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Assistive Technology Monmouth Beach School 2011. Assistive Technology Devices  AT is any piece of equipment used to increase and improve capabilities.

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Presentation on theme: "Assistive Technology Monmouth Beach School 2011. Assistive Technology Devices  AT is any piece of equipment used to increase and improve capabilities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assistive Technology Monmouth Beach School 2011

2 Assistive Technology Devices  AT is any piece of equipment used to increase and improve capabilities.  IEP teams provide a wide range of assistive technology solutions.  AT may include modifications, accommodations or instructional technology required by the student.  AT includes tools and strategies that are part of the Universal Design for Learning.

3 Guiding Questions  What do we want the student to be able to accomplish?  Can the student achieve the goal independently using standard classroom materials?  If not, can the student achieve the goals when provided with modifications?  If not, can the student accomplish the task when provided with available assistive technology?  If not, what additional support is needed?

4 The Power of AP  “Through the use of a variety of assistive technologies, students with disabilities can have the ability to access the general curriculum”  “When assistive technology is appropriately integrated into the regular classroom, students are provided with multiple means to complete their work.” Jendron, Janet, (2011) The Power of Assistive Technology.

5 Assistive Technology can be something simple like a magnifying glass or a complex computer networking system Assistive Technology can be something simple like a magnifying glass or a complex computer networking system.

6 Assistive Technology Fosters Inclusion AT allows students with disabilities to have access to the same material as other students AT provides students with disabilities the same opportunities for learning as other students.

7 How does Assistive Technology benefit all students? At risk students  Students not easily identified can benefit from the availability of AT to the general population. General Population  15 – 20% of students are in need of some type of ‘cognitive task assistance’.  AT helps in all subject content.

8 How can teachers embrace Assistive Technology? Have computers in classroom set up with software for students in need of AT. Include AT in lesson plans. Familiarize other students with AT devices in the classroom. Use AT whenever possible: enlarge fonts, amplification devices, computers and calculators.

9 Areas affected by Assistive Technology Math Mobility Vision Hearing Computer access Written material Communication Reading

10 Examples of AT in Classroom  AT NEED EXAMPLE  Computer access Unable to access -Word prediction  -Switches  -Voice Recognition  -Alternate keyboard  -Pointing options  Writing Student difficulties -Pen/pencil grip  -Adapted paper  -Writing templates  -Word processors  - Word card/book  - Spell checker  - Software

11 Examples of AT in Classroom  AT NEED EXAMPLE  Alternative Speech difficulty -Communication communication board - Eye gaze board -Voice output device -Speech synthesis Reading Reading difficulty -Predictable text - Book adapted for page turning - Electronic books -Single word scanner -Talking software

12 Examples of AT in Classroom AT NEED EXAMPLE Learning/Studying Work not done -Highlighters -Recorded material -Hand held scanner -Electronic organizer - Print/pic schedule Math Not keeping up -Number line -Enlarged worksheets -Calculators -Talking clock -Voice output measuring device

13 Examples of AT in Classroom AT NEED EXAMPLE Vision Difficulty seeing -Eyeglasses -Magnifying glass -Large print -CCTV Hearing Difficulty Hearing -Pen and paper - TTD/TTY phone -Signaling devices -Closed caption -Hearing aids

14 Advice for Teachers -Use Technology -Learn how use AT devices -Familiarize class with AT -Incorporate AT in lessons -Ask for help if needed -Sit in IEP meetings -Work with parents and special education teams

15 Additional Resources Family Center on Technology and Disability National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities Center for Implementing Technology in Education Assistive Technology in the Classroom

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