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Main Ingredients of the Gospel Examine My Gifts What is my place in teaching the gospel? NOT everyone is a teacher. You may be a(n)… Coordinator / INVITER.

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Presentation on theme: "Main Ingredients of the Gospel Examine My Gifts What is my place in teaching the gospel? NOT everyone is a teacher. You may be a(n)… Coordinator / INVITER."— Presentation transcript:

1 Main Ingredients of the Gospel Examine My Gifts What is my place in teaching the gospel? NOT everyone is a teacher. You may be a(n)… Coordinator / INVITER (John 1:46) ENCOURAGER (Acts 9:27) PRAYER (Colossians 4:2-4) But you may be a good TEACHER, too!

2 Main Ingredients of the Gospel The Bad News: Convince Them of Their Need People have to know WHY they try something; they must be CONVINCED. How do you show someone their need? Maybe they need HELP with marriage, kids, some relationship, or some sin Turn on the NEWS; talk about the state of the WORLD Use ECCLESIASTES 1-2, 12 – life without God Use GENESIS 1-3 – God’s plan; Man’s fall Use ISAIAH 5 – woe & destruction sin brings Use ROMANS 1:18-32 – talk about the list

3 Main Ingredients of the Gospel The Good News: Show Them Jesus Jesus is the One who fixes all things; the pinnacle of God’s plan from before the ages How do you show someone Jesus? Longer study: Use one of the GOSPELS Acts 2 (22-23– CRUCIFIED and buried; 24-31- RAISED; 32-36– EXALTED) 1 Cor. 15:1-11 (3– DIED for our sins; 4– buried; 4-8– raised; 10– amazing GRACE) Eph. 2:1-10 (1-3– BAD news; 4-7– GOOD news; 8-10– our purpose)

4 Main Ingredients of the Gospel The Biblical Response: Tell Them to Repent Here is the punch line of all gospel preaching: repent of your sins. Turn back to God so you can LIVE! Show them the COST of repentance Luke 14:26-33 – give up your LIFE; possessions Mark 8:34-38 – deny SELF; take up your CROSS; follow JESUS

5 Main Ingredients of the Gospel The Biblical Response: Tell Them to Repent Here is the punch line of all gospel preaching: repent of your sins. Turn back to God so you can LIVE! ILLUSTRATE repentance John the Baptist’s preaching (Luke 3:7-14) Jews on Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:37-47) Paul (Acts 9) Philippian Jailer (Acts 16:25-34)

6 Main Ingredients of the Gospel The Biblical Response: Tell Them to Repent Here is the punch line of all gospel preaching: repent of your sins. Turn back to God so you can LIVE! Show the BEAUTY of repentance Godly SORROW produces a beautiful spirit of humility, zeal, longing (2 Cor. 7:8-11) So that times of REFRESHING may come (Acts 3:19, 26)

7 Main Ingredients of the Gospel The Bad News: We have SINNED and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) The Good News: God sent JESUS into this world to make atonement for that sin (Romans 5:6-11) Our Response: He now commands all men everywhere to REPENT (Acts 17:30) and WALK with Him (Titus 2:11-14)

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