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The Project Name “The Finest Green Life” The Team Members.

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Presentation on theme: "The Project Name “The Finest Green Life” The Team Members."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Project Name “The Finest Green Life” The Team Members

2 Abstract Set the context of problem you are solving- Situation, Complication, Implication Core Message of the proposals and claims your project seeks to accomplish – Position, Action, Benefit

3 The Proposal Walk me through the details of your proposal in sufficient detail for me to understand it and how it would work. Substantiate your claims with prior art, your studies/analysis/models/ … some might be in the appendix. Sell me on your idea, stay on track, never make me wonder what you are proposing. Don’t try to tell me everything or about all the other possible ideas, flush out your proposal.

4 Visual Presentation Slides Pictures are interesting and you’ve collected some interesting ones You’ve got some good graphics tools available to showcase your ideas

5 Science Slides Describe the physical operation of your system physics equations, chemistry, or other quantitative measures. Energy inputs, efficiency of energy conversion steps, energy outputs

6 Overall Benefits Quantify non-financial benefits – reductions in energy use, greenhouse gas or other pollutants, stimulating behavior changes, public health, etc. Describe the addressable market size for the opportunity – how much could be saved nationwide

7 Return On Investment Slide What is the capital investment required to build your system? What are the operating costs: energy and other inputs, consumables, labor? What’s the value your system produces? How much value can be produced per year? What’s the useful life of the system?

8 Challenges/Risks/Opportunities You are selling your project, but the purpose of an initial feasibility proposal is to provide information to judges who provide grant funding so they can make an informed decision about which projects to fund. A well researched proposal is valuable if it explains the physics and economics of a project, even if it isn’t economically feasible. State your confidence in your proposal but show me you are being honest and open and will tell me all sides. Be balanced. There are no panaceas so tell me your concerns or gaps in your proposal, things you have yet to understand or work out. These could be physical or imagined barriers but need to be addressed for you proposal to work.

9 Call to Action If I decided to fund your proposal what would you need to succeed. Be specific. Justify my confidence in you by being able to describe with both confidence and knowledge what you are doing next or where you are going from here to make this happen.

10 Credits Team Names and contributions Recognize people and organizations that proved assistance, i.e. Kaleb Miller Zipcar Portland Marketing Manager. Community service and supporting education are core values for many organizations, and this provides them tangible recognition for their contributions.

11 Appendix Having thought through your proposal in great detail you have anticipated questions. Have the answers well thought out and ready to present here. Backup slides might detract from your main presentation, but be useful for questions you anticipate may be asked Provide sources, links, and other reference material for those who want more detail

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