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CRETACEOUS PERIOD FACTS Find out more facts about the Cretaceous period.

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2 CRETACEOUS PERIOD FACTS Find out more facts about the Cretaceous period

3 LANDSCAPE AND CLIMATE Warm and dry climate. The super continent Pangaea was drifting apart. The Tethys Ocean separated the northern Laurasia and southern Gondwana.

4 ANIMALS Birds, fish, lizards, snakes, snails, clams, insects, mammals.

5 PLANTS AND VEGETATION Flowering plants started to appear, black pepper plant,thought to be 122 million years old.

6 BREEDS OF DINOSAURS T-rex, Ankylosaurus, Gigantosaurus, Hadrosaurus, Megaraptor, Orinthomimus, Seismosaurus, Triceratops, Troodon.

7 ANKLYOSAURUS Bony plates on back, spikes, heavy club on the end of tail. 20.5 feet long, 4.9 feet wide, 5.6 tall, 4 tons It ate low lying plants Triangular skull, narrow beak

8 TRICERATOPS Bulky – like a rhino Bony neck frill,parrot like beak,cheek teeth Walked on four sturdy legs Three horns on face Scales

9 T-REX T-rex was ”King of all the dinosaurs” Huge head Arms couldn’t reach it’s own head

10 END OF CRETACEOUS PERIOD ended  The dinosaurs ended with a huge meteorite hitting the earth dinosaurs in cretaceous period

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