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The Pathway Leadership Team’s Role Kathleen Harris, Director Technical Assistance and Coaching

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2 The Pathway Leadership Team’s Role Kathleen Harris, Director Technical Assistance and Coaching

3 Pathway Leadership Teams strategize ways for the entire pathway team to have: Clarification – Program design, vision, mission, outcomes Commitment - Membership incentives and accountability Capacity - Knowledge, skills and resources needed to do the work Collaboration - Time, expectations, monitoring Connections- To parents, community, business/industry

4 Continuous Improvement ClarificationCommitmentCapacityCollaborationConnections Coaches

5 Pathway Leadership Series Our goal is to provide information, experiences, samples, suggestions and resources to help you build the capacity of the entire pathway team.

6 Site leadership Pathway Leadership Pathway Teams District systems that support

7 Pathway leadership team membership may vary…… Represents those who make decisions about: staffing scheduling recruitment and enrollment support services curriculum and instruction work-based learning resources and facilities

8 Schools with multiple pathways May have a school site leadership team But…. Should also have a pathway level leadership team that….. Connects responsibility and authority

9 Pathway Leadership Teams Might include: Principal Assistant Principal Counselor Lead Teacher CTE or Academic teacher WBL Coordinator Others critical to pathway success

10 Pathway Leadership Teams Interact regularly with the whole team, the advisory committee, and district leadership so that all critical pieces merge.

11 Pathway Certification Pathway leadership teams analyze gaps and determine the actions required for for the entire pathway team to create and execute a plan to reach certification quality

12 Building capacity might require: A district trainer who provides direct professional development Contracting external trainers Team members attending PD events

13 Building capacity might require: Coaches providing technical assistance during team meetings or site visits External technical assistance A lead teacher providing peer support by sharing or teaching processes or specific skills

14 Are the right members on your pathway leadership team? How will this team function to support the entire pathway team? Questions

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