 approved and funded (ca 13.5 M US$) production schedule driven by funding profile (trying to accelerate by 1 year) TDR planned for mid 2008 PHOS modules 4, 5 electronics and APD’s are funded (China, Japan) crystal & mechanics funding requested via Kurchatov Inst. (2008 – 2010)
20/2/2008 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft 4 ALICE Detector TPC PHOS Muon arm TOF TRD HMPID PMD ITS ACCORDE
20/2/2008 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft 5 Planning & Schedule Changes since early 2007 end 2007 run at 900 GeV has been replaced by mid 2008 run at full energy Additional time used for: repair of pixel detector (6 half staves damaged in March 2007) production of further modules: TOF (7->18) TRD (2->4) (only 2 will be installed) PHOS (1->3) (only 1 will be installed) take more time for testing and pre-commissioning of individual systems add more cosmic running for global commissioning and initial alignment Expected start-up configuration April 2008 complete: ITS, TPC, TOF, HMPID, muon arm, FMD, trigger dets (V0, T0,ZDC, Acorde),.. partially complete: PHOS(1/5), TRD (2/18), PMD (1/48), DAQ/HLT (20-30%), Beyond 2008 complete DAQ/HLT capacity (shifted from 2008 to 2009) in line with expected LHC running complete modular detectors: PMD (2008), TRD (2009), PHOS (2010), EMCAL (2011)
20/2/2008 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft 6 TOF Production module production : 100 % Electronic r/o cards:85-100 % Assembly & Installation Supermodule assembly : 15 SMs assembled 10 SMs installed Schedule TOF production complete: Mar 2008 installation complete: April 2008 TOF SuperModules in storage
7 10 SM already installed Last 8 SM will be installed in March/April SMs commissioned and readout during Dec. ’07 cosmic run SMs installed in Nov./Dec. ’07 and currently under commissioning SMs installed in Jan ’08 Status of TOF SuperModules installation : 16 January 2008
20/2/2008 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft 8 TRD (fully funded since 2006) Chambers: 430 chambers done (>77% completed; expect to be done by Oct. 08) GSI, U. Hd, U. Frankfurt, JINR, Bucharest Electronics: R/O board & MCM production transferred to industry 2nd half of production being optimized for yield TRD pre-trigger: partially installed - under test GTU fully implemented and debugged Assembly 2 super modules installed, 2 more done; end of assembly March 09 1 SM fully tested at CERN in PS beam noise performance identical to lab test noise performance during cosmic run with B-field w/o B-field Excessive gas leakage discovered during SM test TRD chambers have been tested for diffusive 0 2 leaks and are within specs however, large viscous leaks found during supermodule beam test in PS leaks localized and all chambers will be repaired (Xenon is expensive !) consequence: only 2 (repaired) SM’s will be installed
20/2/2008 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft 9 Photon Spectrometer (PHOS) Detector status: Module 1: ready since mid 2006, tested & calibrated with cosmics and test beam assembly & operation experience => improved mechanical/electrical design Modules 2,3: all elements (crystal, mechanics, electronics) produced, most at CERN Cooling plant : produced and commissioned, to be installed in April Condensation observed during warm-up after 2 month cold operation of Mod #1 end 2007 flushing with dry nitrogen insufficient => design new airtight enclose & feedthroughs first casing ready only end of April => too late for 2008 installation Revised installation schedule 1 module installed in April system commissioning & pp physics operated at +18 0 C, to be upgraded during first long shutdown 2 modules completed and calibrated during 2008 for installation in first long shutdown PHOS module # 2
20/2/2008 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft 10 PMD Detector production all modules produced, tested, at CERN FEE all produced, mostly at CERN FRT board tests ongoing (quality issues) support and Pb converter ready Installation postponed long term tests show that some MANAS FEE gets damaged by repeated sparks implement additional protection diodes delivery delays => not ready by April Install 1 module for 2008 (commissioning) rest in first long shutdown (~2 weeks) PMD needed mainly for heavy ion physics PMD chambers support, Pb converter
