Britain Takes Over: British North America 1763-1867.

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1 Britain Takes Over: British North America 1763-1867

2 Governing the colonies ► At first, the British didn’t really ‘shake things up’. ► After the fall of Quebec in 1759, the status quo, or the same standard the French had been used to was maintained. ► But in 1763 things changed……

3 Royal Proclamation 1763 ► The Royal Proclamation (1763) ► (I call it the Assimilation Act…) made these changes:  The Western land is reserved for Indian territory  They reduced the size of Quebec  They introduced government by governor and council both appointed by the British King  Allowed to continue speaking their French language

4 Royal Proclamation (con’t) ► The official religion changed from Roman Catholic to Church of England (Protestant) ► The French people were promised, but never received an elected assembly

5 Royal Proclamation (con’t) ► The British legal system was introduced ► Many French Laws were abolished ► **Overall, it was an imposition of Anglicanization on the French** ► AKA = Assimilation of the French into English Culture

6 Class Discussion/Response ► What kind of tensions do you think existed between the French and the English? ► If you were a Canadien in British North America, how would you feel about the British Royal Proclamation Act?

7 The Quebec Act 1774 ► In 1774, the system of governance changed to the Quebec Act ► Due to a lack of enthusiasm from the French about the Royal Proclamation (no kidding) ► Purpose?: To gain French support in case the American Revolutionary wars spread north, Britain enacted a milder (more ‘French friendly’) system of government ► Quebec Act Brief explanation Quebec Act Brief explanation Quebec Act Brief explanation

8 The Quebec Act (con’t) ► This act enlarged the size of Quebec: which made the soon to be US Patriots angry!!! (Patriot = those wanting to separate from their Mother Country’s Power of Britain)

9 The Quebec Act (con’t) ► Guaranteed French Language Rights ► Opened up appointments on the council to French Canadians ► Established freedom of worship for French-Canadians ► Re-instated the seigniorial system (as opposed to feudal)

10 The size of Quebec before and after…. ► Figure 4-6 pp.113 ► The Proclamation Line 1763 ► Figure 4.9 pp. 115 ► BNA AFTER the Quebec Act

11 Overall….. ► French Seigneurs and Roman Catholics = Happy ► British residents living in Quebec and the 13 colonies….not so much….

12 Constitutional Act 1791 ► Finally, in 1791 British changed things again ► Divided the colony into 2 sections: Upper Canada (now ONT) and Lower Canada (now QUE)

13 Constitutional Act (con’t) ► Recognized 2 dominant groups in the colony ► Each area had a separate Appointed Governor and Council ► Each had an Elected Assembly ► It provided a British legal and land holding system for Upper Canada ► Preserved French Catholic rights in lower Canada

14 Significance ► These laws, standards laid framework for modern society  e.g. Capitalism/(free) private enterprise  English as main language  System of government modeled after Britain still seen today in Canada

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