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Northwest ISD From Staff Development To Career Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Northwest ISD From Staff Development To Career Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Northwest ISD From Staff Development To Career Development

2 The Staff Development Pieces

3 Professional Development The Badge PLCs Career Development Academies ORGANIZATIONAL Initiation, Implementation, & Institutionalization TEAM Campus-based, job- embedded INDIVIDUAL Personal Professional Development Plan

4 Professional Development The Badge PLCs Career Development Academies

5 WOW 2006 2011

6 WOW 2006 2011 PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITIES (PLCs) Peer Coaching Action Research Mentoring TIME MANAGEMENT S.M.A.R.T. Goals Protocols Pyramid of Intervention { { CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT TESA Taking the Mystery Out of Tests Campus Advisory Team Training

7 WOW 2006 2011 Bloom’s (depth) Multiple Intelligences DIFFERENTIATING INSTRUCTION STRUCTURES OF KNOWLEDGE (Complexity) FORMS OF ASSESSMENT Products, Performances & Portfolios Rubrics Questioning Strategies { { Lesson Design Framework SOK I - Overview SOK II – Concepts SOK III – Unit Design { SPECIAL POPS. GT Special Ed. ELL PreAP/AP Tutoring { Tiered Curriculum

8 WOW 2006 2011 Write from the Beginning THINKING MAPS Write to the Future Marzano Strategies 1-3 Marzano Strategies 4-6 Marzano Strategies 7-9 META - ANALYTIC STRATEGIES A Baker’s Dozen { { Student S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting Graphic Organizers CRISS Strategies Teaching Reading In the Content Areas Teaching Math In the Content Areas { DIFFERENTIATING INSTRUCTION Bloom’s (depth) Multiple Intelligences {

9 WOW 2006 2011 STATIONS SPECIAL POPS. GT Special Ed. ELL PreAP/AP Tutoring { Literacy Stations Math Stations { CONTENT SPECIFIC History Alive Inquiry Training Math ELA TEXTEAMS Larson Math Marilyn Burns TAKS Prep. { Six Traits Writing Scoring Tchr. Rdg. Acad. Compreh. Toolkit Guided Reading { { Language Acquisition

10 WOW 2006 2011 DATA ANALYSIS REVIEW OF RESEARCH LITERATURE Marzano Strategies 1-3 Marzano Strategies 4-6 Marzano Strategies 7-9 META – ANALYTIC STRATEGIES A Baker’s Dozen { TAKS CCAPS DMAC INOVA Benchmarks {

11 Cooperative Learning Design Qualities of Context Design Qualities of Choice Coaching for Design (C4D) { WOWWOW

12 WOW 2006 2011

13 WOW 2006 2011

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