EXPO – 2017 ASTANA Malika Bekturova. 868000 population is ASTANA INFO PEOPLE 71000 total area is HECTARS average temperature (in summer) - 25C (77F) ASTANA.

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Presentation on theme: "EXPO – 2017 ASTANA Malika Bekturova. 868000 population is ASTANA INFO PEOPLE 71000 total area is HECTARS average temperature (in summer) - 25C (77F) ASTANA."— Presentation transcript:

1 EXPO – 2017 ASTANA Malika Bekturova

2 868000 population is ASTANA INFO PEOPLE 71000 total area is HECTARS average temperature (in summer) - 25C (77F) ASTANA

3 ASTANA INFRASTRUCTURE HARD INFRASTRUCTURE PUBLIC UTILITY 1 2 -HEATING SUPPLY -ELECTRICITY SUPPLY -WATER MANAGMENT SLIDE #8 ASTANA INFRASTRUCTURE -there are three major systems of, so called, “hard” infrastructure -first is ENERGY SYSTEMS including *heating supply *electricity supply -next is WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM comprising *water supply *wastewater collection *and stormwater drain -final section is TRANSPORTATION. It contains two important aspects *future road network expansion *and public transport SOFT INFRASTRUCTURE TRANSPORTATION 2 -AIR TRANSPORTATION -RAIL TRANSPORTATION -PUBLIC TRANSPORT -ROAD NETWORK HOSPITALITY 3 -HOTELS -RESTAURANTS CULTURE 4 -MUSEUMS/THEATRES -CONCERT HALLS -EXHIBITIONS -LIBRARIES -SHOPPING

4 Light Rail Transit (LRT) line 22,5 km New bus station New train station LRT depot Existing train station Existing bus station LRT STATION EXPO 2017 PUBLIC TRANSPORT: BUSES NEW TRAIN STATION BUS LANE IMPLEMENTATION 1 3 TYPES OF BUSES inner city bus 2 express bus 3 suburban bus WARM BUSSTOPS BUS TRACKING APP

5 More than 100 architectural and cultural monuments UNESCO “Peace Prize" 9 parks 6 concert halls 5 museums, 7 theaters 6813 events during the EXPO 2017 CULTURE

6 THE HOTEL INFRASTRUCTURE 187 hotels and hostels, 1600 apartments, which will accommodate 32 075 tourists/day: 5-star hotels - 5 hotels; 4 star - 23 hotels; 3 star - 23 hotels; without category - 103; Hostels - 33 objects By 2017: 24 new hotels 5-star hotels - 2 hotels; 4-star hotels - 5 hotels; 3 star - 7 hotels; without category - 10 hotels will accommodate ≈35160 tourists/day

7 "Summer City" project SLIDE #7 NUMBERS COMPARISON ……aaaand - provision of greater number of institutions like schools, kindergartens and clinics, was also considered rooms ≈ beds 500 rooms ≈ 3000 – 10 000 beds

8 TOURISM SLIDE #7 NUMBERS COMPARISON ……aaaand - provision of greater number of institutions like schools, kindergartens and clinics, was also considered Smart ticket Information desks desks sightseeing tours

9 Recommended by EXPO-2017 SLIDE #7 NUMBERS COMPARISON ……aaaand - provision of greater number of institutions like schools, kindergartens and clinics, was also considered specialized organization, formed by the Astana city hall in 2015 with the aim of developing tourism of the capital city and preparation for the EXPO-2017 Hotels Catering facilities, restaurants Guides Hostels Apartments Transport companies restaurants Guides Hostels Apartments Transport companies ASTANA CONVENTION BUREAU

10 Social Media, Web site for tourists with a virtual 3D tour – Astana 360° SLIDE #7 NUMBERS COMPARISON ……aaaand - provision of greater number of institutions like schools, kindergartens and clinics, was also considered

11 SLIDE #7 NUMBERS COMPARISON ……aaaand - provision of greater number of institutions like schools, kindergartens and clinics, was also considered PUBLIC SECURITY EXPO CCTV cameras will be integrated to Astana's CCTV surveillance system

12 MEDICAL CARE The city has 244 medical organizations k Additional at the EXPO city: - 6 emergency wards - 1 outpatient clinic - 8 ambulances at the exhibition

13 SLIDE #7 NUMBERS COMPARISON ……aaaand - provision of greater number of institutions like schools, kindergartens and clinics, was also considered STREET TRADE (1,000 PLACES)


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