20/2/2008 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft 11 Installation Milestones DetectorStartFinish Muon detector installation /commissioningApr 2006April 2008 Initial TPC installation + ITS rails11.01.200702.02.2007 ITS Barrel (SDD,SSD) + Vacuum (central Be chamber) + Bake-Out15.03.200705.04.2007 FMD/V0/T0 (C side)10.04.200720.04.2007 Commissioning TPC + services21.04.200715.06.2007 SPD installation & integration with ITS barrel18.06.200726.06.2007 FMD2 installation27.06.200729.06.2007 ITS (+ cooling) commissioning02.07.200727.09.2007 TPC to IP, ITS tests, Service Chariot, Beampipe Fixation28.9.200722.10.2007 1 TRD/ 3 TOF installation24.10.200704.11.2007 EMCAL Frame05.11.200716.11.2007 Miniframe (services A side)19.11.200730.11.2007 3 TOF/ 1 TRD29.11.200706.12.2007 Magnet Test + Global Commissioning07.12.200721.12.2007 V0-A/T0-A, TOF, cabling, magnet test L3January 2008 mid Feb 2008
20/2/2008 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft 12 Phase 3 Installation Forward detectors(T0/V0/FMD) + ITS + TPC Installation - testing – pre-commissioning most difficult part of ALICE installation ITS buried deep inside TPC crowded region with tight clearances one side blocked by muon absorber final services on A side unavailable for testing most delicate: extremely thin & fragile det. tracking volume < 10% X 0 (0 < r < 2.5 m) equivalent to < 1.5 mm of Copper !! significant static & dynamic deformations procedure & tooling was extensively tested surface mock-up early 2006 ITS V0/T0/FMD Muon absorber C A
13 TPC transport (January 2007) < 100 m horizontal, < 100 m vertical in 2 days = 4 m/hour Position Monitor
14 SSD/SDD Installation 15.3.07 Traversing the TPCBe beam pipe
15 Forward Multiplicity Detector FMD Interaction Trigger (V0) Trigger & Timing (T0) April 2007
17 Moving the Pixel Half-Barrels to the IP
18 Installation of top half-barrel Inner layer Outerlayer
19 TPC SSD/SDD SPD Moving of the ITS over the SPD SPD cone SPD barrel
20 SPD inside the ITS Absorber ITS June 2007
21 ITS barrel ready to enter inside TPC September 2007
22 1000200030004000 TPC pos. z [mm] 0.5 1 1.5 2 Δ [mm] Beam-pipe sag during TPC movement to IP IP Parking Beampipe Sag (mm) Insertion 08.08. Extraction 15.08. Insertion 27.09. Maximum 2.25mmToday 1.7mm Maximum allowed beam-pipe sag: 3mm = 40N on central support = 15MPa stress Start Monitored with lasers, cameras, strain gauges and optical survey…
23 ITS is lowered by a remote control mechanism and fixed to the TPC Final fixation of the ITS ITS TPC
20/2/2008 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft 24 Summary ITS Installation went essentially smooth w/o major incident or hick-up major effort involving many different groups, over several months lots of smaller problems discovered & solved cooling commissioning, cable & connector problems, positioning & alignment, software/firmware/hardware bugs, ……. ITS and FWD detectors in good health after installation SPD: > 99.5% working channels SSD: > 97% working channels SDD: > 98% working channels FMD: > 99.9% working channels
20/2/2008 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft 25 Muon Spectrometer Tracking Installation completed for stations 1, 2, 4, 5 station 3 is 50% complete (access to ST1/2) Trigger installation complete commissioning ongoing Stations 1, 2 Stations 4, 5 Position Monitoring System: installed on stations 1 & 2 photogrammetry and survey done under progress on stations 3,4,5
26 Muon spectrometer
20/2/2008 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft 27 EMCAL support November 2007
20/2/2008 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft 28 29 Nov 2007: Descent of the last big structure
29 ZDC’s installed on both sides > 100 m inside the tunnel RA23 Point of concern: Introduction of tertiary collimator TCTVB between IP and ZDC can affect the spectator neutrons acceptance Possible solutions under study RA27 n-cal p-cal
20/2/2008 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft 30 Trigger/DAQ/HLT/DCS/ECS Installation of all systems in ‘initial configuration’ essentially complete 20-30% for DAQ/HLT, 100% for Trigger/DCS/ECS Integration & commissioning of different Control Systems and Detectors
20/2/2008 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft 31 - DATE V5, DDL SIU + RORC delivered - Detector algorithms framework ready APRIL 07 SPDSPD SSDSSD SDDSDD TPCTPC TRDTRD TOFTOF MUONTKMUONTK MUONTGMUONTG HMPIDHMPID PHOSCPPHOSCP FMDFMD T0T0 V0V0 ZDCZDC PMDPMD ACORDEACORDE EMCALEMCAL Final electronics with DDL & DATE Trigger with LTU and TTC Common Data Header (TRG info) Data format check SOD, EOD Data quality monitor. (MOOD) Detect. Algorithms on monitor servers Detector/DAQ integration - DATE V5, DDL SIU + RORC delivered - Detector algorithms framework ready January 08 SPDSPD SSDSSD SDDSDD TPCTPC TRDTRD TOFTOF MUONTKMUONTK MUONTGMUONTG HMPIDHMPID PHOSCPPHOSCP FMDFMD T0T0 V0V0 ZDCZDC PMDPMD ACORDEACORDE EMCALEMCAL Final electronics with DDL & DATE Trigger with LTU and TTC Common Data Header (TRG info) Data format check SOD, EOD Data quality monitor. (MOOD) Detect. Algorithms in DAQ
20/2/2008 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft 32 Detector/Trigger integration
