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First Meeting Listening Comprehension. Listening 1.

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Presentation on theme: "First Meeting Listening Comprehension. Listening 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Meeting Listening Comprehension

2 Listening 1

3 Choose the best answer 1. I like to ____________ in the _________ with my ________. A. hiking B. running C. driving 2. My dad _______________ twice a week. A. weight lifting B. swimming C. basketball 3. He ____________________________________ to get exercise. A. bicycling B. soccer C. volleyball

4 4. She usually uses ___________________________________. A. pottery B. knitting C. painting 5. They went to the lake ______________________________. A. sailing B. bird watching C. fishing 6. How about getting out the board _____________________? A. snowboarding B. skating C. chess

5 7. ____________________________________________. A. baseball B. racketball C. golf 8. ____________________________________________. A. gardening B. art C. cooking 9. ____________________________________________. A. writing B. music C. reading 10. ____________________________________________. A. drawing B. photography C. computer games

6 Listening 2

7 Answer these simple questions: 1.What is his favourite sport? a. tennis b. football c. rugby d. cycling 2. Which sport does he hate? a. tennis b. football c. rugby d. cycling

8 3. Which other activity does he like? A. walking b. horse-riding c. going to supermarkets d. going to the pictures 4. Which other activity does he dislike? a. cycling b. horse-riding c. going to supermarkets d. going to the pictures

9 Listening 3

10 Listen to the English audio passage that includes expressions for hobbies and answer the questions below 1.What is John's main passion? 2.John is a _____________ buff. 3.John is an _____________ because he likes to hike and camp. 4.John is also a ____________ because he does things to help the community and children.

11 5. What does Dave like to play all day? 6. Dave is a Call of Duty _____________. He loves the game and plays it too much. 7. Dave will sometimes _____________ around with his dad's wood workiong tools. 8. With Dave one can sit around and do the ___________ thing

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