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Branches of Philosophy Areas of Interest & Specialization.

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Presentation on theme: "Branches of Philosophy Areas of Interest & Specialization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Branches of Philosophy Areas of Interest & Specialization

2 “Branches” Different: o questions o concerns

3 Logic Effective reasoning o Solid argument Many rules still used today developed by Aristotle DEDUCTIVE reasoning (deduction) o Universal rules  Particular / specific events CERTAIN conclusions INDUCTIVE reasoning (induction) o Particular / specific events  Universal rules PROBABLE conclusions

4 Formal / Informal Logic Formal logic o The structure or “form” of the argument o Rules of inference Informal logic o “everyday” life uses of language / persuasion

5 Why? Help determine strength (or weakness) of arguments Evaluate arguments / judgments Improve our own arguing / critical thinking skills

6 Metaphysics Basic structure of reality / being o What is real? o What makes up the world? o What causes change? o Are things permanent? o What is time? o What is God?

7 Some early answers Thales: water the basic substance Others: o Earth, air, fire

8 Ethics How we should live our lives Study of our morals (i.e. right/wrong) Why right? Wrong? o Socrates, Confucius, Kant, Mill o Universal rules o Rules vary according to time / place

9 Epistemology What is possible to know How do we come to know? The study of knowledge What is knowledge? Two basic approaches: o Rationalists: reason! (mind) o Empiricists: sense experience

10 Social & Political Philosophy Fundamental principles: society / state Best forms of society & government Plato’s Republic: philosopher kings Justice o Distribution of goods o Sanctions for wrongdoing Family life Economics Social roles

11 Philosophy of Arts, Sciences, other Disciplines Aesthetics: philosophy of art o what is beauty? Philosophy of Science o how do we approach understanding our world today?

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