33 Detector Control February 07 1 H/W & low level S/W done 2 Basic control with PVSS 3 FSM implemented 4 Configured and ready for operation
20/2/2008 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft 34 ECS skeleton ready APRIL 07 SPDSPD SSDSSD SDDSDD TPCTPC TRDTRD TOFTOF MUONTKMUONTK MUONTGMUONTG H M PI D PHOSCPPHOSCP FMDFMD T0T0 V0V0 ZDCZDC PMDPMD ACORDEACORDE EMCALEMCAL DCS FSM implemented Calibrations runs defined Calibrations runs implemented in ECS Detect. Algorithms for calibration runs Detector/ECS Integration ECS February 2008 SPDSPD SSDSSD SDDSDD TPCTPC TRDTRD TOFTOF MUONTKMUONTK MUONTGMUONTG HMPIDHMPID PHOSCPPHOSCP FMDFMD T0T0 V0V0 ZDCZDC PMDPMD ACORDEACORDE EMCALEMCAL DCS FSM implemented Calibrations runs defined Calibrations runs implemented in ECS Detect. Algorithms for calibration runs
20/2/2008 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft 35 Cosmic run December ‘07 Trigger in UX-C area Trigger DAQ and HLT Raw Data ACORDE (Cosmic Trigger) ALICE detectors Trigger input Control Operation from ALICE Control Room Data archive Registration on the GRID
20/2/2008 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft 36 Cosmic Run 14 detectors could run standalone and in some global runs: SPD, SSD, SDD, TPC, TRD, TOF, Muon TRK, Muon TRG, HMPID, FMD, V0, T0, ACORDE, ZDC(missing: PHOS/CPV, PMD, EMCAL) R/O for a subset of the installed detector (limited by services, connections, power supply..) Global runs with multiple detectors (up to 11) : All with pulser or ACORDE as Trigger detector and the Central Trigger Processor Event building on several GDCs Data recording: ROOT format Migration to CASTOR 17.5 TB of data Registration in AliEn 23 k files Electronic Logbook Magnets Muon Dipole operated full Field L3 magnet operated only January 2008
20/2/2008 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft 37 Standalone runs
20/2/2008 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft 38 Global Partition during Cosmic Run
20/2/2008 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft 39 Event Displays TPC Krypton Calibration (February 2008) Muon Tracking Chambers HMPID noise (1000 e)
40 TOF results from the cosmic run, December 2007 (2 S.M. in global partition) ACORDE triggers Random triggers Peak width ( =25 ns) is due to trigger jitter TRIGGER FROM ACORDE! First (out of several) muon track seen by TOF Sector 08, 6 hit strips in external module
20/2/2008 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft 41 Muon Tracking Commissioning: Local commissioning with “stand-alone DAQ”: stations 1, 2 CH5 (station 3), CH7-O (station 4) almost completed stations 3, 4, 5: read-out difficulties ( connectors !) + noise problems : under investigation Global ALICE DAQ: Station 1 + half-station 2: 2 LDC entered the December Cosmic Run plan: station 1 + full station 2 + part of CH5 (station 3) in February Cosmic Run (3 LDC) CH1bending: pedestal & noiseCH7-O bending: pedestal & noise noise
20/2/2008 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft 42 Computing Resources ALICE deficit in 2008/9 (after recent updates of pledges/requirements) ~ 30-40% Active discussion for the integration of US computing resources into ALICE Discussions with individual countries to raise their relative contribution usability of available resources now mostly above 90% Commissioning of the Offline successfully started First tracks from real data at P2 reconstructed 24/10/2007 23rd RRB J. Schukraft 42 Computing 2 week global run 17.5TB in 23K files (~0.7 GB/file) 18MB/sec = 1/3 of the p+p rate CCRC’08 ongoing now 130MB/s Data Traffic T0 -> T1’s 18TB Data stored in T0
20/2/2008 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft 43 Planning 2008 Comissioning runs Cosmics I (2 weeks, Dec 2007) local (individual detectors) and global (several detectors) comissioning Cosmics II (3 weeks, Febr/Mar 2008) local/global commissioning, first 1 week alignment ‘production’ run (TPC/ITS) Cosmics III (> 4 weeks, April/March 2008) global commissioning, alignment production run for all detectors PHASEDetectorStartFinish PHASE 4V0-A/T0-A/TOF/L3 magnet test7.1.200817.2.2008 Cosmic Run II18.2.20089.3.2008 TOF/TRD/PHOS/PMD11.3.200827.4.2008 Cosmic Run III,28.4. 2008 Mobile shielding, close vacuum28.4. 200812.5.2008 Start of beam21.05.2008
20/2/2008 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft 44 Summary Most of ALICE installed in 2007 delicate TPC/ITS installation took longer than foreseen, but went essentially without problems initial detector configuration required for pp in 2008 will be in place by April including 2 TRD and 1 PHOS module global commissioning under way still lots of work ahead ! Looking forward to beam in 2008 !
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