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Implementing Wolf Considering the implications for 14-19 vocational learning and progression to HE in a time of change November 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing Wolf Considering the implications for 14-19 vocational learning and progression to HE in a time of change November 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing Wolf Considering the implications for 14-19 vocational learning and progression to HE in a time of change November 2012

2 Outline of session Changes to Key Stage 4 Reform to 16-19 provision Other key reforms OCR’s response

3 Key Stage 4 – reform agenda (1) Wolf review and the academic core English and maths for all Removal of ‘perverse incentives’ Requirement for external assessment Removal of duty to provide work experience

4 Key Stage 4 – Reform agenda (2) Reintroduction of linear GCSEs Marks for Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Removal of re-sits

5 Key Stage 4 – reforms (3) Still to be introduced: revised criteria for vocational qualifications the introduction of the EBCs further changes to performance measures.

6 Reform of 16-19 provision Introduction of programmes of study – sizeable vocational qualification – English and maths – enrichment/employability activities English and maths remain core High quality work experience

7 Proposed reform of A Levels Linear Removal of AS? No re-sits HE ownership

8 Other related policy changes Removal of EMA Changes to the delivery of IAG Broader funding changes Diverging three country agendas

9 Emerging issues The needs of ‘non GCSE’ learners How to maintain access routes to HE Support for vocational learning and progression onwards

10 OCR’s response Subject/sector forums established Cambridge Nationals, Cambridge Technicals Numeracy and literacy provision Higher Apprenticeships

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