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Universal Design, Assistive Technology, and Diversity in the School Media Center Created by Amy Savage.

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1 Universal Design, Assistive Technology, and Diversity in the School Media Center Created by Amy Savage

2 Topic My research explores the role of the school Media Center and the school Media Specialist in Universal Design for Learning. In this research, it is understood that diversity and assistive technology both play a part in UDL. UDL addresses the needs of all students, making education more appealing and accessible to a very diverse population. In addition, assistive technology can serve to make education more accessible not only to students with learning barriers but to all students.

3 Article Gavigan, K., & Kurtts, S. (2009). AT, UD, and Thee: Using Assistive Technology and Universal Design for Learning in 21st Century Media Centers. Library Media Connection, 27(4), 54-56. This is the key article in my research. The authors look closely at the role of Media Specialists and Media Centers in providing instructional approaches to a diverse student population. Over the last decade, school libraries have evolved into Media Centers, and Media Specialists are now the go-to people in school for all types of technology, including assistive technology.

4 What is Universal Design for Learning? Universal design for learning (UDL) is a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn (CAST).CAST UDL is a set of principles for curriculum development that give all individuals equal opportunities for learning (National Center on Universal Design for Learning).National Center on Universal Design for Learning

5 What is Assistive Technology Assistive technology is and umbrella term that includes assistive, adaptive, and rehabilitative devices for people with disabilities and also includes the process used in selecting, locating, and using them. Assistive technology promotes greater independence by enabling people to perform tasks that they were formerly unable to accomplish or had great difficulty accomplishing, by providing enhancements to, or changing methods of interacting with, the technology needed to accomplish such tasks (Wikipedia).Wikipedia

6 What is Diversity The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences. These can be along the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other ideologies. It is the exploration of these differences in a safe, positive, and nurturing environment. It is about understanding each other and moving beyond simple tolerance to embracing and celebrating the rich dimensions of diversity contained within each individual (Definition of Diversity).Definition of Diversity

7 Types of Assistive Technology for Visual Impairments Screen Magnifiers – There are a variety of screen magnifiers available. Most computers today come with a built-in ability to magnify the screen. Natural Reader – This is free text to speech software that will read PDF files, e-books, webpages, and even print books. Versions are available for Windows and Mac systems. Natural Reader Window-Eyes Free for Office – This is free text to speech software is available to users of Office 2010 and newer. A valid software license is required. Window-Eyes Free for Office

8 Types of Assistive Technology for Hearing Impairments Closed Captioning – Closed Captioning is a text version of spoken language. Youtube and Teachertube type videos that are often used within schools can be watched with closed captioning turned on. Microphones worn by instructor – these types of microphones come in various forms. They are worn around the neck of the instructor, and work with the student’s auditory assistive device.

9 Types of Assistive Technology for Motor Disabilities Dragon Dictation App – Easy to use voice recognition application. Allows you to speak quickly and naturally. Dragon Dictation App Windows Voice Recognition – an east to set up speech recognition extension for Windows based machines. This requires a built-in or external microphone. Windows Voice Recognition Proloquo2go – Offers English and Spanish symbol supported communication. Proloquo2go

10 Types of Assistive Technology for Concentration Barriers Mindnode – Mindnode offers an easy way to map your thoughts and ideas. It an effective tool for ALL students, not just students with concentration barriers. Mindnode Paperport Notes App – This digital note-taking tool for the iPad allows students an easy way to create and share information. This tool allows you to combine documents, notes, audio, web information, and handwritten notes into one document. Paperport Notes App

11 Types of Assistive Technology for Language and Decoding Barriers Read & Write – This is an extension for Google Chrome. It supports Google Docs as well as the web. This tool helps students become better readers, writers, and researchers. Read & Write Merriam Webster Online Dictionary and Thesaurus – This online tool allows students to look up unfamiliar words. There is also a Spanish language tool that could be useful to Spanish-speaking students who are learning English or for English-speaking students with a desire to become familiar with the Spanish language. Merriam Webster Online Dictionary and Thesaurus

12 Examples of Universal Design in School Media Centers Physical Access to the Facility Multi-media Formats Talking Books Large Print Texts Braille Books Databases Digital Catalogs Adjustable Desktops Headsets Kurzweil Personal Reader

13 Helpful Links Assistive Technology: 10 Things to Know Article South Carolina Assistive Technology Program Assistive Technology: Resource Roundup The School Library Benefits Everyone: Technology, Approaches, and Resources for Serving Students with Special Needs The School Library Benefits Everyone: Technology, Approaches, and Resources for Serving Students with Special Needs Assistive Technology An Introductory Guide for K–12 Library Media Specialists by Janet Hopkins with a chapter by JP Schnapper-Casteras Assistive Technology An Introductory Guide for K–12 Library Media Specialists by Janet Hopkins with a chapter by JP Schnapper-Casteras

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