T-76.115 Project Review Magnificent Seven Final demonstration 16.3.2005.

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Presentation on theme: "T-76.115 Project Review Magnificent Seven Final demonstration 16.3.2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 T-76.115 Project Review Magnificent Seven Final demonstration 16.3.2005

2 2 T-76.115 Project Review Agenda  Product presentation (5 min)  Overview  Customer benefits  Demo (20 min)  Project evaluation (10 min)  Project planning  Implementation 1  Implementation 2  Finalization & Delivery  Summary  Future work  Discussion and questions (5 min)

3 3 T-76.115 Project Review Product presentation

4 4 T-76.115 Project Review Product presentation Overview  IRMii is an information resource management software, which can be used to manage any type of resources.  Based on an old tool (IRM).  Essentially made for Nokia Networks to manage computer-related resources.  Interface between customers-lab personnel.  Reporting tool of resource availability and other related information.  Resource tracking IRMii Customer Administrator HTTP

5 5 T-76.115 Project Review Product presentation Benefits  Good control over resource usage  Good customer-administrator interaction  Any resources can be managed  Easy to learn  Easy to use  Integrated into Nokia intranet  Uses Nokia LDAP  Nokia look&feel  Implementation  Modular  Easy to maintain  Easy to develop further  Extended accessibility for customers  myirm  myprogramme  Easy to follow what is happening

6 6 T-76.115 Project Review Demonstration 20 min

7 7 T-76.115 Project Review Project evaluation

8 8 T-76.115 Project Review Project evaluation Project planning  First meetings with the customer to discuss the project domain.  Setup of infrastructure  Development platforms  Documentation system  Et cetera  Documented work practices  Deliverables  Project plan  Requirements document  Use cases  Problems  Unbalanced working hours  Slow start with PEAR learning  Requirements not studied enough  Installation of old IRM

9 9 T-76.115 Project Review Project evaluation Implementation1  System architectural work done.  Minor testing done.  Deliverables  Technical specification  Test plan and QA plan  Demonstration version of IRMii  Problems  Requirements changing.  Everyone still not understanding the system.  GUI specifications not done.  Installation of IRM

10 10 T-76.115 Project Review Project evaluation Implementation2  Most of implementation done.  Extraordinary work done despite materialized risks and problems.  Testing  Deliverables  Test cases  Test log  Test report  Peer test plan  Database migration plan  User’s and administrator’s guide  First version of IRMii  Problems  Lack of motivation  Slow progress  Hour usage

11 11 T-76.115 Project Review Project evaluation Finalization & Delivery  Finalization of system  Testing and bug fixing  Peer-testing  Deliverables  Final report  Final version of IRMii  Problems  Too few hours to do any new implementation

12 12 T-76.115 Project Review Project evaluation Summary – customer goals  Goals of the customer  8 goals have been met:  IRM as baseline  Fully-functional core system  Modular and extendable implementation  Source code follows conventions  GUI uses Nokia guidelines  Intranet-integrated authentication mechanism  Integrated customer front-end and administrator back-end  Migration plan for old data  1 goal still to be verified by the customer:  Light-weight and minimal overhead  1 goal not completely met:  Well-documented

13 13 T-76.115 Project Review Project evaluation Summary - requirements  Total 129 requirements of which 101 implemented.  Most requirements have been implemented and verified  A couple mandatory still not implemented, but they should maybe had been lower priority requirements.  Unbalanced prioritization  “impossible” to divide them in any other way.  IRM as baseline

14 14 T-76.115 Project Review Project evaluation Summary – quality assurance  12755 lines of code  7200 lines of comments  Only three bugs open  46 bugs closed  Quality assurance OK All bugsOpen bugs

15 15 T-76.115 Project Review Project evaluation Future work  Real-environment deployment will determine the level of quality.  What would be nice?  Searching/sorting functionalities  Reports  Notifications and announcements  Binary attachments  Fine-tuning the code  Event logging  (Automated) unit testing for all classes and GUIs  Documentation for users, administrators and developers  Roll-back option for actions (undo)  Knowledge base add-on

16 Thanks to Our customer Our mentor Course personnel

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