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AYP Aigner Allen Shoemaker Elementary  Shoemaker did not make AYP because of the following subjects:  Math  Writing.

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2 AYP Aigner Allen

3 Shoemaker Elementary  Shoemaker did not make AYP because of the following subjects:  Math  Writing

4 Shoemaker Elementary  When we looked at the data the students who were not meeting the requirement were the students who were enrolled in Math104 and English 203.  During the last two years we have had multiple teachers come and go in the Math and English department due to budget cuts.  Therefore our students do not have a permanent teacher in Math or English Class.

5 Shoemaker Elementary  The way to correct this.  The board will hold positions for these two subjects and hire a teacher for a full time position.

6 Teacher qualifications  Duties and Responsibilities:  Implement Mastery’s curriculum and utilize classroom routines and procedures with consistency  Develop rigorous lesson plans, homework assignments and assessments  Work closely with school leaders to analyze student assessment data and use data to inform instruction  Collaborate in grade level teams to discuss student work, share best practices, and ensure student mastery of standards  Form and maintain relationships with students’ families, including phone calls and conferences  Participate in on-going professional development in the spirit of continuous improvement  Qualifications:  Ability to adjust instructional strategies in order to reach year-end goals  Receptiveness to feedback and a desire to continuously improve  A strong sense of personal accountability for student achievement  A belief that all students should be held to high standards  A positive attitude and a drive for personal excellence  Outstanding instructional skills, including the ability to motivate and challenge students and maintain an orderly classroom environment

7 Teacher Qualifications  Education and Experience:  Bachelor’s degree required; Master’s degree preferred  Job applicants must have appropriate NJ state teacher certification (New Jersey Standard Certificate, Certificate of Eligibility (CE) or Certificate of Eligibility with Advanced Standing (CEAS)  Demonstrated expertise in subject area  Classroom teaching experience in an urban school setting  Documented experience using data-driven instruction to achieve significant student gains

8 Shoemaker Elementary  Hiring two new staff will eliminate the problem of the students not having a steady teacher.  Also the students will now have :  Consistency  Assistance  A regular schedule  Assignments  Practice

9 The effectiveness of current practices  As a principle I will:  Do observations in each classroom, and make notes and suggestions to give to the teachers.  Reinforce teachers to utilize technology and online software that will encourage the students to practice.  Reinforce practice tests.  Make learning fun

10 Ineffective teaching  To ensure that teachers are being aware of their own teaching strategies, teachers will undergo a series of pop observations. These observations will be from the principle and other teachers.  The observers will take notes, and document whether the lesson was understandable, interesting, fun, etc.

11 Ineffective teaching  The observers will also note the students and teacher interactions during the lesson.  Where the students:  On task  Interacting (answering and asking questions)  Was the teacher able to answer the students questions  Was the teacher well knowledgeable of the subject

12 Ineffective teaching  Teachers will then use these observations to improve there classrooms.  If further information is needed on if the strategies of the teachers are ineffective the next step would be to gather information from the students.

13 Meet the needs of the learners  To ensure that Shoemaker makes AYP this year and every year the school will:  Incorporate modern technology into academics  Reinforce student tutors.  Not promote teaching the test but promote healthy learning.  Make learning fun and interesting.  Give students the adequate helping time during and after school hours.

14 Meet the needs of the learners  The 21st century is a great time to get our learners engaged. The 21st century has given birth to so many new cool things. Technology has grown so much over these years. We are able to do and perform things that we would have never imagined. As times change so should lesson plans and course work. Education should reflect what is going on in the world today while knowing what paved the way for them to reach this point in life.

15 Meet the needs of the learners  The school will supply in school use laptops.  Students who have their own laptop and other devices that may be used for educational purposes are given permission to bring them to school daily.

16 Tools and Strategies  Community and Family involvement  Online study websites and programs;  Such as :  First in Math  A home based parent portal (where parents can see their child’s grades an assignment from home)

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