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Guatemala Gage Calton Block: 5 Spanish Countries Project.

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1 Guatemala Gage Calton Block: 5 Spanish Countries Project

2 Where is Guatemala located? Central America Border’s Mexico

3 Spanish rule Spain started to take over different parts of Guatemala in 1523, but did not rule the whole country until 1527. Guatemala declared independence on September 15, 1821.

4 Would you like to visit Guatemala? I would like to visit my country, Guatemala. There are three volcanoes surrounding it, and mountains all around. There's also a lot of interesting, historic information about the Maya’s.

5 Interesting Facts Blue and white flag. National bird is the quetzal. Quetzal is also the name of their currency. 8 quetzal’s+ about 1 U.S. dollar. Guatemala used to own Belize, it was given to Britain in exchange for highways… these highways were never built. “Guatemala” means land of the trees in the Maya-Toltec language. President is Otto Pérez Molina.

6 Work cited la/history/colonial_period.htm la/history/colonial_period.htm 17641.html 17641.html

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