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1. Descriptions / Observations of Commonalities 3. Definition 2. Actual Word + Part of Speech4. Sentence.

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3 1. Descriptions / Observations of Commonalities 3. Definition 2. Actual Word + Part of Speech4. Sentence

4 Additional Letters: h b i a l __ __ y r __ n t __

5 Additional Letters: h b i a labyrinth

6 labyrinth (noun) Definition: A complicated maze; an intricate arrangement of paths Sentence: Locked away in the asylum, Fritz soon found himself trapped in the inescapable labyrinth of his own mind.

7 __ o n __ t __ __ __ u s Additional Letters: o m o o n

8 monotonous Additional Letters: o m o o n

9 monotonous (adjective) Definition: Dull or boring due to repetition; lacking in variety Sentence: His monotonous tone could use a spark of enthusiasm.

10 Additional Letters: l u g i d __ v __ __ __ e

11 Additional Letters: l u g i divulge

12 divulge (verb) Definition: To disclose or reveal (something private, secret, or previously unknown) Sentence: The journalist swore to never divulge the identity of her source.

13 Additional Letters: a s n t n __ t __ g __ a __ __

14 Additional Letters: a s n t n stagnant

15 stagnant (adjective) Definition: Motionless, still, or inactive Sentence: Not even a wave rippled in the stagnant pool.

16 __ r __ g a __ Additional Letters: u f l

17 frugal Additional Letters: u f l

18 frugal (adjective) Definition: Thrifty; careful or prudent with spending; not wasteful Sentence: The frugal mother clipped coupons to maximize her grocery savings.

19 Additional Letters: a m e d __ e __ n __ __ r

20 Additional Letters: a m e d meander

21 meander (verb) Definition: To wander aimlessly; to take a winding course Sentence: The children meandered through the flowered valley without a care in the world.

22 Begin writing a short story, continue a previous short story, or create sentences incorporating the words covered this week. labyrinth monotonous divulge stagnant frugal meander Make sure to use proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, word usage, etc.

23 Additional Letters: u a l e l c __ __ p __ b __ __

24 culpable Additional Letters: u a l e l

25 culpable (adjective) Definition: Deserving blame; at fault; blameworthy Sentence: The CEO of the company was culpable for deliberately leaking trade secrets.

26 Additional Letters: a y c u a __ d __ __ i t __

27 Additional Letters: a y c u audacity

28 audacity (noun) Definition: Willingness to take risks; boldness, especially with confidence or arrogance Sentence: The audacity of the soldier’s tactics was questioned by his superiors.

29 Additional Letters: e t u r __ f __ __ __

30 Additional Letters: e t u refute

31 refute (verb) Definition: To prove wrong or false (a statement, claim, or theory) Sentence: The lawyer could not refute the evidence against her client.

32 __ r __ __ m a __ __ c Additional Letters: a i p g t

33 pragmatic Additional Letters: a i p g t

34 pragmatic (adjective) Definition: Practical, realistic, or sensible Sentence: He offered a pragmatic solution for the problem.

35 __ n c __ h __ __ __ n t Additional Letters: o i r e

36 incoherent Additional Letters: o i r e

37 incoherent (adjective) Definition: Disjointed, confused, or jumbled; lacking unity Sentence: Understanding Grandma’s incoherent slurring of words proved to be a challenge.

38 __ __ __ x Additional Letters: o h a

39 hoax Additional Letters: o h a

40 hoax (noun) Definition: Something intended to deceive; a prank or joke Sentence: The images of Bigfoot were just a hoax.

41 Begin writing a short story, continue a previous short story, or create sentences incorporating the words covered this week. culpable audacity refute incoherent pragmatic hoax Make sure to use proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, word usage, etc.

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