Tuesday’s Schedule Math Frenzy! Equivalent Ratios Warm-up Activity Class VS. Teacher Exit Ticket! No Homework!

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday’s Schedule Math Frenzy! Equivalent Ratios Warm-up Activity Class VS. Teacher Exit Ticket! No Homework!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday’s Schedule Math Frenzy! Equivalent Ratios Warm-up Activity Class VS. Teacher Exit Ticket! No Homework!

2 Equivalent Ratios Warm-up! 1.While working on your Frenzy today you had a paper placed on your desk that has one of the following ratio representations displayed on it: Ratio Ratio Table Coordinate Plane Double Number Line Tape Diagram

3 Equivalent Ratios Warm-up! 2.Your goal is to look at your ratio representation and find others in this room who have an equivalent ratio to yours! Start off by taking one minute to fill in the box below your representation… “A ratio I see represented here is…” “Can it be simplified?”

4 Equivalent Ratios Warm-up! 3.Any questions? You will have 5-7 minutes to walk around the room and find all the students that have equivalent ratios to yours. Stand in a group together until the teacher says the time/activity is complete! Get started!

5 Warm-up Wrap-up! How did you simplify your ratio? Could you simply look at someone’s ratio and see right away if it was equivalent without it being simplified? Why or why not? With what ways or representations can we express a ratio?

6 Teacher VS. Class! Review on how to play… You will work with your table groups to solve problems on the board. NEW RULE! The teacher will choose a student/group at random with popsicle sticks to answer. Make sure everyone participates! Correct answers add 1 point to the class score. Incorrect answers add 1 point to the teacher score. CAN YOU WORK AS A CLASS TO WIN???

7 Teacher VS. Class TEACHERCLASS Every 10 minutes Jared makes $30 mowing lawns in his neighborhood. Which graph accurately displays an equivalent ratio and WHY? A. B.

8 Teacher VS. Class TEACHERCLASS Which coordinate plane is equivalent to this tape diagram? A. B.

9 Teacher VS. Class Based on this ratio table, what interval should you count by on the x-axis? What interval should you count by on the y-axis? AB 620 1240 1860 TEACHERCLASS X-axis should count by 6 Y-axis should count by 20

10 Teacher VS. Class TEACHERCLASS AB 2030 4060 90 Which coordinate plane is equivalent to the ratio table? A. B. C.

11 Teacher VS. Class Which coordinate plane does not represent equivalent ratios and WHY? A. B. C. TEACHERCLASS

12 Teacher VS. Class If Molly drove for 25 minutes, how many miles did she drive? TEACHERCLASS Minutes Miles 5 10 15 20 25 30 1412108642 8 miles

13 Teacher VS. Class TEACHERCLASS If you were to graph the ratio 6:7 you would… A. B. Go left 6, up 7 Go up 6, right 7 C.Go right 6, up 7

14 Teacher VS. Class TEACHERCLASS Plot the points in this ratio table on the coordinate plane. AB 23 46

15 Teacher VS. Class TEACHERCLASS Which ratio representation doesn’t belong and WHY? A. B. 12:20 C. AB 3050 3660 4270 D.(6, 15)

16 EXIT TICKET: You need ½ a sheet of paper out! 1.Which ratio relationship doesn’t belong and WHY? A. B. C. 2.Plot the points from the ratio table on a coordinate plane. *What interval should you count by on each axis? *Include labels! *Which topic would go on the x-axis? Seconds or Heart Beats? You text your friend 24 times for every 32 minutes that pass by. 1. Which ratio relationship doesn’t belong and WHY? 2. Plot the points from the ratio table on a coordinate plane.

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