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Starter What would your reaction be if you saw a random person in your garden?

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Presentation on theme: "Starter What would your reaction be if you saw a random person in your garden?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter What would your reaction be if you saw a random person in your garden?

2 Use of land Learning objectives: To consider who owns land in the UK and who can access it. To understand how to answer written source questions.

3 Who owns the land? As well as private land, a range of different organisations own land in the UK... Forestry commission (government) Ministry of defence National Trust Prince of Wales Church of England

4 Who can access the land? Government legislation such as the ‘right of way act’ opens up land for the public to access eg. Walking, bird-watching ect Should the following land be open to the public? (vote on whiteboards)






10 How to answer written source Q (15 marks) Give a one sided answer including: 3-4 points made, using specific examples (from both source and own knowledge), fully explained, links back to Q. (Level 1 – A/B) 3 points made, some examples (including some own knowledge), some explanation, some points link back to Q. (Level 2 – C/D) (Level 3 - E/U) 1 or 2 points fully explained, or list of points, weak examples using source only and no discussion. (Level 3 - E/U)

11 How to answer written source Q (15 marks) Give a one sided answer including: 3-4 points made, using specific examples (from both source and own knowledge), fully explained, links back to Q. (Level 1 – A/B) 3 points made, some examples (including some own knowledge), some explanation, some points link back to Q. (Level 2 – C/D) (Level 3 - E/U) 1 or 2 points fully explained, or list of points, weak examples using source only and no discussion. (Level 3 - E/U)

12 3(a) Why do many feel that the public have a right to access open land in the countryside? (15 marks) 3 (b) Why might some argue against the right of free access to land in the countryside? (15 marks)


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