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PP 500 Public Administration and Management Unit Six Seminar Kris R. Foote, J.D. Kaplan University.

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Presentation on theme: "PP 500 Public Administration and Management Unit Six Seminar Kris R. Foote, J.D. Kaplan University."— Presentation transcript:

1 PP 500 Public Administration and Management Unit Six Seminar Kris R. Foote, J.D. Kaplan University

2 Ethics in Public Administration and Management Welcome to the Unit Six Seminar! Review of this week’s seminar. Review of this week’s Unit Six course work. This Week’s Assignments: Read Chapter Five in the Course Textbook. Read the additional assigned readings and lecture notes. Post to the Unit Six Discussion (25 points). Attend the Unit Six Seminar (10 points). Unit Six Assignment: Ethics Paper (125 points). During this unit you will focus on ethics and its role in the public sector.

3 Ethics in Public Administration and Management What is Public Administration? All processes, organizations, and individuals associated with carrying out laws and other rules adopted or issued by legislatures, executives, and courts. What is the Bureaucracy? All government offices. The permanent administrative structures of the government. Defined (last week): A bureaucracy is a large organization that is structured hierarchically to carry out specific functions. The ideal purpose of a bureaucracy is the efficient administration of rules, regulations, and policies. Governments, businesses and other institutions such as colleges and universities have bureaucracies.

4 Ethics in Public Administration and Management Review of Bureaucratic Models: The Three Models of Bureaucracy: (1) Max Weber and the” Weberian Model.” (2) The Acquisitive Model of the Bureaucracy. (3) The Monopolistic Model of the Bureaucracy. Frederick Winslow Taylor and “Scientific Management.” Taylor’s “Duties of Management.” (1) Replacing traditional, rule of thumb methods of work accomplishment with systematic, more scientific methods of measuring and managing individual work elements. (2) The scientific study of the selection and sequential development of workers to ensure optimal placement of workers into work roles. (3) Obtaining the cooperation of workers to ensure full application of scientific principles. (4) Establishing logical divisions within work roles and responsibilities between workers and management.

5 Ethics in Public Administration and Management Human Resource School: Elton Mayo and the Hawthorne Experiments. Abraham Maslow and his Hierarchy of Needs. The ordering of needs is as follows: 1. Physiological Needs. 2. Safety Needs. 3. Love and Affiliation Needs. 4. Esteem Needs. 5. Self Actualization. Edward Deming’s Total Quality Management (TQM).

6 Ethics in Public Administration and Management 14 Qualities of Total Quality Management (1) Create constancy of purpose for improvement of product and service. (2) Adopt the new philosophy. (3) Cease dependence on mass inspections. (4) End the practice of awarding businesses on the basis of price tag alone. (5) Improve constantly and forever the system of production and service. (6) Institute Training. (7) Adopt and Institute Leadership. (8) Drive out fear.

7 Ethics in Public Administration and Management 14 Qualities of Total Quality Management (9) Break down barriers between staff areas. (10) Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for the work force. (11) Eliminate numerical quotas for the workforce and numerical goals for people in management. (12) Remove barriers that rob people of pride of workmanship. (13) Encourage education and self improvement for everyone. (14) Take action to accomplish the transformation.

8 Ethical Decision Making The ability to make decisions is a fundamental skill for any public administrator. Decision making can get even more complicated when ethical standards are challenged. Therefore, it is important for you to know the ethical guidelines for public administrators in order to resolve challenging situations quickly and effectively. During this unit you examine ethical dilemmas and procedures to resolve them, through effective decision making.

9 Unit 6 Seminar  Define ethics. Be prepared to discuss the distinction between ethics and morals.  Next, we will discuss unethical behavior in the public sector.  Go to the United States Office of Government Ethics to discuss some of the common ethical issues that public sector employees encounter. After discussing some of the common ethical issues you will discuss acceptable ethical behavior of government employees in Box 5-2, pgs. 230 to 232.  Next we will discuss decision making on pages 209 to 212. During the seminar take one of the common ethical challenges from the issues provided at the United States Office of Government Ethics and explain how you will resolve the issue.  Tasks:  Define Ethics  Decision Making Review the organizational models discussed in unit 2  Ethical Dimensions of Decision Making Codes of ethics by ASPA ICMA Code of Ethics Implementing Standards of Ethics

10 Ethics in Public Administration and Management Ethics: What do you think is ethics? Do People want to act ethically? The American Society of Public Administrator’s Code of Ethics. Avoidance of Ethics. Common Ethical Problems. Some ethics related concepts: - Ethical Relativism. - Teleology. - Deontology. - Intuitionism.

11 Ethics in Public Administration and Management The International City/County Manager’s Association’s Code of Ethics. Is it difficult to act ethically? If so, why?

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