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Lesson 42 The Hurricane 盐城市一中 徐志琴. Pre-reading: What natural disasters do you know? earthquake flood typhoon fire volcano snow slide snow slide mudflow.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 42 The Hurricane 盐城市一中 徐志琴. Pre-reading: What natural disasters do you know? earthquake flood typhoon fire volcano snow slide snow slide mudflow."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 42 The Hurricane 盐城市一中 徐志琴

2 Pre-reading: What natural disasters do you know? earthquake flood typhoon fire volcano snow slide snow slide mudflow tornado sandstorm

3 Earthquake

4 Fire

5 typhoon

6 Snow slide

7 mudflow

8 Flood

9 Flood

10 Volcano

11 Sandstorm

12 Tornado

13 Hurricane

14 1.When and where did the hurricane happen? 2.How many people lost their lives? : Questions :


16 1.When and where did the hurricane happen? 2.How many people lost their lives? : Questions :

17 Read the text quickly and quietly and then choose the correct answers. Skimming

18 Reading comprehension: 1. What’s true about the damage of the hurricane? A. More than nineteen people lost their lives B. All of the telephones broke down C. Water supply was cut off D. Fifteen million trees were cut into halves 2. The second paragraph explains to us_______. A. why England usually has plenty of rain B. why Scotland sometimes has very strong winds C. why the hurricane blew down these trees easily D. why the hurricane happened in the southeast of England C. Water supply was cut off. C. why the hurricane blew down these trees easily

19 3. Electricity was cut off because _______. A. water supply was cut off too B. electricity lines were brought down by the falling trees C. fifteen million trees were blown down D. a hurricane would come 4. Who helped to get things back to normal after the hurricane? A.Army soldiers B. Government officials C. Citizens D. Army soldiers, electricity and telephone workers B. electricity lines were brought down by the falling trees D. Army soldiers, electricity and telephone workers.

20 Read the text again and then do some exercises. Scanning

21 damage caused by the hurricane hurricane happening damage repaired the reasons why trees were pushed over very easily examples of lucky escapes Para.1 Para.2 Para.3 Para.4 Para.5 Main idea of each paragraph

22 Retell the passage with the help of pictures and key words given. : Retelling :

23 hurricane, struck, EnglandScotland, England ground, wet, leaves on Trees, electricity lines, telephone poles, bring down water supply, cut off clean roads, army called in workers, help repair, damage

24 List the things we could do before and after a hurricane? : Discussion :

25 Build strong houses Live in the houses with tall trees around Bury the lines underground Forecast ( 预报 ) the weather accurately Prepare some clothes, raincoats, sleeping bags, a flashlight, bottles of drinking water, and canned food.

26 Pay close attention to weather forecast. Get a first aid case and some necessary medicines prepared. Take with you useful things inside your house that could be swept away by the wind. Shut all the windows of your house. Hide in a safer place – a friend’s home far away from the hurricane.

27 Clear the roads and paths. Repair all the broken electricity lines and telephone lines. Give quick first aid. Donate money to help repair damage.

28 运用下表中所提供的信息,描述飓风的有关情况。 词数: 100 词左右。 时间 1987 年 10 月 16 日 地点英国东南部 原因 临海、受海洋影响,多雨、强风,容易受飓 风侵袭。 后果 大部分地区洪水淹没, 19 人死亡,房屋倒塌, 大树掀起,交通堵塞,断电造成无法供水等。 预防措施掌握天气变化规律,搞好天气预报工作。 Homework:


30 Why were the trees pushed over easily? England usually has plenty of rain every month of the year. Scotland sometimes has very strong winds. It had been raining heavily for two days and the ground was very wet. The trees still had their leaves on.

31 trees blown down roads, paths railway lines blocked electricity lines brought down telephone poles brought down electricity cut off water supply cut off Completely-changed world

32 winds of up to 160 kphhigh and strong winds heavy rain trees blown down and pushed over houses completely changed water supply cut off electricity lines and telephone poles brought down words used to describe the hurricane

33 hurricane, struck, England

34 Scotland, England

35 ground, wet, leaves on

36 trees, electricity lines, telephone poles, brought down, water supply, cut off

37 clean roads army called in workers, help repair, damage

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