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GRAVITY’S ROLE ON EARTH I can explain gravity’s affect on orbital motion.

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Presentation on theme: "GRAVITY’S ROLE ON EARTH I can explain gravity’s affect on orbital motion."— Presentation transcript:

1 GRAVITY’S ROLE ON EARTH I can explain gravity’s affect on orbital motion.

2 WHAT WAS GALILEO GALILEI’S THEORY? o Galileo said that if he dropped two balls from the Leaning Tower of Pisa, they would hit the ground at the same time. law of freely falling bodies o He was right! That led him the to law of freely falling bodies. no o There is no evidence that he actually did it, but he was the first scientist to use the results from experiments for evidence for a scientific theory.

3 WHAT IS EXACTLY GRAVITY??? o Gravity is a force of attraction between two objects. mass o All objects with mass have gravity. o Gravity acts like a magnet - pulling objects together. What causes gravity is not really known.

4 WHAT WOULD HAPPEN WITH GRAVITY IF YOU WERE ON THE MOON? o Apollo 11- o That was kind of like dropping a piece of paper and feather. o The moon is 1/4 the size of Earth, so the moon's gravity is much less than the earth's gravity, 83.3% (or 5/6) less to be exact. o If you were 100 pounds on the earth, you would be 16.6 pounds on the moon.

5 GRAVITY’S EFFECTS ON HUMANS… o Gravity is not just a force, it’s also a signal that tells the body how to act. o For one thing, it tells muscles and bones how strong they must be. o Muscle mass can vanish at a rate as high as 5% a week. o Blood also feels gravity

6 HOW DOES IT EFFECT THE PLANETS AND MOVING? o Gravity is a very important force. Every object in space exerts a gravitational pull on every other, and so gravity influences the paths taken by everything traveling through space. o It is the glue that holds together entire galaxies. o It keeps planets in orbit. o It makes it possible to use human-made satellites and to go to and return from the Moon.


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