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Chapter 11 Human Development Across the Life Span.

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1 Chapter 11 Human Development Across the Life Span

2 Progress Before Birth: Prenatal Development 3 phases  germinal stage = first 2 weeks  conception, implantation, formation of placenta  embryonic stage = 2 weeks – 2 months  formation of vital organs and systems  fetal stage = 2 months – birth  bodily growth continues, movement capability begins, brain cells multiply  age of viability Fertilization Early Fetal Development Pregnancy weeks 1-9 Pregnancy weeks 10-14

3 Figure 11.1 Overview of fetal development

4 Environmental Factors and Prenatal Development Maternal nutrition  Malnutrition linked to increased risk of birth complications, neurological problems, and psychopathology Maternal drug use  Tobacco, alcohol, prescription, and recreational drugs  Fetal alcohol syndrome

5 Environmental Factors and Prenatal Development Maternal illness  Rubella, syphilis, mumps, genital herpes, AIDS (20%- 30% transmission rate  Herpes can cause microcephaly, paralysis, deafness, blindness, brain damage or fatal for newborns  Prenatal health care  Prevention through guidance


7 The Childhood Years: Motor Development Basic Principles  Cephalocaudal trend – “head to foot” (crawling with arms first)  Proximodistal trend – “center-outward” (turn torso before they learn to reach with an arm) Maturation – gradual unfolding of genetic blueprint, due to age not learning Developmental norms – median age  Cultural variations


9 Easy and Difficult Babies: Differences in Temperament Longitudinal vs. cross-sectional designs Thomas, Chess, and Birch (1970)  3 basic temperamental styles  easy – 40%  slow-to-warm-up – 15%  difficult – 10%  mixed – 35% Children were followed into adulthood and study found that temperament from age 3 months was stable at age 10

10 Easy and Difficult Babies: Differences in Temperament Kagan & Snidman (1991)  Inhibited vs. uninhibited temperament  inhibited – 15 - 20%  uninhibited – 25 - 30% stable over time, genetically based Studies have shown that adults with an inhibited temperament showed a stronger reaction in the amygdala to unfamiliar stimuli Temperament is not destiny, social interactions also shape our personality

11 Figure 11.6 Longitudinal versus cross-sectional research

12 Early Emotional Development: Attachment Harry Harlow’s Monkey Study – Contact Comfort Separation anxiety Starts around 6-8 months, peaks 14-18 months  Ainsworth (1979)  The strange situation and patterns of attachment  Secure  Anxious-ambivalent  Avoidant Developing secure attachment  Bonding at birth  Daycare  Cultural factors Evolutionary perspectives on attachment

13 Stage Theories of Development: Personality Stage theories, three components  progress through stages in order  progress through stages related to age  major discontinuities in development Erik Erikson (1963)  Eight stages spanning the lifespan  Psychosocial crises determining balance between opposing polarities in personality

14 Figure 11.10 Stage theories of development

15 Figure 11.11 Erikson’s stage theory

16 Stage Theories: Cognitive Development Jean Piaget (1920s-1980s)  Cognitive Development  4 stages and major milestones  Sensorimotor - (birth-age 2) Object permanence Object permanence (4-18 months)  Preoperational - (age 2- 7) Centration, Egocentrism, Conservation, Animism  Concrete Operational - (age 7- 11) Decentration, Reversibility, Conservation  Formal Operational - (age 11+) Abstraction (thinking about love, justice, freewill)  Piaget’s Stages Demonstrated in Children Piaget’s Stages Demonstrated in Children

17 Figure 11.12 Piaget’s stage theory

18 Figure 11.13 Piaget’s conservation task

19 Figure 11.14 The gradual mastery of conservation

20 The Development of Moral Reasoning Kohlberg (1976)  Reasoning as opposed to behavior  Moral dilemmas (Heinz Dilemma) Measured nature and progression of moral reasoning  3 levels, each with 2 sublevels  Preconventional  Conventional  Postconventional

21 Figure 11.17 Kohlberg’s stage theory

22 Adolescence: Physiological Changes Pubescence Puberty  Secondary sex characteristics  Not related to reproduction  Primary sex characteristics  Menarche  Sperm production  Maturation: early vs. late  Sex differences in effects of early maturation Early development can lead to less emotional stability and engagement in risky behavior

23 The Search for Identity James Marcia (1988)  4 identity statuses  Identity Diffusion Apathy, refuse to chart a course  Identity Foreclosure Doing whatever your parents expected, not challenging  Identity Moratorium Delaying commitment, exploring alternatives, should be temporary  Identity Achievement Sense of self and direction after exploring alternatives


25 The Expanse of Adulthood Personality development Social development Career development Physical changes Cognitive changes

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