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C LITERATE LY WILD Mona-Lynne Ayotte, Teacher-Librarian.

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1 C LITERATE LY WILD Mona-Lynne Ayotte, Teacher-Librarian

2 Survey Says: Adult reading habits Side 1 – Characteristic or habit On the first side of your paper please list: a characteristic or habit you possess that shows you are a reader… Can be point form Can be a sentence or longer…. Print your name on the form svp Fold – contest prizes! Side 2 – Non-Fiction On the second side of your paper, please indicate a non-fiction topic you read about– something unrelated to school possibly and something you are passionate about For example: Shannon and Emily from our school love to read travel adventure boos, and Shannon wants to go to Paris someday.

3 Illiteracy is Solvable! “Reading books is the only out-of-school activity for 16 year olds that is linked to getting a managerial or professional job in later life.” University of Oxford, 2011. Reading, math, and writing are basic literacies Literacy skills are required in other subjects Prose Literacy – texts, editorials, news stories, poems, fiction. Document Literacy – locate & use tables, graphs, schedules, charts, forms, and maps Quantitative Literacy – arithmetic operations embedded in documents, balance your bank account, how to tip, complete an order form. Viewing literacy: movies, art, graphic design, documentaries “Teachers who regularly read for pleasure are more likely to use recommended literacy practices in their classrooms than those teachers who do not engage in pleasure reading.” Donalyn Miller.

4 What adults do… Wild Readers Always have a book with them Plan for future reading & reading emergencies Have piles of books to read Belong to a reading community who talk about books and recommend them to others fostering connections with others. Inspire looking further into a topic and becoming a writer too! Teachers who bring in their reading life into their classroom provide opportunities to talk about their reading Reading in the “edges” Encourage students to pick up free reading materials when they finish an assignment – they can be from any discipline Encourage them to read during edge times – whenever they have a minute pick up something to read that isn’t on a device (to begin with)

5 In your classroom-providing access! Make your own literacy library : Display books, magazines, newspapers, academic articles recommended websites and apps. Share what you are reading! Encourage students to confer and move into self-selections of reading materials Create opportunities for students to preview, share and talk about what they are reading and what interests they have in your subject area or other. READ ALOUD to them! About various topics. Share, talk, listen. Provide forms and instruction booklets to fill out that are in your disciplines. Create makerspaces – areas with materials to create, network & consult. Instructional books & booklets as part of classroom library. Provide FREE reading time beyond instructional materials. Explore connections with reading materials: discuss ideas and have students share in class. Have them recommend other reading materials or items that connect to topic; like documentaries. Library. Bring them down to the school library, the public library and a bookstore. Self- selection is encouraged through exploration and recommendations.

6 Making more connections The Book – it can start here. The Movie Author Website Blog/newsletter Artificial Intelligence – courses in Winnipeg Expertise – Professor at U of W Gale Databases – AI &Robotic Technology Wired Magazine -AI Stephan

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