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Using e-books and e-readers for adult learning Potential, issues and challenges By Sandie Gay, Tina Richardson & Paul Miller.

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Presentation on theme: "Using e-books and e-readers for adult learning Potential, issues and challenges By Sandie Gay, Tina Richardson & Paul Miller."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using e-books and e-readers for adult learning Potential, issues and challenges By Sandie Gay, Tina Richardson & Paul Miller

2 Background Popular technology Potential for education Focus on developing reading for pleasure and literacy skills Issues and challenges NIACE guide

3 Case study Newcastle City Learning Kindle Project funded by JISC Analysis-

4 Issues and Challenges Staff needs – training and familiarity Learners’ needs – familiarity and relevance Organisational considerations – DRM and licencing – Which device? – Maintenance and on going costs Guidelines and responsibilities for: – use with learners including content purchasing – lending devices to learners including in the event of loss or damage – for learners to use their own devices including smartphones Availability of suitable e-books for adult literacy learners

5 Claiming the technology for adult learning Create your own materials Contact the publishers Contact the author Contact the manufacturers of e-readers – Amazon, Sony, Kobo...tell them what you need to help learners!

6 Contact us with your comments Sandie Gay - Tina Richardson – Paul Miller – Buy the NIACE guide (to be published in October 2012)... Details: Pre-order on Amazon! – Plus a possible second guide with more........

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